/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter, Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../pluto/constants.h" #include "../pluto/defs.h" #include "../pluto/fetch.h" #include "scep.h" static const char *pkiStatus_values[] = { "0", "2", "3" }; static const char *pkiStatus_names[] = { "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "PENDING", "UNKNOWN" }; static const char *msgType_values[] = { "3", "19", "20", "21", "22" }; static const char *msgType_names[] = { "CertRep", "PKCSReq", "GetCertInitial", "GetCert", "GetCRL", "Unknown" }; static const char *failInfo_reasons[] = { "badAlg - unrecognized or unsupported algorithm identifier", "badMessageCheck - integrity check failed", "badRequest - transaction not permitted or supported", "badTime - Message time field was not sufficiently close to the system time", "badCertId - No certificate could be identified matching the provided criteria" }; const scep_attributes_t empty_scep_attributes = { SCEP_Unknown_MSG , /* msgType */ SCEP_UNKNOWN , /* pkiStatus */ SCEP_unknown_REASON, /* failInfo */ { NULL, 0 } , /* transID */ { NULL, 0 } , /* senderNonce */ { NULL, 0 } , /* recipientNonce */ }; /* ASN.1 definition of the X.501 atttribute type */ static const asn1Object_t attributesObjects[] = { { 0, "attributes", ASN1_SET, ASN1_LOOP }, /* 0 */ { 1, "attribute", ASN1_SEQUENCE, ASN1_NONE }, /* 1 */ { 2, "type", ASN1_OID, ASN1_BODY }, /* 2 */ { 2, "values", ASN1_SET, ASN1_LOOP }, /* 3 */ { 3, "value", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_RAW }, /* 4 */ { 2, "end loop", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_END }, /* 5 */ { 0, "end loop", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_END }, /* 6 */ { 0, "exit", ASN1_EOC, ASN1_EXIT } }; #define ATTRIBUTE_OBJ_TYPE 2 #define ATTRIBUTE_OBJ_VALUE 4 /** * Extract and store an attribute */ static bool extract_attribute(int oid, chunk_t object, u_int level, scep_attributes_t *attrs) { asn1_t type = ASN1_EOC; const char *name = "none"; switch (oid) { case OID_PKCS9_CONTENT_TYPE: type = ASN1_OID; name = "contentType"; break; case OID_PKCS9_SIGNING_TIME: type = ASN1_UTCTIME; name = "signingTime"; break; case OID_PKCS9_MESSAGE_DIGEST: type = ASN1_OCTET_STRING; name = "messageDigest"; break; case OID_PKI_MESSAGE_TYPE: type = ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING; name = "messageType"; break; case OID_PKI_STATUS: type = ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING; name = "pkiStatus"; break; case OID_PKI_FAIL_INFO: type = ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING; name = "failInfo"; break; case OID_PKI_SENDER_NONCE: type = ASN1_OCTET_STRING; name = "senderNonce"; break; case OID_PKI_RECIPIENT_NONCE: type = ASN1_OCTET_STRING; name = "recipientNonce"; break; case OID_PKI_TRANS_ID: type = ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING; name = "transID"; break; default: break; } if (type == ASN1_EOC) { return TRUE; } if (!asn1_parse_simple_object(&object, type, level+1, name)) { return FALSE; } switch (oid) { case OID_PKCS9_CONTENT_TYPE: break; case OID_PKCS9_SIGNING_TIME: break; case OID_PKCS9_MESSAGE_DIGEST: break; case OID_PKI_MESSAGE_TYPE: { scep_msg_t m; for (m = SCEP_CertRep_MSG; m < SCEP_Unknown_MSG; m++) { if (strncmp(msgType_values[m], object.ptr, object.len) == 0) attrs->msgType = m; } DBG2(DBG_APP, "messageType: %s", msgType_names[attrs->msgType]); break; } case OID_PKI_STATUS: { pkiStatus_t s; for (s = SCEP_SUCCESS; s < SCEP_UNKNOWN; s++) { if (strncmp(pkiStatus_values[s], object.ptr, object.len) == 0) { attrs->pkiStatus = s; } } DBG2(DBG_APP, "pkiStatus: %s", pkiStatus_names[attrs->pkiStatus]); break; } case OID_PKI_FAIL_INFO: { if (object.len == 1 && *object.ptr >= '0' && *object.ptr <= '4') { attrs->failInfo = (failInfo_t)(*object.ptr - '0'); } if (attrs->failInfo != SCEP_unknown_REASON) { DBG1(DBG_APP, "failInfo: %s", failInfo_reasons[attrs->failInfo]); } break; } case OID_PKI_SENDER_NONCE: attrs->senderNonce = object; break; case OID_PKI_RECIPIENT_NONCE: attrs->recipientNonce = object; break; case OID_PKI_TRANS_ID: attrs->transID = object; break; } return TRUE; } /** * Parse X.501 attributes */ bool parse_attributes(chunk_t blob, scep_attributes_t *attrs) { asn1_parser_t *parser; chunk_t object; int oid = OID_UNKNOWN; int objectID; bool success = FALSE; parser = asn1_parser_create(attributesObjects, blob); DBG3(DBG_APP, "parsing attributes"); while (parser->iterate(parser, &objectID, &object)) { switch (objectID) { case ATTRIBUTE_OBJ_TYPE: oid = asn1_known_oid(object); break; case ATTRIBUTE_OBJ_VALUE: { if (!extract_attribute(oid, object, parser->get_level(parser), attrs)) { goto end; } break; } } } success = parser->success(parser); end: parser->destroy(parser); return success; } /** * Generates a unique fingerprint of the pkcs10 request * by computing an MD5 hash over it */ chunk_t scep_generate_pkcs10_fingerprint(chunk_t pkcs10) { chunk_t digest = chunk_alloca(HASH_SIZE_MD5); hasher_t *hasher; hasher = lib->crypto->create_hasher(lib->crypto, HASH_MD5); hasher->get_hash(hasher, pkcs10, digest.ptr); hasher->destroy(hasher); return chunk_to_hex(digest, NULL, FALSE); } /** * Generate a transaction id as the MD5 hash of an public key * the transaction id is also used as a unique serial number */ void scep_generate_transaction_id(public_key_t *key, chunk_t *transID, chunk_t *serialNumber) { chunk_t digest = chunk_alloca(HASH_SIZE_MD5); chunk_t keyEncoding = chunk_empty, keyInfo; hasher_t *hasher; bool msb_set; u_char *pos; key->get_encoding(key, PUBKEY_ASN1_DER, &keyEncoding); keyInfo = asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "mm", asn1_algorithmIdentifier(OID_RSA_ENCRYPTION), asn1_bitstring("m", keyEncoding)); hasher = lib->crypto->create_hasher(lib->crypto, HASH_MD5); hasher->get_hash(hasher, keyInfo, digest.ptr); hasher->destroy(hasher); free(keyInfo.ptr); /* is the most significant bit of the digest set? */ msb_set = (*digest.ptr & 0x80) == 0x80; /* allocate space for the serialNumber */ serialNumber->len = msb_set + digest.len; serialNumber->ptr = malloc(serialNumber->len); /* the serial number as the two's complement of the digest */ pos = serialNumber->ptr; if (msb_set) { *pos++ = 0x00; } memcpy(pos, digest.ptr, digest.len); /* the transaction id is the serial number in hex format */ transID->len = 2*digest.len; transID->ptr = malloc(transID->len + 1); datatot(digest.ptr, digest.len, 16, transID->ptr, transID->len + 1); } /** * Builds a transId attribute */ chunk_t scep_transId_attribute(chunk_t transID) { return asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "cm", asn1_build_known_oid(OID_PKI_TRANS_ID), asn1_wrap(ASN1_SET, "m", asn1_simple_object(ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING, transID))); } /** * Builds a messageType attribute */ chunk_t scep_messageType_attribute(scep_msg_t m) { chunk_t msgType = { (u_char*)msgType_values[m], strlen(msgType_values[m]) }; return asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "mm", asn1_build_known_oid(OID_PKI_MESSAGE_TYPE), asn1_wrap(ASN1_SET, "m", asn1_simple_object(ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING, msgType))); } /** * Builds a senderNonce attribute */ chunk_t scep_senderNonce_attribute(void) { const size_t nonce_len = 16; u_char nonce_buf[nonce_len]; chunk_t senderNonce = { nonce_buf, nonce_len }; rng_t *rng; rng = lib->crypto->create_rng(lib->crypto, RNG_WEAK); rng->get_bytes(rng, nonce_len, nonce_buf); rng->destroy(rng); return asn1_wrap(ASN1_SEQUENCE, "cm", asn1_build_known_oid(OID_PKI_SENDER_NONCE), asn1_wrap(ASN1_SET, "m", asn1_simple_object(ASN1_OCTET_STRING, senderNonce))); } /** * Builds a pkcs7 enveloped and signed scep request */ chunk_t