#!/bin/bash echo "Building base image" DIR=$(dirname `readlink -f $0`) . $DIR/../testing.conf . $DIR/function.sh [ `id -u` -eq 0 ] || die "You must be root to run $0" running_any $STRONGSWANHOSTS && die "Please stop test environment before running $0" check_commands debootstrap mkfs.ext3 partprobe qemu-img qemu-nbd sfdisk # package includes/excludes INC=automake,autoconf,libtool,bison,flex,gperf,pkg-config,gettext,less INC=$INC,build-essential,libgmp-dev,libldap2-dev,libcurl4-openssl-dev,ethtool INC=$INC,libxml2-dev,libtspi-dev,libsqlite3-dev,openssh-server,tcpdump,psmisc INC=$INC,openssl,vim,sqlite3,conntrack,gdb,cmake,libltdl-dev,liblog4cxx10-dev INC=$INC,libboost-thread-dev,libboost-system-dev,git-core,iperf,htop,screen INC=$INC,gnat,gprbuild,acpid,acpi-support-base,libldns-dev,libunbound-dev INC=$INC,dnsutils,libsoup2.4-dev,ca-certificates,unzip INC=$INC,python,python-setuptools,python-dev,python-pip,apt-transport-https INC=$INC,libjson0-dev,libxslt1-dev,libapache2-mod-wsgi,iptables-dev case "$BASEIMGSUITE" in wheezy) INC=$INC,libxerces-c2-dev,libahven3-dev,libxmlada4.1-dev,libgmpada3-dev INC=$INC,libalog0.4.1-base-dev ;; jessie) INC=$INC,libxerces-c-dev,libahven4-dev,libxmlada5-dev,libgmpada5-dev INC=$INC,libalog1-dev,libgcrypt20-dev ;; *) echo_warn "Package list for '$BASEIMGSUITE' might has to be updated" esac SERVICES="apache2 dbus isc-dhcp-server slapd bind9" INC=$INC,${SERVICES// /,} CACHEDIR=$BUILDDIR/cache APTCACHE=$LOOPDIR/var/cache/apt/archives mkdir -p $LOOPDIR mkdir -p $CACHEDIR mkdir -p $IMGDIR rm -f $BASEIMG echo "`date`, building $BASEIMG" >>$LOGFILE load_qemu_nbd log_action "Creating base image $BASEIMG" execute "qemu-img create -f $IMGEXT $BASEIMG ${BASEIMGSIZE}M" log_action "Connecting image to NBD device $NBDEV" execute "qemu-nbd -c $NBDEV $BASEIMG" do_on_exit qemu-nbd -d $NBDEV log_action "Partitioning disk" sfdisk /dev/nbd0 >>$LOGFILE 2>&1 << EOF ; EOF if [ $? != 0 ] then log_status 1 exit 1 else log_status 0 fi partprobe $NBDEV log_action "Creating ext3 filesystem" execute "mkfs.ext3 $NBDPARTITION" log_action "Mounting $NBDPARTITION to $LOOPDIR" execute "mount $NBDPARTITION $LOOPDIR" do_on_exit graceful_umount $LOOPDIR log_action "Using $CACHEDIR as archive for apt" mkdir -p $APTCACHE execute "mount -o bind $CACHEDIR $APTCACHE" do_on_exit graceful_umount $APTCACHE log_action "Running debootstrap ($BASEIMGSUITE, $BASEIMGARCH)" execute "debootstrap --arch=$BASEIMGARCH --include=$INC $BASEIMGSUITE $LOOPDIR $BASEIMGMIRROR" execute "mount -t proc none $LOOPDIR/proc" 0 do_on_exit graceful_umount $LOOPDIR/proc log_action "Downloading signing key for custom apt repo" execute_chroot "wget -q $BASEIMGEXTKEY -O /tmp/key" log_action "Installing signing key for custom apt repo" execute_chroot "apt-key add /tmp/key" log_action "Enabling custom apt repo" cat > $LOOPDIR/etc/apt/sources.list.d/strongswan.list << EOF deb $BASEIMGEXTREPO $BASEIMGSUITE main EOF log_status $? log_action "Prioritize custom apt repo" cat > $LOOPDIR/etc/apt/preferences.d/strongswan.pref << EOF Package: * Pin: origin "$BASEIMGEXTREPOHOST" Pin-Priority: 1001 EOF log_status $? log_action "Update package sources" execute_chroot "apt-get update" log_action "Install packages from custom repo" execute_chroot "apt-get -y upgrade" for service in $SERVICES do log_action "Disabling service $service" if [ "$BASEIMGSUITE" == "wheezy" ] then execute_chroot "update-rc.d -f $service remove" else execute_chroot "systemctl disable $service" fi done log_action "Disabling root password" execute_chroot "passwd -d root"