/* Dynamic fetching of X.509 CRLs * Copyright (C) 2002 Stephane Laroche * Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Andreas Steffen - Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef THREADS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "constants.h" #include "defs.h" #include "log.h" #include "id.h" #include "x509.h" #include "ca.h" #include "whack.h" #include "ocsp.h" #include "crl.h" #include "fetch.h" #include "builder.h" fetch_req_t empty_fetch_req = { NULL , /* next */ 0 , /* installed */ 0 , /* trials */ { NULL, 0}, /* issuer */ { NULL, 0}, /* authKeyID */ { NULL, 0}, /* authKeySerialNumber */ NULL /* distributionPoints */ }; /* chained list of crl fetch requests */ static fetch_req_t *crl_fetch_reqs = NULL; /* chained list of ocsp fetch requests */ static ocsp_location_t *ocsp_fetch_reqs = NULL; #ifdef THREADS static pthread_t thread; static pthread_mutex_t certs_and_keys_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t authcert_list_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t crl_list_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t ocsp_cache_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t ca_info_list_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t crl_fetch_list_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t ocsp_fetch_list_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t fetch_wake_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_cond_t fetch_wake_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; /** * lock access to my certs and keys */ void lock_certs_and_keys(const char *who) { pthread_mutex_lock(&certs_and_keys_mutex); DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("certs and keys locked by '%s'", who) ) } /** * Unlock access to my certs and keys */ void unlock_certs_and_keys(const char *who) { DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("certs and keys unlocked by '%s'", who) ) pthread_mutex_unlock(&certs_and_keys_mutex); } /** * Lock access to the chained authcert list */ void lock_authcert_list(const char *who) { pthread_mutex_lock(&authcert_list_mutex); DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("authcert list locked by '%s'", who) ) } /** * Unlock access to the chained authcert list */ void unlock_authcert_list(const char *who) { DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("authcert list unlocked by '%s'", who) ) pthread_mutex_unlock(&authcert_list_mutex); } /** * Lock access to the chained crl list */ void lock_crl_list(const char *who) { pthread_mutex_lock(&crl_list_mutex); DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("crl list locked by '%s'", who) ) } /** * Unlock access to the chained crl list */ void unlock_crl_list(const char *who) { DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("crl list unlocked by '%s'", who) ) pthread_mutex_unlock(&crl_list_mutex); } /** * Lock access to the ocsp cache */ extern void lock_ocsp_cache(const char *who) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ocsp_cache_mutex); DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("ocsp cache locked by '%s'", who) ) } /** * Unlock access to the ocsp cache */ extern void unlock_ocsp_cache(const char *who) { DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("ocsp cache unlocked by '%s'", who) ) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ocsp_cache_mutex); } /** * Lock access to the ca info list */ extern void lock_ca_info_list(const char *who) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ca_info_list_mutex); DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("ca info list locked by '%s'", who) ) } /** * Unlock access to the ca info list */ extern void unlock_ca_info_list(const char *who) { DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("ca info list unlocked by '%s'", who) ) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ca_info_list_mutex); } /** * Lock access