Grammar 0 $accept: config_file $end 1 config_file: config_file section_or_include 2 | /* empty */ 3 section_or_include: FILE_VERSION STRING EOL 4 @1: /* empty */ 5 section_or_include: CONFIG SETUP EOL @1 kw_section 6 @2: /* empty */ 7 section_or_include: CONN STRING EOL @2 kw_section 8 @3: /* empty */ 9 section_or_include: CA STRING EOL @3 kw_section 10 @4: /* empty */ 11 section_or_include: INCLUDE STRING @4 EOL 12 | EOL 13 kw_section: FIRST_SPACES statement_kw EOL kw_section 14 | /* empty */ 15 statement_kw: STRING EQUAL STRING 16 | STRING EQUAL 17 | /* empty */ Terminals, with rules where they appear $end (0) 0 error (256) EQUAL (258) 15 16 FIRST_SPACES (259) 13 EOL (260) 3 5 7 9 11 12 13 CONFIG (261) 5 SETUP (262) 5 CONN (263) 7 CA (264) 9 INCLUDE (265) 11 FILE_VERSION (266) 3 STRING (267) 3 7 9 11 15 16 Nonterminals, with rules where they appear $accept (13) on left: 0 config_file (14) on left: 1 2, on right: 0 1 section_or_include (15) on left: 3 5 7 9 11 12, on right: 1 @1 (16) on left: 4, on right: 5 @2 (17) on left: 6, on right: 7 @3 (18) on left: 8, on right: 9 @4 (19) on left: 10, on right: 11 kw_section (20) on left: 13 14, on right: 5 7 9 13 statement_kw (21) on left: 15 16 17, on right: 13 state 0 0 $accept: . config_file $end $default reduce using rule 2 (config_file) config_file go to state 1 state 1 0 $accept: config_file . $end 1 config_file: config_file . section_or_include $end shift, and go to state 2 EOL shift, and go to state 3 CONFIG shift, and go to state 4 CONN shift, and go to state 5 CA shift, and go to state 6 INCLUDE shift, and go to state 7 FILE_VERSION shift, and go to state 8 section_or_include go to state 9 state 2 0 $accept: config_file $end . $default accept state 3 12 section_or_include: EOL . $default reduce using rule 12 (section_or_include) state 4 5 section_or_include: CONFIG . SETUP EOL @1 kw_section SETUP shift, and go to state 10 state 5 7 section_or_include: CONN . STRING EOL @2 kw_section STRING shift, and go to state 11 state 6 9 section_or_include: CA . STRING EOL @3 kw_section STRING shift, and go to state 12 state 7 11 section_or_include: INCLUDE . STRING @4 EOL STRING shift, and go to state 13 state 8 3 section_or_include: FILE_VERSION . STRING EOL STRING shift, and go to state 14 state 9 1 config_file: config_file section_or_include . $default reduce using rule 1 (config_file) state 10 5 section_or_include: CONFIG SETUP . EOL @1 kw_section EOL shift, and go to state 15 state 11 7 section_or_include: CONN STRING . EOL @2 kw_section EOL shift, and go to state 16 state 12 9 section_or_include: CA STRING . EOL @3 kw_section EOL shift, and go to state 17 state 13 11 section_or_include: INCLUDE STRING . @4 EOL $default reduce using rule 10 (@4) @4 go to state 18 state 14 3 section_or_include: FILE_VERSION STRING . EOL EOL shift, and go to state 19 state 15 5 section_or_include: CONFIG SETUP EOL . @1 kw_section $default reduce using rule 4 (@1) @1 go to state 20 state 16 7 section_or_include: CONN STRING EOL . @2 kw_section $default reduce using rule 6 (@2) @2 go to state 21 state 17 9 section_or_include: CA STRING EOL . @3 kw_section $default reduce using rule 8 (@3) @3 go to state 22 state 18 11 section_or_include: INCLUDE STRING @4 . EOL EOL shift, and go to state 23 state 19 3 section_or_include: FILE_VERSION STRING EOL . $default reduce using rule 3 (section_or_include) state 20 5 section_or_include: CONFIG SETUP EOL @1 . kw_section FIRST_SPACES shift, and go to state 24 $default reduce using rule 14 (kw_section) kw_section go to state 25 state 21 7 section_or_include: CONN STRING EOL @2 . kw_section FIRST_SPACES shift, and go to state 24 $default reduce using rule 14 (kw_section) kw_section go to state 26 state 22 9 section_or_include: CA STRING EOL @3 . kw_section FIRST_SPACES shift, and go to state 24 $default reduce using rule 14 (kw_section) kw_section go to state 27 state 23 11 section_or_include: INCLUDE STRING @4 EOL . $default reduce using rule 11 (section_or_include) state 24 13 kw_section: FIRST_SPACES . statement_kw EOL kw_section STRING shift, and go to state 28 $default reduce using rule 17 (statement_kw) statement_kw go to state 29 state 25 5 section_or_include: CONFIG SETUP EOL @1 kw_section . $default reduce using rule 5 (section_or_include) state 26 7 section_or_include: CONN STRING EOL @2 kw_section . $default reduce using rule 7 (section_or_include) state 27 9 section_or_include: CA STRING EOL @3 kw_section . $default reduce using rule 9 (section_or_include) state 28 15 statement_kw: STRING . EQUAL STRING 16 | STRING . EQUAL EQUAL shift, and go to state 30 state 29 13 kw_section: FIRST_SPACES statement_kw . EOL kw_section EOL shift, and go to state 31 state 30 15 statement_kw: STRING EQUAL . STRING 16 | STRING EQUAL . STRING shift, and go to state 32 $default reduce using rule 16 (statement_kw) state 31 13 kw_section: FIRST_SPACES statement_kw EOL . kw_section FIRST_SPACES shift, and go to state 24 $default reduce using rule 14 (kw_section) kw_section go to state 33 state 32 15 statement_kw: STRING EQUAL STRING . $default reduce using rule 15 (statement_kw) state 33 13 kw_section: FIRST_SPACES statement_kw EOL kw_section . $default reduce using rule 13 (kw_section)