diff options
8 files changed, 344 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/lbu-commit-html.lsp b/lbu-commit-html.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 672873e..0000000
--- a/lbu-commit-html.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<? local form = ...
-io.write("<H1>DEBUGGING</H1><span style='color:red'><H2>DEBUG INFO: CFE</H2>")
-local myform = form.status
-local tags = { "status", "version", }
-local myform = form.status
-local tags = { "LBU_MEDIA", "ENCRYPTION", }
-<H2>Save to media</h2>
-<form name="cmd" action="" method="POST">
-local tags = { "lbusimulate", "lbucommit", "lbucleanmedia", }
-<? if (form.cmdresult) then ?>
- <dt>Result of previous action</dt>
- <dd><pre><?= form.cmdresult ?></pre></DD>
-<? end ?>
diff --git a/lbu-config-html.lsp b/lbu-config-html.lsp
index d9e1491..b8b10eb 100644
--- a/lbu-config-html.lsp
+++ b/lbu-config-html.lsp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<? local form = ...
+<? local form, viewlibrary = ...
@@ -9,57 +9,18 @@ io.write("</span>")
-local myform = form.status
-local tags = { "status", "version", }
-<form name="config" action="" method="POST">
-<H2>Advanced config</H2>
-<H3>Storage media</H3>
-local myform = form.config
-local tags = { "LBU_MEDIA", }
-<H3>Included list</H3>
-local tags = { "lbu_included","cmd_delete_included", "item_add_included", "cmd_add_included", }
-<H3>Excluded list</H3>
-local tags = { "lbu_excluded","cmd_delete_excluded", "item_add_excluded", "cmd_add_excluded", }
+ if viewlibrary and viewlibrary.dispatch_component then
+ viewlibrary.dispatch_component("basicstatus")
+ end
+ displayform(form, order)
-<H2>Save and apply above settings</H2>
-local tags = { "config_submit" }
+ if viewlibrary and viewlibrary.dispatch_component then
+ viewlibrary.dispatch_component("editincluded")
+ viewlibrary.dispatch_component("editexcluded")
+ end
diff --git a/lbu-controller.lua b/lbu-controller.lua
index a5b6256..1d5c22b 100644
--- a/lbu-controller.lua
+++ b/lbu-controller.lua
@@ -5,192 +5,117 @@ module(..., package.seeall)
default_action = "status"
+function basicstatus (self)
+ return self.model.getstatus()
function status (self)
- local cmd = self.clientdata.cmd
- local url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller
- local status, errors = self.model:getstatus()
- return ( {status = status,
- errors = errors,
- lbustatus = self.model:list(),
- url = url, } )
+ return self.model.list()
function config (self)
- local errors = {}
- local cmdresult
- if (self.clientdata.cmd_delete_excluded) and (self.clientdata.lbu_excluded) then
- cmdresult = self.model:lbuincexcl("exclude", self.clientdata.lbu_excluded, "remove")
- end
- if (self.clientdata.cmd_delete_included) and (self.clientdata.lbu_included) then
- cmdresult = self.model:lbuincexcl("include", self.clientdata.lbu_included, "remove")
- end
- if (self.clientdata.config_submit) then
- cmdresult = {}
- for var in string.gmatch(variables, "%S+") do
- cmdresult[var] = self.model:editconfig(var, self.clientdata[var], "change_value")
+ local config = self.model.getconfig()
+ if self.clientdata.Save then
+ config.errtxt = nil
+ for name,value in pairs(config.value) do
+ value.errtxt = nil
+ if value.type == "boolean" then
+ value.value = (self.clientdata[name]~=nil)
+ else
+ value.value = self.clientdata[name] or value.value
+ end
+ end
+ config = self.model.setconfig(config)
+ if not config.errtxt then
+ config.descr = "Configuration Set"