scep_build_request(chunk_t data, chunk_t transID, scep_msg_t msg, certificate_t *enc_cert, int enc_alg, certificate_t *signer_cert, int digest_alg, private_key_t *private_key) { chunk_t envelopedData, attributes, request; envelopedData = pkcs7_build_envelopedData(data, enc_cert, enc_alg); attributes = asn1_wrap(ASN1_SET, "mmmmm", pkcs7_contentType_attribute(), pkcs7_messageDigest_attribute(envelopedData, digest_alg), scep_transId_attribute(transID), scep_messageType_attribute(msg), scep_senderNonce_attribute()); request = pkcs7_build_signedData(envelopedData, attributes, signer_cert, digest_alg, private_key); free(envelopedData.ptr); free(attributes.ptr); return request; } /** * Converts a binary request to base64 with 64 characters per line * newline and '+' characters are escaped by %0A and %2B, respectively */ static char* escape_http_request(chunk_t req) { char *escaped_req = NULL; char *p1, *p2; int lines = 0; int plus = 0; int n = 0; /* compute and allocate the size of the base64-encoded request */ int len = 1 + 4*((req.len + 2)/3); char *encoded_req = malloc(len); /* do the base64 conversion */ len = datatot(req.ptr, req.len, 64, encoded_req, len); /* compute newline characters to be inserted every 64 characters */ lines = (len - 2) / 64; /* count number of + characters to be escaped */ p1 = encoded_req; while (*p1 != '\0') { if (*p1++ == '+') { plus++; } } escaped_req = malloc(len + 3*(lines + plus)); /* escape special characters in the request */ p1 = encoded_req; p2 = escaped_req; while (*p1 != '\0') { if (n == 64) { memcpy(p2, "%0A", 3); p2 += 3; n = 0; } if (*p1 == '+') { memcpy(p2, "%2B", 3); p2 += 3; } else { *p2++ = *p1; } p1++; n++; } *p2 = '\0'; free(encoded_req); return escaped_req; } /** * Send a SCEP request via HTTP and wait for a response */ bool scep_http_request(const char *url, chunk_t pkcs7, scep_op_t op, bool http_get_request, chunk_t *response) { int len; status_t status; char *complete_url = NULL; /* initialize response */ *response = chunk_empty; DBG2(DBG_APP, "sending scep request to '%s'", url); if (op == SCEP_PKI_OPERATION) { const char operation[] = "PKIOperation"; if (http_get_request) { char *escaped_req = escape_http_request(pkcs7); /* form complete url */ len = strlen(url) + 20 + strlen(operation) + strlen(escaped_req) + 1; complete_url = malloc(len); snprintf(complete_url, len, "%s?operation=%s&message=%s" , url, operation, escaped_req); free(escaped_req); status = lib->fetcher->fetch(lib->fetcher, complete_url, response, FETCH_HTTP_VERSION_1_0, FETCH_REQUEST_HEADER, "Pragma:", FETCH_REQUEST_HEADER, "Host:", FETCH_REQUEST_HEADER, "Accept:", FETCH_END); } else /* HTTP_POST */ { /* form complete url */ len = strlen(url) + 11 + strlen(operation) + 1; complete_url = malloc(len); snprintf(complete_url, len, "%s?operation=%s", url, operation); status = lib->fetcher->fetch(lib->fetcher, complete_url, response, FETCH_REQUEST_DATA, pkcs7, FETCH_REQUEST_TYPE, "", FETCH_REQUEST_HEADER, "Expect:", FETCH_END); } } else /* SCEP_GET_CA_CERT */ { const char operation[] = "GetCACert"; /* form complete url */ len = strlen(url) + 32 + strlen(operation) + 1; complete_url = malloc(len); snprintf(complete_url, len, "%s?operation=%s&message=CAIdentifier", url, operation); status = lib->fetcher->fetch(lib->fetcher, complete_url, response, FETCH_END); } free(complete_url); return (status == SUCCESS); } err_t scep_parse_response(chunk_t response, chunk_t transID, contentInfo_t *data, scep_attributes_t *attrs, certificate_t *signer_cert) { chunk_t attributes; if (!pkcs7_parse_signedData(response, data, NULL, &attributes, signer_cert)) { return "error parsing the scep response"; } if (!parse_attributes(attributes, attrs)) { return "error parsing the scep response attributes"; } if (!chunk_equals(transID, attrs->transID)) { return "transaction ID of scep response does not match"; } return NULL; }