/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Andreas Steffen * HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include "attest_usage.h" /** * print attest usage info */ void usage(void) { printf("\ Usage:\n\ ipsec attest --components|--devices|--sessions|--files|--hashes|--keys [options]\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --measurements|--packages|--products|--add|--del [options]\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --components [--key |--kid ]\n\ Show a list of components with an AIK digest or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --devices [--utc]\n\ Show a list of registered devices and associated collected information\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --sessions [--utc]\n\ Show a chronologically sorted list of all TNC sessions\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --files [--product |--pid ]\n\ Show a list of files with a software product name or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --hashes [--sha1|--sha256|--sha384] [--product |--pid ]\n\ Show a list of measurement hashes for a given software product or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --hashes [--sha1|--sha1-ima|--sha256|--sha384] [--file |--fid ]\n\ Show a list of measurement hashes for a given file or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --keys [--components |--cid ]\n\ Show a list of AIK key digests with a component or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --measurements --sha1|--sha256|--sha384 [--component |--cid ]\n\ Show a list of component measurements for a given component or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --measurements --sha1|--sha256|--sha384 [--key |--kid |--aik ]\n\ Show a list of component measurements for a given AIK or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --packages [--product |--pid ] [--utc]\n\ Show a list of software packages for a given product or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --products [--file |--fid ]\n\ Show a list of supported software products with a file path or\n\ its primary key as an optional selector.\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --add --file |--dir |--product |--component \n\ Add a file, directory, product or component entry\n\ Component entries must be of the form /-\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --add [--owner ] --key |--aik \n\ Add an AIK public key digest entry preceded by an optional owner name\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --add --product |--pid --sha1|--sha1-ima|--sha256|--sha384\n\ [--relative|--rel] --dir |--file \n\ Add hashes of a single file or all files in a directory under absolute or relative filenames\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --add --key --component |--cid --sequence |--seq \n\ Add an ordered key/component entry\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --add --package --version [--security|--blacklist]\n\ [--product |--pid ]\n\ Add a package version for a given product optionally with security or blacklist flag\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --del --file |--fid |--dir |--did \n\ Delete a file or directory entry referenced either by value or primary key\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --del --product |--pid |--component |--cid \n\ Delete a product or component entry referenced either by value or primary key\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --del --product |--pid --file |--fid |--dir |--did \n\ Delete a product/file entry referenced either by value or primary key\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --del --key |--kid |--aik \n\ Delete an AIK entry referenced either by value or primary key\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --del --key --component |--cid \n\ Delete a key/component entry\n\ \n\ ipsec attest --del --product |--pid --sha1|--sha1-ima|--sha256|--sha384\n\ [--dir |--did ] --file |--fid \n\ Delete a file hash given an absolute or relative filename\n\ \n"); }