module(..., package.seeall) -- Load libraries require("fs") require("format") require("processinfo") function getenabled(processname) local result = cfe({ label = "Program status", name=processname }) local t = processinfo.pidof(processname) if (t) and (#t > 0) then result.value = "Running" else result.value = "Stopped" end return result end function startstop_service(servicename, action, actions) -- action is validated against actions in daemoncontrol local result = {} result.actions = cfe({ type="list", value=actions or {"start", "stop", "restart"}, label="Start/Stop actions" }) if action then local cmdmessage,cmderror = processinfo.daemoncontrol(servicename, action, result.actions.value) result.result = cfe({ value=cmdmessage or "", errtxt=cmderror, label="Start/Stop result" }) end return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Start/Stop result" }) end function getstatus(processname, packagename, label, servicename) local status = {} local value, errtxt = processinfo.package_version(packagename) status.version = cfe({ label="Program version", value=value, errtxt=errtxt, name=packagename }) status.status = getenabled(processname) local autostart_value, autostart_errtxt = processinfo.process_autostart(servicename or processname) status.autostart = cfe({ label="Autostart status", value=autostart_value, errtxt=autostart_errtxt, name=servicename or processname }) return cfe({ type="group", value=status, label=label }) end function getfiledetails(file, validatefilename, validatefiledetails) local filename = cfe({ value=file or "", label="File name" }) local filecontent = cfe({ type="longtext", label="File content" }) local filesize = cfe({ value="0", label="File size" }) local mtime = cfe({ value="---", label="File date" }) local filedetails = cfe({ type="group", value={filename=filename, filecontent=filecontent, filesize=filesize, mtime=mtime}, label="Config file details" }) local success = true if type(validatefilename) == "function" then success = validatefilename(filedetails.value.filename.value) if not success then filedetails.value.filename.errtxt = "Invalid File" end elseif type(validatefilename) == "table" then success = false filedetails.value.filename.errtxt = "Invalid File" for i,f in ipairs(validatefilename) do if f == filedetails.value.filename.value then success = true filedetails.value.filename.errtxt = nil end end end if success then if fs.is_file(file) then local filedetails = fs.stat(file) filecontent.value = fs.read_file(file) or "" filesize.value = filedetails.size mtime.value = filedetails.mtime else filename.errtxt = "File not found" end if validatefiledetails then success, filedetails = validatefiledetails(filedetails) end end return filedetails end function setfiledetails(filedetails, validatefilename, validatefiledetails) filedetails.value.filecontent.value = string.gsub(format.dostounix(filedetails.value.filecontent.value), "\n+$", "") local success = true if type(validatefilename) == "function" then success = validatefilename(filedetails.value.filename.value) if not success then filedetails.value.filename.errtxt = "Invalid File" end elseif type(validatefilename) == "table" then success = false filedetails.value.filename.errtxt = "Invalid File" for i,f in ipairs(validatefilename) do if f == filedetails.value.filename.value then success = true filedetails.value.filename.errtxt = nil end end end if success and type(validatefiledetails) == "function" then success, filedetails = validatefiledetails(filedetails) end if success then --fs.write_file(filedetails.value.filename.value, filedetails.value.filecontent.value) write_file_with_audit(filedetails.value.filename.value, filedetails.value.filecontent.value) filedetails = getfiledetails(filedetails.value.filename.value) else filedetails.errtxt = "Failed to set file" end return filedetails end function validateselect(select) for i,option in ipairs(select.option) do if option == select.value then return true end end select.errtxt = "Invalid selection" return false end function validatemulti(multi) local reverseoption = {} for i,option in ipairs(multi.option) do reverseoption[option] = i end for i,value in ipairs(multi.value) do if not reverseoption[value] then multi.errtxt = "Invalid selection" return false end end return true end function write_file_with_audit (self, path, str) -- if there are only two parameters, assume self was omitted if not str then str = path path = self self = nil end -- attempt to find self if not self then if SELF and #SELF > 0 then self = SELF[#SELF] elseif APP then self = APP end end if self then local pre = "" local post = "" local tmpfile = (self.conf.sessiondir or "/tmp/") .. (self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid or "unknown") .. "-" .. os.time() .. ".tmp" if type(self.conf) == "table" then -- we make temporary globals for expand_bash_syntax_vars local a,b,c = TEMPFILE,CONFFILE,_G.self TEMPFILE=tmpfile CONFFILE=path _G.self=self pre = self.conf.audit_precommit or "" post = self.conf.audit_postcommit or "" local m = self.conf.app_hooks[self.conf.controller] or {} if m.audit_precommit then pre = m.audit_precommit end if m.audit_postcommit then post = m.audit_postcommit end m=nil if (type(pre) == "string") then pre = format.expand_bash_syntax_vars(pre) end if type (post) == "string" then post = format.expand_bash_syntax_vars(post) end TEMPFILE,CONFFILE,_G.self = a,b,c end fs.write_file(tmpfile,str) if (type(pre) == "string" and #pre) then os.execute(pre) elseif (type(pre) == "function") then pre(self, path, tmpfile) end fs.move_file(tmpfile, path) if (type(post) == "string" and #post) then os.execute(post) elseif (type(post) == "function") then post(self, path, tmpfile) end else fs.write_file(path,str) end return end