-------------------------------------------------- -- Validation Functions for Alpine Linux' Webconf -------------------------------------------------- -- setup the 'language' table lang = {} lang.English = 1 lang.German = 2 lang.French = 3 lang.Current = lang.English -- setup the 'validator' tables validator = {} validator.msg = {} validator.msg.err = {} -- setup error messages validator.msg.err.Success = {} validator.msg.err.Success[lang.English] = "Ok." validator.msg.err.Success[lang.German] = "Ok." validator.msg.err.InvalidChars = {} validator.msg.err.InvalidChars[lang.English] = "Invalid characters!" validator.msg.err.InvalidChars[lang.German] = "Ungültige Zeichen!" validator.msg.err.InvalidLength = {} validator.msg.err.InvalidLength[lang.English] = "Invalid length!" validator.msg.err.InvalidLength[lang.German] = "Ungültige Länge!" validator.msg.err.InvalidFormat = {} validator.msg.err.InvalidFormat[lang.English] = "Invalid format!" validator.msg.err.InvalidFormat[lang.German] = "Ungültiges Format!" validator.msg.err.InvalidValue = {} validator.msg.err.InvalidValue[lang.English] = "Invalid Value!" validator.msg.err.InvalidValue[lang.German] = "Ungültiger Wert!" validator.msg.err.OutOfRange = {} validator.msg.err.OutOfRange[lang.English] = "Value out of range!" validator.msg.err.OutOfRange[lang.German] = "Wert ausserhalb des Bereichs!" -- -- This function validates an ipv4 address. -- On success it returns 1 otherwise a negative value -- function validator.is_ipv4(ipv4) local retval = false; local nums = { "", "", "", ""}; local iplen = string.len(ipv4); -- check the ipv4's length if (iplen < 7 or iplen > 15) then return false, validator.msg.err.InvalidLength[lang.Current] end -- NC: Split the string into an array. separate with '.' (dots) -- ^ beginning of string -- () capture -- \. litteral '.' The \ neutralizes the . character class. -- %d+ one or more digits -- $ end of string nums = { ipv4:match ("^(%d+)\.(%d+)\.(%d+)\.(%d+)$" ) } -- check if all nums are filled if ( nums[1] == nil or nums[2] == nil or nums[3] == nil or nums[4] == nil) then -- we have an empty number return false, validator.msg.err.InvalidFormat[lang.Current] end -- too big? if (tonumber(nums[1]) > 255 or tonumber(nums[2]) > 255 or tonumber(nums[3]) > 255 or tonumber(nums[4]) > 255) then -- at least one number is too big return false, validator.msg.err.InvalidValue[lang.Current] end return true, validator.msg.err.Success[lang.Current] end function validator.is_mac(mac) local tmpmac = string.upper(mac) if (string.len(tmpmac) ~= 17) then return false, validator.msg.err.InvalidLength[lang.Current] end -- check for valid characters local step = 1; while (step <= 17) do if (string.sub(tmpmac, step, step) ~= ":") and (string.sub(tmpmac, step, step) < "0" or string.sub(tmpmac, step, step) > "9") and (string.sub(tmpmac, step, step) < "A" or string.sub(tmpmac, step, step) > "F") then -- we have found an invalid character! return false, validator.msg.err.InvalidChars[lang.Current] end step = step + 1; end -- check for valid colon positions if (string.sub(tmpmac, 3, 3) ~= ":" or string.sub(tmpmac, 6, 6) ~= ":" or string.sub(tmpmac, 9, 9) ~= ":" or string.sub(tmpmac, 12, 12) ~= ":" or string.sub(tmpmac, 15, 15) ~= ":") then return false, validator.msg.err.InvalidFormat[lang.Current] end -- check for valid non colon positions step = 1; while (step <= 17) do if ((string.sub(tmpmac, step, step) == ":") and ((step ~= 3) and (step ~= 6) and (step ~= 9) and (step ~= 12) and (step ~= 15))) then return false, validator.msg.err.InvalidValue[lang.Current] end step = step + 1; end return true, validator.msg.err.Success[lang.Current] end -- -- This function checks if the given input -- consists of number-chars between 0..9 only -- and eventually a leading '-' -- function validator.is_integer(numstr) -- ^ beginning of string -- -? one or zero ot the char '-' -- %d+ one or more digits -- $ end of string return string.find(numstr, "^-?%d+$") ~= nil end -- -- This function checks if the given input -- consists of number-chars between 0..9 only -- and if it is within a given range. -- function validator.is_integer_in_range(numstr, min, max) return validator.is_integer(numstr) and numstr >= min and numstr <= max end -- -- This function checks if the given number is an integer -- and wheter it is between 1 .. 65535 -- function validator.is_port(numstr) return validator.is_integer_in_range(numstr, 1, 65535) end