to the chained crl fetch request list */ static void lock_crl_fetch_list(const char *who) { pthread_mutex_lock(&crl_fetch_list_mutex); DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("crl fetch request list locked by '%s'", who) ) } /** * Unlock access to the chained crl fetch request list */ static void unlock_crl_fetch_list(const char *who) { DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("crl fetch request list unlocked by '%s'", who) ) pthread_mutex_unlock(&crl_fetch_list_mutex); } /** * Lock access to the chained ocsp fetch request list */ static void lock_ocsp_fetch_list(const char *who) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ocsp_fetch_list_mutex); DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("ocsp fetch request list locked by '%s'", who) ) } /** * Unlock access to the chained ocsp fetch request list */ static void unlock_ocsp_fetch_list(const char *who) { DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("ocsp fetch request list unlocked by '%s'", who) ) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ocsp_fetch_list_mutex); } /** * Wakes up the sleeping fetch thread */ void wake_fetch_thread(const char *who) { if (crl_check_interval > 0) { DBG(DBG_CONTROLMORE, DBG_log("fetch thread wake call by '%s'", who) ) pthread_mutex_lock(&fetch_wake_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&fetch_wake_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&fetch_wake_mutex); } } #else /* !THREADS */ #define lock_crl_fetch_list(who) /* do nothing */ #define unlock_crl_fetch_list(who) /* do nothing */ #define lock_ocsp_fetch_list(who) /* do nothing */ #define unlock_ocsp_fetch_list(who) /* do nothing */ #endif /* !THREADS */ /** * Free the dynamic memory used to store fetch requests */ static void free_fetch_request(fetch_req_t *req) { free(req->issuer.ptr); free(req->authKeySerialNumber.ptr); free(req->authKeyID.ptr); free_generalNames(req->distributionPoints, TRUE); free(req); } #ifdef THREADS /** * Fetch an ASN.1 blob coded in PEM or DER format from a URL */ x509crl_t* fetch_crl(char *url) { x509crl_t *crl; chunk_t blob; DBG1(" fetching crl from '%s' ...", url); if (lib->fetcher->fetch(lib->fetcher, url, &blob, FETCH_END) != SUCCESS) { DBG1("crl fetching failed"); return FALSE; } crl = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_PLUTO_CRL, BUILD_BLOB_PEM, blob, BUILD_END); free(blob.ptr); if (!crl) { DBG1("crl fetched successfully but data coded in unknown format"); } return crl; } /** * Complete a distributionPoint URI with ca information */ static char* complete_uri(chunk_t distPoint, const char *ldaphost) { char *uri; char *ptr = distPoint.ptr; size_t len = distPoint.len; char *symbol = memchr(ptr, ':', len); if (symbol != NULL) { size_t type_len = symbol - ptr; if (type_len >= 4 && strncasecmp(ptr, "ldap", 4) == 0) { ptr = symbol + 1; len -= (type_len + 1); if (len > 2 && *ptr++ == '/' && *ptr++ == '/') { len -= 2; symbol = memchr(ptr, '/', len); if (symbol != NULL && symbol - ptr == 0 && ldaphost != NULL) { uri = malloc(distPoint.len + strlen(ldaphost) + 1); /* insert the ldaphost into the uri */ sprintf(uri, "%.*s%s%.*s" , (int)(distPoint.len - len), distPoint.ptr , ldaphost , (int)len, symbol); return uri; } } } } /* default action: copy distributionPoint without change */ uri = malloc(distPoint.len + 1); sprintf(uri, "%.