path: root/vmail-model.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'vmail-model.lua')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/vmail-model.lua b/vmail-model.lua
index f8f3ae3..81f943a 100644
--- a/vmail-model.lua
+++ b/vmail-model.lua
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ config.domain = config.domain or "voicemail"
config.event_socket_ip = config.event_socket_ip or ""
config.event_socket_port = config.event_socket_port or "8021"
config.event_socket_password = config.event_socket_password or "ClueCon"
-config.callback_url = config.callback_url or "sofia/gateway/$1"
+config.callback_command = config.callback_command or "originate {ignore_early_media=true,origination_caller_id_name='Voicemail',origination_caller_id_number='Voicemail'}sofia/gateway/$1 &playback($2)"
local env
local con
@@ -70,10 +71,13 @@ local function voicemail_inject(user, domain, sound_file, cid_num, cid_name)
return result
-local function voicemail_callback(extension, sound_file, cid_num, cid_name)
- local cmd = "echo -e 'auth "..escape_quotes(config.event_socket_password).."\n\n"
- cmd = cmd.."bgapi originate {ignore_early_media=true,origination_caller_id_name='\\''"..string.gsub(cid_name or "Voicemail", "'", "").."'\\'',origination_caller_id_number='\\''"
- cmd = cmd..string.gsub(cid_num or "", "'", "").."'\\''}"..escape_quotes(string.gsub(config.callback_url, "$1", extension)).." &playback("..escape_quotes(sound_file)..")"
+local function voicemail_callback(extension, sound_file, username)
+ local cmd = "echo -e 'auth "..escape_quotes(config.event_socket_password).."\n\nbgapi "
+ local c = config.callback_command
+ c = c:gsub("%$1", extension)
+ c = c:gsub("%$2", sound_file)
+ c = c:gsub("%$3", username)
+ cmd = cmd..escape_quotes(c)
cmd = cmd.."\n\nexit\n\n' | nc "..format.escapespecialcharacters(config.event_socket_ip).." "..format.escapespecialcharacters(config.event_socket_port).." 2>&1"
local f = io.popen( cmd )
local result = f:read("*a") or ""
@@ -323,8 +327,8 @@ local function validateconfig(newconfig)
newconfig.value.event_socket_password.errtxt = "Cannot be blank"
success = false
- if newconfig.value.callback_url.value == "" then
- newconfig.value.callback_url.errtxt = "Cannot be blank"
+ if newconfig.value.callback_command.value == "" then
+ newconfig.value.callback_command.errtxt = "Cannot be blank"
success = false
return success, newconfig
@@ -340,7 +344,7 @@ get_config = function()
result.event_socket_ip = cfe({ value=config.event_socket_ip, label="FS Event Socket IP" })
result.event_socket_port = cfe({ value=config.event_socket_port, label="FS Event Socket Port" })
result.event_socket_password = cfe({ value=config.event_socket_password, label="FS Event Socket Password" })
- result.callback_url = cfe({ value=config.callback_url, label="FS SIP URL for Callback", desc="Use $1 for extension. No other parameters allowed." })
+ result.callback_command = cfe({ value=config.callback_command, label="FS API Command for Callback", desc="Use $1 for extension, $2 for wav filename, and $3 for originating user. No other parameters allowed." })
return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Voicemail Config" })