- if (self.clientdata.cmd_add_included) and (self.clientdata.item_add_included) then
- cmdresult = self.model:lbuincexcl("include", self.clientdata.item_add_included, "add")
- end
- if (self.clientdata.cmd_add_excluded) and (self.clientdata.item_add_excluded) then
- cmdresult = self.model:lbuincexcl("exclude", self.clientdata.item_add_excluded, "add")
- end
+ config.type = "form"
+ config.option = "Save"
+ config.label = "Edit Config"
- local config = self.model:getconfig()
- -- This needs to be done /after/ the editing of the config (done earlier in this code)
- local status = self.model:getstatus()
- -- Add submit and other buttons
- config["cmd_delete_included"] = cfe({
- name="cmd_delete_included",
- value="Delete",
- label="Delete selected included-item",
- type="submit",
- descr="Mark a item in '" .. config.lbu_included.label .. "'-list before pressing [Delete]",
- })
- config["item_add_included"] = cfe({
- name="item_add_included",
- label="Item to add to included-list",
- })
- config["cmd_add_included"] = cfe({
- name="cmd_add_included",
- value="Add",
- label="Add the item into the included-list",
- type="submit",
- descr="Enter a value in '" .. config.item_add_included.label .. "'-input before pressing [Add]",
- })
- config["cmd_delete_excluded"] = cfe({
- name="cmd_delete_excluded",
- value="Delete",
- label="Delete selected excluded-item",
- type="submit",
- descr="Mark a item in '" .. config.lbu_excluded.label .. "'-list before pressing [Delete]",
- })
- config["item_add_excluded"] = cfe({
- name="item_add_excluded",
- label="Item to add to excluded-list",
- })
- config["cmd_add_excluded"] = cfe({
- name="cmd_add_excluded",
- value="Add",
- label="Add the item into the excluded-list",
- type="submit",
- descr="Enter a value in '" .. config.item_add_excluded.label .. "'-input before pressing [Add]",
- })
- config["config_submit"] = cfe({
- name="config_submit",
- value="Apply",
- label="Apply above settings",
- type="submit",
- })
- if (self.clientdata.config_submit) then
- config.config_submit.descr="* Changes has been saved!"
- end
- -- Disable buttons/commands that is usable for som reason
- if (config.lbu_included.option) and (#config.lbu_included.option == 0) then
- config.cmd_delete_included.disabled= "yes"
- config.cmd_delete_included.descr= ""
- end
- if (config.lbu_excluded.option) and (#config.lbu_excluded.option == 0) then
- config.cmd_delete_excluded.disabled= "yes"
- config.cmd_delete_excluded.descr= ""
+ return config
+function editincluded (self)
+ local errtxt, descr
+ local included = self.model.getincluded()
+ if self.clientdata.Save then
+ included.errtxt = nil
+ included.value = self.clientdata.included
+ included = self.model.setincluded(included)
+ if included.errtxt then
+ errtxt = "Failed to set included files"
+ else
+ descr = "Included files set"
+ redirect_to_referrer(self)
+ end
+ return cfe({ type="form", value={included=included}, option="Save", label="Edit included files", errtxt=errtxt, descr=descr })
- local url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller
- return ( {status = status,
- cmdresult = cmdresult,
- errors = errors,
- clientdata = self.clientdata,
- config = config,
- url = url, } )
+function editexcluded (self)
+ local errtxt, descr
+ local excluded = self.model.getexcluded()
+ if self.clientdata.Save then
+ excluded.errtxt = nil
+ excluded.value = self.clientdata.excluded
+ excluded = self.model.setexcluded(excluded)
+ if excluded.errtxt then
+ errtxt = "Failed to set excluded files"
+ else
