/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include "tnccs_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct private_tnccs_manager_t private_tnccs_manager_t; typedef struct tnccs_entry_t tnccs_entry_t; typedef struct tnccs_connection_entry_t tnccs_connection_entry_t; /** * TNCCS constructor entry */ struct tnccs_entry_t { /** * TNCCS protocol type */ tnccs_type_t type; /** * constructor function to create instance */ tnccs_constructor_t constructor; }; /** * TNCCS connection entry */ struct tnccs_connection_entry_t { /** * TNCCS connection ID */ TNC_ConnectionID id; /** * TNCCS instance */ tnccs_t *tnccs; /** * TNCCS send message function */ tnccs_send_message_t send_message; /** * TNCCS request handshake retry flag */ bool *request_handshake_retry; /** * collection of IMV recommendations */ recommendations_t *recs; }; /** * private data of tnccs_manager */ struct private_tnccs_manager_t { /** * public functions */ tnccs_manager_t public; /** * list of TNCCS protocol entries */ linked_list_t *protocols; /** * rwlock to lock the TNCCS protocol entries */ rwlock_t *protocol_lock; /** * connection ID counter */ TNC_ConnectionID connection_id; /** * list of TNCCS connection entries */ linked_list_t *connections; /** * rwlock to lock TNCCS connection entries */ rwlock_t *connection_lock; }; METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, add_method, void, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, tnccs_type_t type, tnccs_constructor_t constructor) { tnccs_entry_t *entry; entry = malloc_thing(tnccs_entry_t); entry->type = type; entry->constructor = constructor; this->protocol_lock->write_lock(this->protocol_lock); this->protocols->insert_last(this->protocols, entry); this->protocol_lock->unlock(this->protocol_lock); } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, remove_method, void, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, tnccs_constructor_t constructor) { enumerator_t *enumerator; tnccs_entry_t *entry; this->protocol_lock->write_lock(this->protocol_lock); enumerator = this->protocols->create_enumerator(this->protocols); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (constructor == entry->constructor) { this->protocols->remove_at(this->protocols, enumerator); free(entry); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->protocol_lock->unlock(this->protocol_lock); } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, create_instance, tnccs_t*, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, tnccs_type_t type, bool is_server) { enumerator_t *enumerator; tnccs_entry_t *entry; tnccs_t *protocol = NULL; this->protocol_lock->read_lock(this->protocol_lock); enumerator = this->protocols->create_enumerator(this->protocols); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (type == entry->type) { protocol = entry->constructor(is_server); if (protocol) { break; } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->protocol_lock->unlock(this->protocol_lock); return protocol; } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, create_connection, TNC_ConnectionID, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, tnccs_t *tnccs, tnccs_send_message_t send_message, bool* request_handshake_retry, recommendations_t **recs) { tnccs_connection_entry_t *entry; entry = malloc_thing(tnccs_connection_entry_t); entry->tnccs = tnccs; entry->send_message = send_message; entry->request_handshake_retry = request_handshake_retry; if (recs) { /* we assume a TNC Server needing recommendations from IMVs */ if (!charon->imvs) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "no IMV manager available!"); free(entry); return 0; } entry->recs = charon->imvs->create_recommendations(charon->imvs); *recs = entry->recs; } else { /* we assume a TNC Client */ if (!charon->imcs) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "no IMC manager available!"); free(entry); return 0; } entry->recs = NULL; } this->connection_lock->write_lock(this->connection_lock); entry->id = ++this->connection_id; this->connections->insert_last(this->connections, entry); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); DBG1(DBG_TNC, "assigned TNCCS Connection ID %u", entry->id); return entry->id; } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, remove_connection, void, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, TNC_ConnectionID id) { enumerator_t *enumerator; tnccs_connection_entry_t *entry; this->connection_lock->write_lock(this->connection_lock); enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (id == entry->id) { this->connections->remove_at(this->connections, enumerator); if (entry->recs) { entry->recs->destroy(entry->recs); } free(entry); DBG1(DBG_TNC, "removed TNCCS Connection ID %u", id); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, request_handshake_retry, TNC_Result, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, bool is_imc, TNC_UInt32 imcv_id, TNC_ConnectionID id, TNC_RetryReason reason) { enumerator_t *enumerator; tnccs_connection_entry_t *entry; if (id == TNC_CONNECTIONID_ANY) { DBG2(DBG_TNC, "%s %u requests handshake retry for all connections " "(reason: %u)", is_imc ? "IMC":"IMV", reason); } else { DBG2(DBG_TNC, "%s %u requests handshake retry for connection ID %u " "(reason: %u)", is_imc ? "IMC":"IMV", id, reason); } this->connection_lock->read_lock(this->connection_lock); enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (id == TNC_CONNECTIONID_ANY || id == entry->id) { *entry->request_handshake_retry = TRUE; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, send_message, TNC_Result, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, TNC_IMCID imc_id, TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID id, TNC_BufferReference msg, TNC_UInt32 msg_len, TNC_MessageType msg_type) { enumerator_t *enumerator; tnccs_connection_entry_t *entry; tnccs_send_message_t send_message = NULL; tnccs_t *tnccs = NULL; TNC_VendorID msg_vid; TNC_MessageSubtype msg_subtype; msg_vid = (msg_type >> 8) & TNC_VENDORID_ANY; msg_subtype = msg_type & TNC_SUBTYPE_ANY; if (msg_vid == TNC_VENDORID_ANY || msg_subtype == TNC_SUBTYPE_ANY) { DBG1(DBG_TNC, "not sending message of invalid type 0x%08x", msg_type); return TNC_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } this->connection_lock->read_lock(this->connection_lock); enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (id == entry->id) { tnccs = entry->tnccs; send_message = entry->send_message; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); if (tnccs && send_message) { send_message(tnccs, imc_id, imv_id, msg, msg_len, msg_type); return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, provide_recommendation, TNC_Result, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID id, TNC_IMV_Action_Recommendation rec, TNC_IMV_Evaluation_Result eval) { enumerator_t *enumerator; tnccs_connection_entry_t *entry; recommendations_t *recs = NULL; this->connection_lock->read_lock(this->connection_lock); enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (id == entry->id) { recs = entry->recs; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); if (recs) { recs->provide_recommendation(recs, imv_id, rec, eval); return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } return TNC_RESULT_FATAL; } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, get_attribute, TNC_Result, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID id, TNC_AttributeID attribute_id, TNC_UInt32 buffer_len, TNC_BufferReference buffer, TNC_UInt32 *out_value_len) { enumerator_t *enumerator; tnccs_connection_entry_t *entry; recommendations_t *recs = NULL; if (id == TNC_CONNECTIONID_ANY || attribute_id != TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE) { return TNC_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } this->connection_lock->read_lock(this->connection_lock); enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (id == entry->id) { recs = entry->recs; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); if (recs) { chunk_t pref_lang; pref_lang = recs->get_preferred_language(recs); if (pref_lang.len == 0) { return TNC_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *out_value_len = pref_lang.len; if (buffer && buffer_len <= pref_lang.len) { memcpy(buffer, pref_lang.ptr, pref_lang.len); } return TNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } return TNC_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, set_attribute, TNC_Result, private_tnccs_manager_t *this, TNC_IMVID imv_id, TNC_ConnectionID id, TNC_AttributeID attribute_id, TNC_UInt32 buffer_len, TNC_BufferReference buffer) { enumerator_t *enumerator; tnccs_connection_entry_t *entry; recommendations_t *recs = NULL; if (id == TNC_CONNECTIONID_ANY || (attribute_id != TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_REASON_STRING && attribute_id != TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_REASON_LANGUAGE)) { return TNC_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } this->connection_lock->read_lock(this->connection_lock); enumerator = this->connections->create_enumerator(this->connections); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &entry)) { if (id == entry->id) { recs = entry->recs; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); this->connection_lock->unlock(this->connection_lock); if (recs) { chunk_t attribute = { buffer, buffer_len }; if (attribute_id == TNC_ATTRIBUTEID_REASON_STRING) { return recs->set_reason_string(recs, imv_id, attribute); } else { return recs->set_reason_language(recs, imv_id, attribute); } } return TNC_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; } METHOD(tnccs_manager_t, destroy, void, private_tnccs_manager_t *this) { this->protocols->destroy_function(this->protocols, free); this->protocol_lock->destroy(this->protocol_lock); this->connections->destroy_function(this->connections, free); this->connection_lock->destroy(this->connection_lock); free(this); } /* * See header */ tnccs_manager_t *tnccs_manager_create() { private_tnccs_manager_t *this; INIT(this, .public = { .add_method = _add_method, .remove_method = _remove_method, .create_instance = _create_instance, .create_connection = _create_connection, .remove_connection = _remove_connection, .request_handshake_retry = _request_handshake_retry, .send_message = _send_message, .provide_recommendation = _provide_recommendation, .get_attribute = _get_attribute, .set_attribute = _set_attribute, .destroy = _destroy, }, .protocols = linked_list_create(), .connections = linked_list_create(), .protocol_lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT), .connection_lock = rwlock_create(RWLOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT), ); return &this->public; }