path: root/kamailio-model.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kamailio-model.lua')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kamailio-model.lua b/kamailio-model.lua
index c121dd1..bee2cb8 100644
--- a/kamailio-model.lua
+++ b/kamailio-model.lua
@@ -103,9 +103,15 @@ end
local listtables = function()
local result = {}
if DBENGINE == "PGSQL" then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ local tab = getselectresponse("SELECT tablename, schemaname FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename !~* 'pg_*' ORDER BY schemaname, tablename ASC")
+ for i,t in ipairs(tab) do
+ result[#result+1] = {schema=t.schemaname, table=t.tablename}
local tab = getselectresponse("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename !~* 'pg_*' ORDER BY tablename ASC")
for i,t in ipairs(tab) do
result[#result+1] = t.tablename
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
-- untested
@@ -114,10 +120,23 @@ local listtables = function()
return result
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+local listcolumns = function(table, schema)
+ local result = {}
+ if DBENGINE == "PGSQL" then
+ local col
+ if schema then
+ col = getselectresponse("SELECT column_name AS field FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema='"..schema.."' AND table_name='"..table.."' ORDER BY ordinal_position")
+ else
+ col = getselectresponse("SELECT column_name AS field FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='"..table.."' ORDER BY ordinal_position")
+ end
local listcolumns = function(table)
local result = {}
if DBENGINE == "PGSQL" then
local col = getselectresponse("SELECT a.attname AS field FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '"..table.."' AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid ORDER BY a.attnum")
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
for i,c in ipairs(col) do
result[#result+1] = c.field
@@ -313,9 +332,22 @@ function list_tables()
return cfe({ type="list", value=retval, label="List of Database Tables", errtxt=errtxt })
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+function list_table_entries(req_table)
+ local retval = {}
+ -- split up the schema from the table
+ local schema, table
+ schema, table = string.match(req_table, "(.+)%.(.+)")
+ -- if there's no schema with it then grab the req_table value
+ if not schema then
+ table = req_table
+ end
+ retval.table = cfe({ value=req_table or "", label="Table" })
function list_table_entries(table)
local retval = {}
retval.table = cfe({ value=table or "", label="Table" })
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
retval.fields = cfe({ type="list", value={}, label="List of Table Fields" })
retval.entries = cfe({ type="structure", value={}, label="List of Database Entries" })
local errtxt
@@ -326,11 +358,24 @@ function list_table_entries(table)
retval.table.errtxt = "Table does not exist"
errtxt = "Table does not exist"
for i,t in ipairs(tables) do
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ if t.table == table then
+ retval.table.errtxt = nil
+ errtxt = nil
+ -- if there's a schema, include it in the select statement
+ if schema then
+ retval.entries.value = getselectresponse("SELECT * FROM "..schema.."."..table) or {}
+ else
+ retval.entries.value = getselectresponse("SELECT * FROM "..table) or {}
+ end
+ retval.fields.value = listcolumns(table, schema) or {}
if t == table then
retval.table.errtxt = nil
errtxt = nil
retval.entries.value = getselectresponse("SELECT * FROM "..table.." ORDER BY id ASC") or {}
retval.fields.value = listcolumns(table) or {}
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
if connected then databasedisconnect() end
@@ -338,6 +383,23 @@ function list_table_entries(table)
if not res and err then
errtxt = err
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Database Table Entries", errtxt=errtxt })
+function get_table_entry(req_table, id)
+ local retval = {}
+ -- split up the schema from the table
+ local schema, table
+ schema, table = string.match(req_table, "(.+)%.(.+)")
+ -- if there's no schema with it then grab the req_table value
+ if not schema then
+ table = req_table
+ end
+ retval.table = cfe({ value=req_table or "", label="Table", errtxt="Table does not exist", seq=0 })
+ local errtxt = "Table does not exist"
+ if req_table and req_table ~= "" then
return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Database Table Entries", errtxt=errtxt })
@@ -347,23 +409,41 @@ function get_table_entry(table, id)
retval.table = cfe({ value=table or "", label="Table", errtxt="Table does not exist", seq=0 })
local errtxt = "Table does not exist"
if table and table ~= "" then
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
local res, err = pcall(function()
local connected = databaseconnect()
local tables = listtables()
for i,t in ipairs(tables) do
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ if t.table == table then
if t == table then
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
retval.table.errtxt = nil
errtxt = nil
if not errtxt then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ local fields = listcolumns(table, schema)
local fields = listcolumns(table)
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
for i,f in ipairs(fields) do
retval[f] = cfe({ label=f, seq=i })
if id and id ~= "" then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ local entry
+ if schema then
+ entry = getselectresponse("SELECT * FROM "..schema.."."..table.." WHERE id='"..escape(id).."'")