+ descr = "Excluded files set"
+ redirect_to_referrer(self)
+ end
+ end
+ return cfe({ type="form", value={excluded=excluded}, option="Save", label="Edit excluded files", errtxt=errtxt, descr=descr })
function commit(self)
- local cmdresult, cmderror
- local url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller
- local cmdflag = nil
- if (self.clientdata.lbucleanmedia) then cmdflag = "-d" else cmdflag = "" end
- if (self.clientdata.lbusimulate) then
- cmdresult, cmderror = self.model:getsimulate(cmdflag)
- end
- if (self.clientdata.lbucommit) then
- cmdresult, cmderror = self.model:getcommit(cmdflag)
+ local comm = self.model.getcommit()
+ if self.clientdata.Commit then
+ comm.errtxt = nil
+ for name,value in pairs(comm.value) do
+ value.errtxt = nil
+ value.value = (self.clientdata[name]~=nil)
+ end
+ comm = self.model.commit(comm)
+ self.sessiondata.commitresult = cfe({ value=comm.descr or "", errtxt=comm.errtxt })
+ redirect_to_referrer(self)
- -- If no clientdata then do a dryrun and see if it's going to work else report
- if not (cmdresult) then
- tmp_cmdresult, cmderror = self.model:getsimulate()
+ if self.sessiondata.commitresult then
+ comm.descr = self.sessiondata.commitresult.value
+ comm.errtxt = self.sessiondata.commitresult.errtxt
+ self.sessiondata.commitresult = nil
- local status, errors = self.model:getstatus()
- -- Add buttons
- status["lbusimulate"] = cfe({
- name="lbusimulate",
- value="Simulate",
- label="Simulate/Test a commit",
- type="submit",
- })
- status["lbucommit"] = cfe({
- name="lbucommit",
- value="Commit",
- label="Actually commit and save changes",
- type="submit",
- })
- if (cmderror["-d"]) then
- status["lbucleanmedia"] = cfe({
- name="lbucleanmedia",
- value="lbucleanmedia",
- label="Remove existing apk.ovls from media",
- type="checkbox",
- })
- end
+ comm.type = "form"
+ comm.option = "Commit"
+ comm.label = "Commit changes"
- return ( {status = status,
- cmdresult = cmdresult,
- cmdflag = cmdflag,
- cmderror = cmderror,
- clientdata = self.clientdata,
- url = url, } )
+ return comm
function expert (self)
- local modifications = self.clientdata.filecontent or ""
- if ( self.clientdata.cmdsave) then
- modifications = self.model:update_filecontent(modifications)
+ local filedetails = self.model.get_filedetails()
+ if self.clientdata.Save then
+ filedetails.value.filecontent.errtxt = nil
+ filedetails.value.filecontent.value = self.clientdata.filecontent
+ filedetails.value.filecontent = self.model.set_filecontent(filedetails.value.filecontent)
+ if filedetails.value.filecontent.errtxt then
+ filedetails.errtxt = "Failed to save config"
+ else
+ filedetails.descr = "Saved config"
+ end
- local status = self.model.getstatus()
- local file = self.model:get_filedetails()
- -- Add submit and other buttons
- file["cmdsave"] = cfe({
- name="cmdsave",
- value="Apply",
- label="Apply settings",
- type="submit",
- })
- if (self.clientdata.cmdsave) then
- file.cmdsave.descr="* Changes has been saved!"
- end
- local url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller
- return {
- file = file,
- status = status,
- clientdata = self.clientdata,
- url = url, }
+ filedetails.type = "form"
+ filedetails.option = "Save"
+ filedetails.label = "Edit config file"
+ return filedetails
diff --git a/lbu-expert-html.lsp b/lbu-expert-html.lsp
index ed87ade..04dfd45 100644
--- a/lbu-expert-html.lsp
+++ b/lbu-expert-html.lsp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<? local form = ...
+<? local form, viewlibrary = ...
