alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::accepting PT-TLS stream from PH_IP_CAROL::YES alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::SASL PLAIN authentication successful::YES alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::SASL client identity is.*carol::YES alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::user AR identity.*carol.*authenticated by password::YES alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::received SWID tag ID inventory for request 6 at eid 1 of epoch::YES alice:: cat /var/log/ alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::accepting PT-TLS stream from PH_IP_DAVE::YES alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::checking certificate status of.*C=CH, O=Linux strongSwan, OU=Accounting, alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::certificate status is good::YES alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::skipping SASL, client already authenticated by TLS certificate::YES alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::user AR identity.*C=CH, O=Linux strongSwan, OU=Accounting,*authenticated by certificate::YES alice:: cat /var/log/daemon.log::received SWID tag inventory for request 11 at eid 1 of epoch::YES