module (..., package.seeall) require("fs") function setoptsinfile (file, search, option, value) local opts = {} local newfilecontent = nil local filecontent = nil opts = getoptsfromfile(file) or {} filecontent = fs.read_file(file) or "" if (filecontent == "") or (opts[search] == "") or (opts[search] == nil) then opts[search] = {} end if not (search) or not (option) then return fales, nil, "Systeminformation - Invalid usage of function getopts.setoptsinfile()" end --Change to new value opts[search][option] = value local optstr = "" for k,v in pairs(opts) do if (k == search) then optstr = optstr.. k .. "=\"" for kk,vv in pairs(v) do optstr = optstr .. kk .. " " .. vv .. " " end optstr = string.match(optstr, "(.-)%s*$") .. "\"" end end newfilecontent = string.gsub(filecontent, "%s*[;#]?" .. search .. "%s*=.-\n?$", "\n" .. optstr .. "\n") or "" if (string.find(newfilecontent, search .. "%s*=" ) == nil) or (newfilecontent == "") then fs.write_file(file,string.match(filecontent, "(.-)\n*$") .. "\n" .. optstr .. "\n") else fs.write_file(file,string.match(newfilecontent, "(.-)\n*$")) end return true, "File '" .. file .. "' has been modifyed!", nil end function getoptsfromfile (file, search, filter) local opts = nil if not (fs.is_file(file)) then return nil end local conf_file = fs.read_file_as_array ( file ) for i=1,table.maxn(conf_file) do local l = conf_file[i] if not string.find ( l, "^[;#].*" ) then local a = string.match ( l, "^%s*(%S*)=" ) if (a) then if not (search) or (search == a) then local b = string.match ( l, '^%s*%S*%s*%=%s*%"?(.-)%s*%"?%s*$' ) local optstable = getopts.opts_to_table(b,filter) if (optstable) or not (filter) then if not (opts) then opts = {} end if (optstable) then opts[a] = optstable ---[[ Next line is DEBUG info. Should be commented out! --opts[a]["debug"] = b -- End debug info. --]] else opts[a] = b end end end end end end return opts end function opts_to_table ( optstring, filter ) local optsparams = nil local optstr = optstring if optstr then local option = "" for j = 1, string.len(optstr) do if (string.find(string.sub(optstr, j, string.len(optstr)), "^-%a%s*")) then option=string.sub(optstr, j, j+1) if not (filter) or (filter == option) then for k = j+1, string.len(optstr) do if not (optsparams) then optsparams = {} end if (string.sub(optstr, k, k) == "-") then optsparams[option] = string.match(string.sub(optstr, j+2, k-1),"^%s*(.-)%s*$") break end if (k == string.len(optstr)) then optsparams[option] = string.match(string.sub(optstr, j+2, k),"^%s*(.-)%s*$") break end end end end end end return optsparams end