@@ -9,40 +9,28 @@ io.write("</span>")
-local myform = form.status
-local tags = { "status", "version", }
-<form name="myform" action="" method="POST">
+<? if viewlibrary and viewlibrary.dispatch_component then
+ viewlibrary.dispatch_component("basicstatus")
+end ?>
+<H2>File Details</H2>
-local myform = form.file
-local tags = { "filename", "filesize", "mtime", "sumerrors" }
+<H2>File Content</H2>
+<? if form.descr then ?><P CLASS='descr'><?= string.gsub(form.descr, "\n", "<BR>") ?></P><? end ?>
+<? if form.errtxt then ?><P CLASS='error'><?= string.gsub(form.errtxt, "\n", "<BR>") ?></P><? end ?>
+<form action="" method="POST">
+<textarea name="filecontent">
+<?= form.value.filecontent.value ?>
+<? if form.value.filecontent.errtxt then ?><P CLASS='error'><?= string.gsub(form.value.filecontent.errtxt, "\n", "<BR>") ?></P><? end ?>
-<H2>Save and apply above settings</H2>
-local myform = form.file
-local tags = { "cmdsave", }
+<DL><DT><input class="submit" type="submit" name="<?= form.option ?>" value="<?= form.option ?>"></DT></DL>
diff --git a/lbu-model.lua b/lbu-model.lua
index 62e008f..7a7ff1e 100644
--- a/lbu-model.lua
+++ b/lbu-model.lua
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ require("daemoncontrol")
-- Set variables
local configfile = "/etc/lbu/lbu.conf"
+local includefile = "/etc/lbu/include"
+local excludefile = "/etc/lbu/exclude"
-- ################################################################################
@@ -83,266 +85,270 @@ local function getincexl(state)
return incexl
+local function validateconfig(config)
+ -- Set errormessages when configs are wrong
+ config.value.LBU_MEDIA.errtxt = "Invalid Media"
+ for i,media in ipairs(config.value.LBU_MEDIA.option) do
+ if media == config.value.LBU_MEDIA.value then
+ config.value.LBU_MEDIA.errtxt = nil
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ config.value.DEFAULT_CIPHER.errtxt = "Invalid Cipher"
+ for i,cipher in ipairs(config.value.DEFAULT_CIPHER.option) do
+ if cipher == config.value.DEFAULT_CIPHER.value then
+ config.value.DEFAULT_CIPHER.errtxt = nil
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if config.value.PASSWORD.value == "" and config.value.ENCRYPTION.value then
+ config.value.PASSWORD.errtxt = "Encryption without password is not allowed!\nDeactivate password protection or configure a password!"
+ end
+ for name,value in pairs(config.value) do
+ if value.errtxt then
+ config.errtxt = "Invalid Config"
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return config
+local function replacestring (string, find, replace)
+ local count
+ string,count = string.gsub(string, find, replace)
+ if 0 == count then
+ string = string .. replace
+ end
+ return string
+local function validatefilelist(filelist)
+ local errors = {}
+ local files = {}
+ for line in string.gmatch(format.dostounix(filelist.value).."\n", "([^\n]*)\n") do
+ if not string.match(line, "^%s*$") then
+ local glob = posix.glob("/"..line)
+ if not glob then
+ errors[#errors+1] = '"' .. tostring(line) .. '" not a valid file/directory'
+ files[#files+1] = line
+ else
+ for i,value in pairs(glob) do
+ files[#files+1] = string.gsub(value, "^/+", "")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ filelist.value = table.concat(files, "\n")
+ if #errors ~= 0 then
+ filelist.errtxt = table.concat(errors, "\n")
+ end
+ return filelist
+local function validatefilecontent (filecontent)
+ local config = getconfig(filecontent.value)
+ local errors = {}
+ for name,value in pairs(config.value) do
+ if value.errtxt then
+ errors[#errors+1] = value.errtxt
+ end
+ end
+ if #errors > 0 then
+ filecontent.errtxt = table.concat(errors, "\n")
+ end
+ return filecontent
-- ################################################################################
function getstatus ()
- local path = configfile
local status = {}
- local statustxt
- local descrtxt
- if (#list() == 0) then
- statustxt = "There is no uncommited files"
- else
- statustxt = "WARNING!"
- descrtxt = "Until you commit, you will lose your changes at next reboot/shutdown!"
