--[[ ACF Logon/Logoff authenticator that uses plaintext files Copyright (c) 2007 Nathan Angelacos GPL2 license Rather than come up with a way to name fields in the plaintext files, we create a different file for each field. ]]-- module (..., package.seeall) list_fields = function(self, tabl) if not self or not tabl or tabl == "" then return {} end local fields = {} for file in fs.find(".*"..tabl, self.conf.confdir) do local field = string.match(file, "([^/]*)"..tabl.."$") or "" if fs.is_file(file) and field ~= "" then fields[#fields + 1] = field end end return fields end read_field = function(self, tabl, field) if not self or not tabl or tabl == "" or not field then return nil end local row = {} -- open our password file local passwd_path = self.conf.confdir .. field .. tabl local f = io.open(passwd_path) if f then local m = (f:read("*all") or "" ).. "\n" f:close() for l in string.gmatch(m, "([^\n]+)\n?") do local a = {} a.id, a.entry = string.match(l, "^([^:=]*)[:=](.*)") table.insert(row, a) end return row else return nil end end delete_field = function(self, tabl, field) if not self or not tabl or tabl == "" or not field then return false end local passwd_path = self.conf.confdir .. field .. tabl os.remove(passwd_path) return true end write_entry = function(self, tabl, field, id, entry) if not self or not tabl or tabl == "" or not field or not id or not entry then return false end -- Set path to passwordfile local passwd_path = self.conf.confdir .. field .. tabl -- Write the newline into the file if fs.is_file(passwd_path) == false then fs.create_file(passwd_path) posix.chmod(passwd_path, "rw-------") end if fs.is_file(passwd_path) == false then return false end local passwdfilecontent = fs.read_file_as_array(passwd_path) or {} local output = {id .. ":" .. entry} for k,v in pairs(passwdfilecontent) do if not ( string.match(v, "^".. id .. "[:=]") ) and not string.match(v, "^%s*$") then table.insert(output, v) end end fs.write_file(passwd_path, table.concat(output, "\n")) return true end read_entry = function(self, tabl, field, id) if not self or not tabl or tabl == "" or not field or not id then return nil end -- Set path to passwordfile local passwd_path = self.conf.confdir .. field .. tabl local passwdfilecontent = fs.read_file_as_array(passwd_path) or {} local entry for k,v in pairs(passwdfilecontent) do if string.match(v, "^".. id .. "[:=]") then return string.match(v, "^"..id.."[:=](.*)") end end return nil end delete_entry = function (self, tabl, field, id) if not self or not tabl or tabl == "" or not field or not id then return false end local result = false local passwd_path = self.conf.confdir .. field .. tabl local passwdfilecontent = fs.read_file_as_array(passwd_path) or {} local output = {} for k,v in pairs(passwdfilecontent) do if not ( string.match(v, "^".. id .. "[:=]") ) and not string.match(v, "^%s*$") then table.insert(output, v) else result = true end end --Save the updated table if result == true then fs.write_file(passwd_path, table.concat(output,"\n")) end -- If deleting the main field, delete all other fields also if field == "" then local fields = list_fields(self, tabl) for i,fld in ipairs(fields) do delete_entry(self, tabl, fld, id) end end return result end