<% local view, viewlibrary, page_info, session = ... require("viewfunctions") %> <% --[[ DEBUG INFORMATION io.write("



") io.write(html.cfe_unpack(view)) io.write("
") --]] %> <% showoption = function(option) if option.errtxt or option.value ~= "" then %> <%= option.label %> > <%= string.gsub(tostring(option.value), "\n", "
") %> <% if option.errtxt then io.write("
"..option.errtxt) end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% displaycommandresults({"update", "delete", "ifup", "ifdown", "restart"}, session) %> <% if viewlibrary and viewlibrary.dispatch_component then viewlibrary.dispatch_component("status") end %>

Configured interfaces

<% for i,entry in ipairs(view.value) do local interface = entry.value %>
<%= interface.name.value %>
<% showoption(interface.family) if interface.method then showoption(interface.method) end for name,option in pairs(interface) do if name~="name" and name~="family" and name~="method" then showoption(option) end end %> <% if session.permissions.interfaces.update then %> Edit <% end if session.permissions.interfaces.delete then %> Delete <% end if session.permissions.interfaces.ifup then %> ifup <% end if session.permissions.interfaces.ifdown then %> ifdown <% end %>
<% end %>

Restart Networking

WARNING!!! Restarting networking may cause the ACF web interface to stop functioning. Try refreshing this page after restarting. If that fails, you may have to use terminal access to recover.

Restart Networking