module (..., package.seeall) require "fs" --TODO this should be somehow figureoutable from acf info, help! local cfgdir = "/usr/share/acf/app/service" --TODO, in fs actually, find should use coroutines instead of reading --all in table local spec = nil --TODO might on demand load only part of config that is needed for this app --but then TODO need to make persistent item ids local function loadCfg() if spec ~= nil then return end spec = {} for fname in fs.find(".*%.srv", cfgdir) do f =, 'r') if f then s = f:read("*a") f:close() if s then c = loadstring("return ({\n" .. s .. "\n})") if c then for i,v in ipairs(c()) do spec[#spec + 1] = v end end end end end end local function getAnyPid(pname) for e in lfs.dir("/proc") do if e == string.match(e, "^%d*$") then for line in io.lines("/proc/" .. e .. "/status") do tag, val = string.match(line, "^([^:]*):%s*(%S*)$"); if tag == "Name" then if val == pname then return e end break end end end end end local mech = {} function mech.initd(service, action) if not service.initd then return false, "no initd" end local f = io.popen("/etc/init.d/" .. service.initd .. ' ' .. action, "r") if not f then return false, "cannot run initd" end local ret = f:read("*a") f:close() return true, ret end function mech.pidfile(svc, action) if not service.pidfile then return false end if action ~= "status" then return false end f = if not f then return true, false end pid = tonumber(f:read("*a")) f:close() if not pid then return true, false end f ="/proc/" .. tostring(pid) .. "/status") if not f then return true, false end if svc.pidcmdname then for line in f:lines() do k, v = string.match(line, '^([^:]*):%s*(.*)$') if k == "Name" then return true, (v == svc.pidcmdname) end end end f:close() return true, true end local function serviceAction(service, action) if not service[action] then return false, "no such action " .. action end return mech[service[action]](service, action) end local function getServiceActions(service) local ret = {} if service.start then ret[#ret + 1] = "start" end if service.stop then ret[#ret + 1] = "stop" end if service.restart then ret[#ret + 1] = "restart" end if service.reload then ret[#ret + 1] = "reload" end return ret end function list(self, app) loadCfg() ret = {} for k,v in pairs(spec) do if == app then ret[#ret+1] = { id=k,, descr=v.descr or "", status=serviceAction(v, "status"), actions=getServiceActions(v) } end end return ret end function update(self, id, action) loadCfg() svc = spec[id] if not svc then return false, "no service" end return serviceAction(svc, action) end