module(..., package.seeall) require("json") require("posix") local rpc = {} -- private privileged rpc server ------------------------------------ local function rpcserver(r, w) for line in r:lines() do local handle = json.decode(line) if type(rpc[handle.func]) == "function" then response = rpc[handle.func](unpack( else response = nil end w:write(json.encode(response).."\n") w:flush() end end -- public func ---------------------------------------------------- function drop_privs(user, group, privileged_funcs) local k, v local wrapper = {} -- communication pipes local cr, pw = posix.pipe() local pr, cw = posix.pipe() -- create wrapper table for k,v in pairs(privileged_funcs or {}) do if type(v) == "function" then rpc[k] = v wrapper[k] = function(...) local handle = {} handle.func = k = {...} cw:write(json.encode(handle).."\n") cw:flush() return (json.decode(cr:read("*line"))) end end end pid = posix.fork() if pid == nil then cr:close() cw:close() pr:close() cw:close() return nil end if pid == 0 then -- child runs with privs cr:close() cw:close() rpcserver(pr, pw) pw:close() pr:close() os.exit() end -- lets drop privs if posix.setpid("g", group) and posix.setpid("u", user) then return wrapper else posix.kill(pid) return nil end end