*s", (int)distPoint.len, distPoint.ptr); return uri; } /** * Try to fetch the crls defined by the fetch requests */ static void fetch_crls(bool cache_crls) { fetch_req_t *req; fetch_req_t **reqp; lock_crl_fetch_list("fetch_crls"); req = crl_fetch_reqs; reqp = &crl_fetch_reqs; while (req != NULL) { bool valid_crl = FALSE; generalName_t *gn = req->distributionPoints; const char *ldaphost; ca_info_t *ca; lock_ca_info_list("fetch_crls"); ca = get_ca_info(req->issuer, req->authKeySerialNumber, req->authKeyID); ldaphost = (ca == NULL)? NULL : ca->ldaphost; while (gn != NULL) { char *uri = complete_uri(gn->name, ldaphost); x509crl_t *crl; crl = fetch_crl(uri); if (crl) { chunk_t crl_uri = chunk_clone(gn->name); if (insert_crl(crl, crl_uri, cache_crls)) { DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("we have a valid crl") ) valid_crl = TRUE; free(uri); break; } } free(uri); gn = gn->next; } unlock_ca_info_list("fetch_crls"); if (valid_crl) { /* delete fetch request */ fetch_req_t *req_free = req; req = req->next; *reqp = req; free_fetch_request(req_free); } else { /* try again next time */ req->trials++; reqp = &req->next; req = req->next; } } unlock_crl_fetch_list("fetch_crls"); } static void fetch_ocsp_status(ocsp_location_t* location) { chunk_t request, response; char *uri; request = build_ocsp_request(location); response = chunk_empty; /* we need a null terminated string for curl */ uri = malloc(location->uri.len + 1); memcpy(uri, location->uri.ptr, location->uri.len); *(uri + location->uri.len) = '\0'; DBG1(" requesting ocsp status from '%s' ...", uri); if (lib->fetcher->fetch(lib->fetcher, uri, &response, FETCH_REQUEST_DATA, request, FETCH_REQUEST_TYPE, "application/ocsp-request", FETCH_END) == SUCCESS) { parse_ocsp(location, response); } else { DBG1("ocsp request to %s failed", uri); } free(uri); free(request.ptr); chunk_free(&location->nonce); /* increment the trial counter of the unresolved fetch requests */ { ocsp_certinfo_t *certinfo = location->certinfo; while (certinfo != NULL) { certinfo->trials++; certinfo = certinfo->next; } } } /** * Try to fetch the necessary ocsp information */ static void fetch_ocsp(void) { ocsp_location_t *location; lock_ocsp_fetch_list("fetch_ocsp"); location = ocsp_fetch_reqs; /* fetch the ocps status for all locations */ while (location != NULL) { if (location->certinfo != NULL) { fetch_ocsp_status(location); } location = location->next; } unlock_ocsp_fetch_list("fetch_ocsp"); } static void* fetch_thread(void *arg) { struct timespec wait_interval; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("fetch thread started") ) pthread_mutex_lock(&fetch_wake_mutex); while(1) { int status; wait_interval.tv_nsec = 0; wait_interval.tv_sec = time(NULL) + crl_check_interval; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("next regular crl check in %ld seconds", crl_check_interval) ) status = pthread_cond_timedwait(&fetch_wake_cond, &fetch_wake_mutex , &wait_interval); if (status == ETIMEDOUT) { DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log(" "); DBG_log("*time to check crls and the ocsp cache") ) check_ocsp(); check_crls(); } else { DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("fetch thread was woken up") ) } fetch_ocsp(); fetch_crls(cache_crls); } } #endif /* THREADS*/ /** * Initializes curl and starts the fetching thread */ void init_fetch(void) { if (crl_check_interval > 0) { #ifdef THREADS int status = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, fetch_thread, NULL); if (status != 0) { plog("fetching thread could not be started, status = %d", status); } #else /* !THREADS */ plog("warning: not compiled with pthread support"); #endif /* !THREADS */ } } void free_crl_fetch(void) { lock_crl_fetch_list("free_crl_fetch"); while (crl_fetch_reqs != NULL) { fetch_req_t *req = crl_fetch_reqs; crl_fetch_reqs = req->next; free_fetch_request(req); } unlock_crl_fetch_list("free_crl_fetch"); } /** * Free the chained list of ocsp requests */ void free_ocsp_fetch(void) { lock_ocsp_fetch_list("free_ocsp_fetch"); free_ocsp_locations(&ocsp_fetch_reqs); unlock_ocsp_fetch_list("free_ocsp_fetch"); } /** * Add additional distribution points */ void add_distribution_points(const generalName_t *newPoints ,generalName_t **distributionPoints) { while (newPoints != NULL) { /* skip empty distribution point */ if (newPoints->name.len > 0) { bool add = TRUE; generalName_t *gn = *distributionPoints; while (gn != NULL) { if (gn->kind == newPoints->kind && gn->name.len == newPoints->name.len && memeq(gn->name.ptr, newPoints->name.ptr, gn->name.len)) { /* skip if the distribution point is already present */ add = FALSE; break; } gn = gn->next; } if (add) { /* clone additional distribution point */ gn = clone_thing(*newPoints); gn->name = chunk_clone(newPoints->name); /* insert additional CRL distribution point */ gn->next = *distributionPoints; *distributionPoints = gn; } } newPoints = newPoints->next; } } fetch_req_t* build_crl_fetch_request(chunk_t issuer, chunk_t authKeySerialNumber, chunk_t authKeyID, const generalName_t *gn) { fetch_req_t *req = malloc_thing(fetch_req_t); *req = empty_fetch_req; /* note current time */ req->installed = time(NULL); /* clone fields */ req->issuer = chunk_clone(issuer); req->authKeySerialNumber = chunk_clone(authKeySerialNumber); req->authKeyID = chunk_clone(authKeyID); /* copy distribution points */ add_distribution_points(gn, &req->distributionPoints); return req; } /** * Add a crl fetch request to the chained list */ void add_crl_fetch_request(fetch_req_t *req) { fetch_req_t *r; lock_crl_fetch_list("add_crl_fetch_request"); r = crl_fetch_reqs; while (r != NULL) { if ((req->authKeyID.ptr != NULL)? same_keyid(req->authKeyID, r->authKeyID) : (same_dn(req->issuer, r->issuer) && same_serial(req->authKeySerialNumber, r->authKeySerialNumber))) { /* there is already a fetch request */ DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crl fetch request already exists") ) /* there might be new distribution points */ add_distribution_points(req->distributionPoints, &r->distributionPoints); unlock_crl_fetch_list("add_crl_fetch_request"); free_fetch_request(req); return; } r = r->next; } /* insert new fetch request at the head of the queue */ req->next = crl_fetch_reqs; crl_fetch_reqs = req; DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("crl fetch request added") ) unlock_crl_fetch_list("add_crl_fetch_request"); } /** * Add an ocsp fetch request to the chained list */ void add_ocsp_fetch_request(ocsp_location_t *location, chunk_t serialNumber) { ocsp_certinfo_t certinfo; certinfo.serialNumber = serialNumber; lock_ocsp_fetch_list("add_ocsp_fetch_request"); add_certinfo(location, &certinfo, &ocsp_fetch_reqs, TRUE); unlock_ocsp_fetch_list("add_ocsp_fetch_request"); } /** * List all distribution points */ void list_distribution_points(const generalName_t *gn) { bool first_gn = TRUE; while (gn != NULL) { whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " %s '%.*s'", (first_gn)? "distPts: " :" ", (int)gn->name.len, gn->name.ptr); first_gn = FALSE; gn = gn->next; } } /** * List all fetch requests in the chained list */ void list_crl_fetch_requests(bool utc) { fetch_req_t *req; lock_crl_fetch_list("list_crl_fetch_requests"); req = crl_fetch_reqs; if (req != NULL) { whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " "); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, "List of CRL fetch requests:"); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " "); } while (req != NULL) { u_char buf[BUF_LEN]; whack_log(RC_COMMENT, "%T, trials: %d" , &req->installed, utc, req->trials); dntoa(buf, BUF_LEN, req->issuer); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " issuer: '%s'", buf); if (req->authKeyID.ptr != NULL) { datatot(req->authKeyID.ptr, req->authKeyID.len, ':' , buf, BUF_LEN); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " authkey: %s", buf); } if (req->authKeySerialNumber.ptr != NULL) { datatot(req->authKeySerialNumber.ptr, req->authKeySerialNumber.len, ':' , buf, BUF_LEN); whack_log(RC_COMMENT, " aserial: %s", buf); } list_distribution_points(req->distributionPoints); req = req->next; } unlock_crl_fetch_list("list_crl_fetch_requests"); } void list_ocsp_fetch_requests(bool utc) { lock_ocsp_fetch_list("list_ocsp_fetch_requests"); list_ocsp_locations(ocsp_fetch_reqs, TRUE, utc, FALSE); unlock_ocsp_fetch_list("list_ocsp_fetch_requests"); }