--[[ module for generic filesystem funcs Copyright (c) Natanael Copa 2006 MM edited to use "posix" ]]-- module (..., package.seeall) require ("posix") -- generic wrapper funcs function is_dir ( pathstr ) return posix.stat ( pathstr, "type" ) == "directory" end function is_file ( pathstr ) return posix.stat ( pathstr, "type" ) == "regular" end function is_link ( pathstr ) return posix.stat ( pathstr, "type" ) == "link" end -- Creates a blank file function create_file ( path ) local cmd = "touch "..path local f = io.popen(cmd) f:close() return is_file(path) end -- Returns the contents of a file as a string function read_file ( path ) local file = io.open(path) if ( file ) then local f = file:read("*a") file:close() return f else return nil end end -- Returns an array with the contents of a file, -- or nil and the error message function read_file_as_array ( path ) local file, error = io.open(path) if ( file == nil ) then return nil, error end local f = {} for line in file:lines() do table.insert ( f , line ) --sometimes you will see it like f[#f+1] = line end file:close() return f end -- write a string to a file !! MM-will replace file contents function write_file ( path, str ) local file = io.open(path, "w") --append a newline char to EOF str = str .. "\n" if ( file ) then file:write(str) file:close() end end -- this could do more than a line. This will append -- fs.write_line_file ("filename", "Line1 \nLines2 \nLines3") function write_line_file ( path, str ) local file = io.open(path) if ( file) then local c = file:read("*a") file:close() local d = (c .. str .. "\n") -- include a friendly newline for EOF fs.write_file(path,d) end end --will return a string with md5sum and filename function md5sum_file ( path ) cmd = "/usr/bin/md5sum " .. path f = io.popen(cmd) checksum = f:read("*a") f:close() return checksum end function md5sum_string ( str) cmd = "/bin/echo -n " .. str .. "|/usr/bin/md5sum|cut -f 1 -d \" \" " f = io.popen(cmd) local checksum = {} for line in f:lines() do checksum[#checksum + 1] = line end f:close() return checksum[1] end -- iterator function for finding dir entries matching filespec (what) -- starting at where, or currentdir if not specified. -- Finds regexes, not fileglobs function find ( what, where ) -- returns an array of files under "where" that match what "f" local function find_files_as_array ( f, where, t ) where = where or posix.getcwd() f = f or ".*" t = t or {} for d in posix.files ( where ) do if fs.is_dir ( where .. "/" .. d ) and (d ~= ".") and ( d ~= "..") then find_files_as_array (f, where .. "/" .. d, t ) end if (string.match (d, "^" .. f .. "$" )) then table.insert (t, ( string.gsub ( where .. "/" .. d, "/+", "/" ) ) ) end end return (t) end -- This is the iterator local t = find_files_as_array ( what, where ) local idx = 0 return function () idx = idx + 1 return t[idx] end end -- This function does almost the same as posix.stat, but instead it writes the output human readable. function stat ( path ) local filedetails = posix.stat(path) if (filedetails) then filedetails["ctime"]=os.date("%c", filedetails["ctime"]) filedetails["mtime"]=os.date("%c", filedetails["mtime"]) filedetails["path"]=path if ( filedetails["size"] > 1073741824 ) then filedetails["size"]=((filedetails["size"]/1073741824) - (filedetails["size"]/1073741824%0.1)) .. "G" elseif ( filedetails["size"] > 1048576 ) then filedetails["size"]=((filedetails["size"]/1048576) - (filedetails["size"]/1048576%0.1)) .. "M" elseif ( filedetails["size"] > 1024 ) then filedetails["size"]=((filedetails["size"]/1024) - (filedetails["size"]/1024%0.1)) .. "k" else filedetails["size"]=filedetails["size"] end end return filedetails end