+ else
+ entry = getselectresponse("SELECT * FROM "..table.." WHERE id='"..escape(id).."'")
+ end
local entry = getselectresponse("SELECT * FROM "..table.." WHERE id='"..escape(id).."'")
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
if entry and #entry > 0 then
for n,v in pairs(entry[1]) do
if retval[n] then retval[n].value = v end
@@ -406,10 +486,22 @@ function update_table_entry(entry, create)
local res, err = pcall(function()
local connected = databaseconnect()
local tables = listtables()
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ local schema, tablename
+ schema, tablename = string.match(entry.value.table.value, "(.+)%.(.+)")
+ success = false
+ if not schema then
+ tablename = entry.value.table.value
+ end
+ entry.value.table.errtxt = "Table does not exist"
+ for i,t in ipairs(tables) do
+ if t.table == tablename then
success = false
entry.value.table.errtxt = "Table does not exist"
for i,t in ipairs(tables) do
if t == entry.value.table.value then
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
success = true
entry.value.table.errtxt = nil
@@ -428,6 +520,21 @@ function update_table_entry(entry, create)
local values = {}
for n,v in pairs(entry.value) do
if n ~= "table" and n ~= "id" then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ --- !!! HACK !!! ---
+ --- Fix for DISTributary Phone System Tool: ASHP
+ ---
+ --- Need to allow for insertion of NULL rather than
+ --- simply '' so that integers and booleans can be
+ --- added with empty values.
+ ---- ----------- ---
+ if n == "role_id" or n == "seq" then
+ if v.value == "" then
+ v.value = "0"
+ end
+ end
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
names[#names+1] = n
values[#values+1] = escape(v.value)
@@ -456,10 +563,24 @@ function update_table_entry(entry, create)
return entry
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+function delete_table_entry(req_table, id)
+ local result = ""
+ local errtxt
+ -- split up the schema from the table
+ local schema, table
+ schema, table = string.match(req_table, "(.+)%.(.+)")
+ -- if there's no schema with it then grab the req_table value
+ if not schema then
+ table = req_table
+ end
+ if not req_table or req_table == "" then
function delete_table_entry(table, id)
local result = ""
local errtxt
if not table or table == "" then
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
errtxt = "Invalid table"
elseif not id or id == "" then
errtxt = "Invalid entry"
@@ -469,13 +590,26 @@ function delete_table_entry(table, id)
errtxt = "Invalid table"
local tables = listtables()
for i,t in ipairs(tables) do
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ if t.table == table then
if t == table then
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
errtxt = nil
if not errtxt then
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ local sql
+ if schema then
+ sql = "DELETE FROM "..schema.."."..table.." WHERE id='"..escape(id).."'"
+ else
+ sql = "DELETE FROM "..table.." WHERE id='"..escape(id).."'"
+ end
local sql = "DELETE FROM "..table.." WHERE id='"..escape(id).."'"
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
result = "Entry Deleted"
@@ -506,9 +640,15 @@ function search_database(id, value, comparison)
local connected = databaseconnect()
local tables = listtables() or {}
for i,t in ipairs(tables) do
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ local columns = listcolumns(t.table) or {}
+ for i,c in ipairs(columns) do
+[ + 1] = t.table.."."..c
local columns = listcolumns(t) or {}
for i,c in ipairs(columns) do[ + 1] = t.."."..c
+>>>>>>> e19ee215667692e70cb4788dca4151e23aa73b96
-- Get the rows from the DB