2006-09-25 0.1.3 Renamed to acf (Alpine Configuration Framework), made new config directories wc table renamed to cf (wc means watercloset, and although this code stinks, it doesn't stink THAT bad) 2006-09-20 0.1.2 The lua portions are integrated now. Other developers should be able to build code from c/hostname.lua and m/hostname.lua 2006-09-14 0.1.1 Clearsilver removed, haserll is used - Webconf on LUA! 2006-09-03 0.1.0 Another attempt at simplifying... this one uses clearsilver. 2006-08-22 0.0.7 Moved the preabmle/postamble stuff into an array that's executed, so that each view doesn't have to do it. (DRY) Changed css to do dt/dd instead of label; This makes error messages for fields easier to tag. 0.0.5 Added DESTDIR to the APPROOT root (N.Copa requested) 2006-08-21 0.0.3 version create APPROOT and WEBROOT targets; moved www/app to www/cgi-bin (works with bb httpd) 2006-08-15 0.0.1 version released - webconf now has a makefile