<% local view, viewlibrary, page_info, session = ... %> <% require("viewfunctions") %> <% displaycommandresults({"editjob", "deletejob", "movejob"}, session) %> <% displaycommandresults({"createjob"}, session, true) %> <% if viewlibrary and viewlibrary.dispatch_component then viewlibrary.dispatch_component("status") end %> <% -- set up the form for the move action local formstart = '
' formstart = formstart .. '\n\n
' local function createmoveform(name) io.write(formstart, name, formend) end %>

Cron Jobs

<% for i,tabl in ipairs(view.value) do %>

<%= html.html_escape(tabl.period) %>

<% if #tabl.jobs == 0 then %> No jobs <% else %> <% for i,job in ipairs(tabl.jobs) do %> <% end %>
Job Action
<%= html.html_escape(string.gsub(job, "^.*/", "")) %> <%= html.link{value=page_info.script..page_info.prefix..page_info.controller.."/editjob?name="..job.."&redir="..page_info.orig_action, label="Edit "} %> <%= html.link{value=page_info.script..page_info.prefix..page_info.controller.."/deletejob?name="..job.."&submit=true", label="Delete "} %> <% createmoveform(job, tabl.period) %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% if viewlibrary.check_permission("createjob") then viewlibrary.dispatch_component("createjob") end %>