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authorTed Trask <>2012-02-01 14:18:11 +0000
committerTed Trask <>2012-02-01 14:18:11 +0000
commit66ce6092f2f81e8a0dc01c340f5d7d9d7b81d1cb (patch)
parent9c895383e4fd8de8726c0b5dd60d62316abe6f57 (diff)
Fixed roles to only take the first roles file for a prefix/name combination
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/lib/roles.lua b/lib/roles.lua
index 78833e3..8173b72 100644
--- a/lib/roles.lua
+++ b/lib/roles.lua
@@ -137,20 +137,27 @@ list_default_roles = function(self)
-- find all of the default roles files and parse them
local rolesfiles = get_roles_candidates(self)
+ -- keep track of the prefix and name handled
+ local handled = {}
for x,file in ipairs(rolesfiles) do
- f = fs.read_file_as_array(file) or {}
- local rolefile = string.match(file, "(/[^/]+/[^/]+)%.roles$")
- for y,line in pairs(f) do
- local role = string.match(line,"^[%w_]+")
- if role then
- if not reverseroles[rolefile.."/"..role] then
- default_roles[#default_roles+1] = rolefile.."/"..role
- reverseroles[default_roles[#default_roles]] = #default_roles
- end
- if not reverseroles[role] then
- default_roles[#default_roles+1] = role
- reverseroles[default_roles[#default_roles]] = #default_roles
+ local prefix, controller = string.match(file, "(/[^/]+/)([^/]+)%.roles$")
+ local rolefile = prefix..controller
+ if not handled[rolefile] then -- only use the first of each
+ handled[rolefile] = true
+ f = fs.read_file_as_array(file) or {}
+ for y,line in pairs(f) do
+ local role = string.match(line,"^[%w_]+")
+ if role then
+ if not reverseroles[rolefile.."/"..role] then
+ default_roles[#default_roles+1] = rolefile.."/"..role
+ reverseroles[default_roles[#default_roles]] = #default_roles
+ end
+ if not reverseroles[role] then
+ default_roles[#default_roles+1] = role
+ reverseroles[default_roles[#default_roles]] = #default_roles
+ end
@@ -212,33 +219,39 @@ local determine_perms = function(self,roles)
-- find all of the default roles files and parse them
local rolesfiles = get_roles_candidates(self)
+ -- keep track of the prefix and name handled
+ local handled = {}
for x,file in ipairs(rolesfiles) do
- local prefix = string.match(file, "(/[^/]+/)[^/]+$") or "/"
- f = fs.read_file_as_array(file) or {}
- local rolefile = string.match(file, "(/[^/]+/[^/]+)%.roles$")
- for y,line in pairs(f) do
- local role = string.match(line,"^[%w_]+")
- if role then
- if reverseroles[role] or reverseroles[rolefile.."/"..role] then
- temp = format.string_to_table(string.match(line,"[,%w_:/]+$"),",")
- for z,perm in pairs(temp) do
- -- we'll allow for : or / to not break old format
- local control,action = string.match(perm,"([%w_]+)[:/]([%w_]+)")
- if control then
- if nil == permissions[prefix] then
- permissions[prefix] = {}
- end
- if nil == permissions[prefix][control] then
- permissions[prefix][control] = {}
- end
- if action then
- if not permissions[prefix][control][action] then
- permissions[prefix][control][action] = {file}
- permissions_array[#permissions_array + 1] = prefix .. control .. "/" .. action
- default_permissions_array[#default_permissions_array + 1] = prefix .. control .. "/" .. action
- else
- permissions[prefix][control][action][#permissions[prefix][control][action] + 1] = file
+ local prefix, controller = string.match(file, "(/[^/]+/)([^/]+)%.roles$")
+ local rolefile = prefix..controller
+ if not handled[rolefile] then -- only use the first of each
+ handled[rolefile] = true
+ f = fs.read_file_as_array(file) or {}
+ for y,line in pairs(f) do
+ local role = string.match(line,"^[%w_]+")
+ if role then
+ if reverseroles[role] or reverseroles[rolefile.."/"..role] then
+ temp = format.string_to_table(string.match(line,"[,%w_:/]+$"),",")
+ for z,perm in pairs(temp) do
+ -- we'll allow for : or / to not break old format
+ local control,action = string.match(perm,"([%w_]+)[:/]([%w_]+)")
+ if control then
+ if nil == permissions[prefix] then
+ permissions[prefix] = {}
+ end
+ if nil == permissions[prefix][control] then
+ permissions[prefix][control] = {}
+ end
+ if action then
+ if not permissions[prefix][control][action] then
+ permissions[prefix][control][action] = {file}
+ permissions_array[#permissions_array + 1] = prefix .. control .. "/" .. action
+ default_permissions_array[#default_permissions_array + 1] = prefix .. control .. "/" .. action
+ else
+ permissions[prefix][control][action][#permissions[prefix][control][action] + 1] = file
+ end