-- Session handling routines - written for acf -- Copyright (C) 2007 N. Angelacos - GPL2 License --[[ Note that in this library, we use empty (0 byte) files -- everwhere we can, as they only take up dir entries, not inodes -- as the tmpfs blocksize is 4K, and under denial of service -- attacks hundreds or thousands of events can come in each -- second, we could end up in a disk full condition if we did -- not take this precaution. -- ]]-- module (..., package.seeall) require "posix" local b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-" -- Return a sessionid of at least size bits length random_hash = function (size) local file = io.open("/dev/urandom") local str = "" if file == nil then return nil end while (size > 0 ) do local offset = (string.byte(file:read(1)) % 64) + 1 str = str .. string.sub (b64, offset, offset) size = size - 6 end return str end -- FIXME: only hashes ipv4 hash_ip_addr = function (string) local str = "" for i in string.gmatch(string, "%d+") do str = str .. string.format("%02x", i ) end return str end ip_addr_from_hash = function (string) local str = "" for i in string.gmatch(string, "..") do str = str .. string.format("%d", "0x" .. i) .. "." end return string.sub(str, 1, string.len(str)-1) end --[[ These functions serialize a table, including nested tables. The code based on code in PiL 2nd edition p113 ]]-- local function basicSerialize (o) if type(o) == "number" then return tostring(o) else return string.format("%q", o) end end function serialize (name, value, saved ) local str = str or "" saved = saved or {} str = str .. name .. " = " if type(value) == "number" or type(value) == "string" then str = str .. basicSerialize (value) .. "\n" elseif type(value) == "table" then if saved[value] then str = str .. saved[value] .. "\n" else saved[value] = name str = str .. "{}\n" for k,v in pairs(value) do local fieldname = string.format("%s[%s]", name, basicSerialize(k)) str = str .. serialize (fieldname, v, saved) end end elseif type(value) == "boolean" then str = str .. tostring(value) .. "\n" else str = str .. "nil\n" -- cannot save other types, so skip them end return str end save_session = function( sessionpath, session, sessiontable) local file = io.open(sessionpath .. "/session." .. session , "w") if file == nil then return nil end local id = sessiontable.id -- clear the id key sessiontable.id = nil -- count the keys local count = 0 for k,v in pairs (sessiontable) do count = count + 1 end -- If the table only has an "id" field, then don't save it if count > 0 and file then file:write ( "-- This is an ACF session table.\n") file:write ( "\nlocal " ) file:write ( serialize("s", sessiontable) ) file:write ( "return s\n") end file:close() sessiontable.id=id return true end -- Loads a session -- Returns a timestamp (when the session data was saved) and the session table. -- We insert a "id" field from the "session" load_session = function ( sessionpath, session ) local s = {} -- session can only have b64 characters in it session = string.gsub ( session or "", "[^" .. b64 .. "]", "") if #session == 0 then return nil, {} end local spath = sessionpath .. "/session." .. session local ts = posix.stat(spath, "ctime") if (ts) then s = dofile(spath) or {} s.id = session return ts, s else return nil, {} end end -- unlinks a session unlink_session = function (sessionpath, session) if type(session) ~= "string" then return nil end local s = string.gsub (session, "[^" .. b64 .. "]", "") if s ~= session then return nil end session = sessionpath .. "/session." .. s os.remove (session) return nil end -- Record an invalid login event -- ID would typically be an ip address or username -- the format is lockevent.id.datetime.processid record_event = function( sessionpath, id ) local x = io.open (string.format ("%s/lockevent.%s.%s.%s", sessionpath or "/", id or "", os.time(), (posix.getpid("pid")) or "" ), "w") io.close(x) end -- Check how many invalid login events -- have happened for this id in the last n minutes count_events = function ( sessionpath, id, minutes) -- FIXME return 0 end -- Clear events that are older than n minutes expire_events = function (sessionpath, minutes) -- FIXME return 0 end