--[[ parse through the *.menu tables and return a "menu" table Written for Alpine Configuration Framework (ACF) -- see www.alpinelinux.org Copyright (C) 2007 Nathan Angelacos Licensed under the terms of GPL2 ]]-- module(..., package.seeall) require("format") -- returns a table of the "*.menu" tables -- startdir should be the app dir. local get_candidates = function (startdir) return fs.find_files_as_array(".*%.menu", startdir) end -- Split string into priority and name, convert '_' to space local parse_menu_entry = function (entry) local name, priority if (string.match(entry, "^%d")) then priority, name = string.match(entry, "(%d+)(.*)") else name = entry end name = string.gsub(name, "_", " ") return name, priority end -- Parse menu file entry, returning cat, group, tab, action and priorities local parse_menu_line = function (line) local result = nil --skip comments and blank lines if nil == (string.match(line, "^#") or string.match(line,"^$")) then local item = {} for i in string.gmatch(line, "%S+") do item[#item + 1] = i end if #item >= 1 then result = {} result.cat, result.cat_prio = parse_menu_entry(item[1]) if (item[2]) then result.group, result.group_prio = parse_menu_entry(item[2]) end if (item[3]) then result.tab = parse_menu_entry(item[3]) end if (item[4]) then result.action = parse_menu_entry(item[4]) end end end return result end -- Function to compare priorities, missing priority moves to the front, same priority sorted alphabetically local prio_compare = function(x,y) if x.priority == y.priority then if x.name < y.name then return true end return false end if nil == x.priority then return true end if nil == y.priority then return false end if tonumber(x.priority) < tonumber(y.priority) then return true end return false end -- returns a table of all the menu items found, sorted by priority get_menuitems = function (startdir) local cats = {} local reversecats = {} startdir = (string.gsub(startdir, "/$", "")) --remove trailing / for k,filename in pairs(get_candidates(startdir)) do local controller = mvc.basename(filename, ".menu") local prefix = (string.gsub(mvc.dirname(filename), startdir, "")) -- open the menu file, and parse the contents local handle = io.open(filename) for x in handle:lines() do local result = parse_menu_line(x) if result then for i = 1,1 do -- loop so break works -- Add the category if nil == reversecats[result.cat] then table.insert ( cats, { name=result.cat, groups = {}, reversegroups = {} } ) reversecats[result.cat] = #cats end local cat = cats[reversecats[result.cat]] cat.priority = cat.priority or result.cat_prio -- Add the group if nil == result.group then break end if nil == cat.groups[cat.reversegroups[result.group]] then table.insert ( cat.groups, { name = result.group, controller = controller, prefix = prefix, tabs = {} } ) cat.reversegroups[result.group] = #cat.groups end local group = cat.groups[cat.reversegroups[result.group]] group.priority = group.priority or result.group_prio -- Add the tab if nil == result.tab or nil == result.action then break end local tab = { name = result.tab, action = result.action } table.insert(group.tabs, tab) end end end handle:close() end -- Now that we have the entire menu, sort by priority -- Categories first table.sort(cats, prio_compare) -- Then groups for x, cat in ipairs(cats) do cat.reversegroups = nil -- don't need reverse table anymore table.sort(cat.groups, prio_compare) end return cats end