-- Copy of authenticator-plaintext, plus added authentication from voicemail DB module (..., package.seeall) require("md5") a = require("authenticator-plaintext") list_fields = function(self, tabl) result = a.list_fields(self, tabl) return result end read_field = function(self, tabl, field) result = a.read_field(self, tabl, field) if tabl == authenticator.usertable and field == "" then -- authenticator is reading all users local vmcontroller = self:new("freeswitch-vmail/vmail") local users = vmcontroller.model.list_passwords() for i,val in ipairs(users.value) do local string = md5.sumhexa(val.password)..":Voicemail User:/freeswitch-vmail/vmail/USER::/freeswitch-vmail/vmail/listmymessages" result[#result+1] = { id=val.username, entry=string } end vmcontroller:destroy() end return result end delete_field = function(self, tabl, field) result = a.delete_field(self, tabl, field) return result end write_entry = function(self, tabl, field, id, entry) result = a.write_entry(self, tabl, field, id, entry) return result end read_entry = function(self, tabl, field, id) local result if tabl == authenticator.usertable and field == "" then -- authenticator is reading one user local vmcontroller = self:new("freeswitch-vmail/vmail") local users = vmcontroller.model.list_passwords(id) if users and users.value and users.value[1] and users.value[1].password then result = md5.sumhexa(users.value[1].password)..":Voicemail User:/freeswitch-vmail/vmail/USER::/freeswitch-vmail/vmail/listmymessages" end vmcontroller:destroy() end if not result then result = a.read_entry(self, tabl, field, id) end return result end delete_entry = function (self, tabl, field, id) result = a.delete_entry(self, tabl, field, id) return result end