-- This is the script run after editing device params local functions, params, oldparams = ... require("posix") local root = "/var/www/provisioning/htdocs/" APP.logevent("got to update_device_params script") local function findip(mac) if not mac or mac == "" then return nil end local ipaddr = functions.getselectresponse("SELECT ip FROM provisioning_requests WHERE mac~*'"..mac.."'") if ipaddr and ipaddr[1] then return ipaddr[1].ip end end local notify_device = function(mac, extension) local ipaddr = findip(mac) if ipaddr then APP.logevent("Notifying "..ipaddr.." to update for "..(mac or "")) os.execute("/etc/provisioning/notify_device "..ipaddr.." "..extension) addfuturenotify(ipaddr, extension) else APP.logevent("Warning - could not find IP address for "..(mac or "")) end end -- If the mac address changed, we need to move the associated config files if oldparams.value.device and oldparams.value.device.value.mac and oldparams.value.device.value.mac.value ~= "" and params.value.device and params.value.device.value.mac and params.value.device.value.mac.value ~= oldparams.value.device.value.mac.value then if string.match(oldparams.value.device.label, "Polycom") then local path = root.."Polycom/" for d in posix.files(path) do if string.match(d, string.lower(oldparams.value.device.value.mac.value)) and posix.stat(path..d, "type") == "regular" then local newfile = string.gsub(d, string.lower(oldparams.value.device.value.mac.value), string.lower(params.value.device.value.mac.value)) APP.logevent("moving "..path..d.." to "..path..newfile) os.rename(path..d, path..newfile) end end end end -- Notify the phone to pull it's config -- Try to get a valid extension currently on the device local oldexten = "" for name,val in pairs(oldparams.value) do if string.match(name, "^reg") and val.value.extension and val.value.extension.value ~= "" then oldexten = val.value.extension.value break end end if params.value.device and params.value.device.value.mac and params.value.device.value.mac.value ~= "" then notify_device(params.value.device.value.mac.value, oldexten) end if oldparams.value.device and oldparams.value.device.value.mac and oldparams.value.device.value.mac.value ~= "" then notify_device(oldparams.value.device.value.mac.value, oldexten) end