- end
- local config = getconfig()
status["version"] = cfe({
- name="status",
label="Program version",
- status["status"] = cfe({
- name="status",
- value=statustxt,
+ status["committed"] = cfe({
+ type="boolean",
+ value=(#list().value==0),
label="Program status",
- status["LBU_MEDIA"] = config["LBU_MEDIA"]
- if (config["ENCRYPTION"]["checked"]) then
- status["ENCRYPTION"] = config["ENCRYPTION"]
- status["ENCRYPTION"]["descr"] = "Using cipher '".. config.DEFAULT_CIPHER.value .. "' for encryption"
+ local config = getconfig()
+ status["LBU_MEDIA"] = config.value.LBU_MEDIA
+ if (config.value.ENCRYPTION.value) then
+ status["DEFAULT_CIPHER"] = config.value.DEFAULT_CIPHER
- return status
+ return cfe({ type="group", value=status, label="LBU Status" })
-function list(self)
+function list()
local ret = {}
local lbuStatus = getLbuStatus()
for k,v in pairs(lbuStatus) do
ret[#ret + 1] = { name=k, status=v }
table.sort(ret, function(a,b) return ( < end)
- return ret
-function getcommit(self, flag)
- --See to that only allowed flags are passed to the process
- flag = string.match(flag or "", "%-%a") or ""
- return getLbuCommit("-v " .. flag)
-function getsimulate(self, flag)
- --See to that only allowed flags are passed to the process
- flag = string.match(flag or "", "%-%a") or ""
- return getLbuCommit("-n " .. flag)
+ return cfe({ type="structure", value=ret, label="List of changes" })
-function getconfig ()
- local path = configfile
+function getconfig (configcontents)
local config = {}
local configopts = {}
- local errors = {}
- if (fs.is_file(path)) then
- configopts = getopts.getoptsfromfile(path, "") or {}
- end
- local lbumedias = availablemedias()
- if not (configopts.LBU_MEDIA) then
- local lbumessage = "No default"
- table.insert(lbumedias, lbumessage)
- config.LBU_MEDIA = lbumessage
- else
- config.LBU_MEDIA = configopts.LBU_MEDIA
+ if configcontents then
+ configopts = getopts.getoptsfromfile(configcontents, "") or {}
+ elseif (fs.is_file(configfile)) then
+ configopts = getopts.getoptsfromfile(configfile, "") or {}
- config["debug"] = configopts
config["LBU_MEDIA"] = cfe({
- name="LBU_MEDIA",
- value=config["LBU_MEDIA"],
- label="Default media for commit",
- type="select",
- option=lbumedias,
- })
- config["lbu_included"]= cfe({
- name="lbu_included",
- option=getincexl("include") or {},
- label="Included item(s)",
+ value=configopts.LBU_MEDIA or "",
+ label="Media for commit",
- size=table.maxn(getincexl("include"))+1,
+ option=availablemedias() or {},
- if (config["lbu_included"]["size"] == 1) then config["lbu_included"]["size"] = 2 end
- config["lbu_excluded"]= cfe({
- name="lbu_excluded",
- option=getincexl("exclude") or {},
- label="Excluded item(s)",
- type="select",
- size=table.maxn(getincexl("exclude"))+1,
- })
- if (config["lbu_excluded"]["size"] == 1) then config["lbu_excluded"]["size"] = 2 end
config["ENCRYPTION"] = cfe({
- name="ENCRYPTION",
- value="yes",
+ value=(configopts.ENCRYPTION ~= nil),
label="Password protected commits",
- type="checkbox",
+ type="boolean",
- if (configopts["ENCRYPTION"]) and (#configopts["ENCRYPTION"] ~= 0) then
- config["ENCRYPTION"]["checked"] = "yes"
- end
config["DEFAULT_CIPHER"] = cfe({
- value=configopts["DEFAULT_CIPHER"],
- label="Cipher to use at encryption",
+ value=configopts.DEFAULT_CIPHER or "",
+ label="Cipher to use for encryption",
option=getciphers() or {},
config["PASSWORD"] = cfe({
- name="PASSWORD",
- value=configopts["PASSWORD"],
+ value=configopts.PASSWORD or "",
label="Password when encrypting",
- -- Next section is to print errormessages when configs are wrong
- if (configopts["LBU_MEDIA"] == "") or (configopts["LBU_MEDIA"] == nil) then
- config.LBU_MEDIA.errtxt = "'Media' needs to be configured!"
- end
- if (configopts["PASSWORD"] == nil) and (configopts["ENCRYPTION"] ~= nil) then
- config.PASSWORD.errtxt = "Encryption without password is not allowed!<BR> Deactivate 'Password protection' or configure a password!"
- end
- for k,v in pairs(errors) do
- config["errors"] = v
+ retval = cfe({ type="group", value=config, label="LBU Config" })
+ validateconfig(retval)
+ return retval
+function setconfig (config)
+ validateconfig(config)
+ if not config.errtxt then
+ local content = (fs.read_file(configfile) or "").."\n"
+ content = replacestring(content, "#*LBU_MEDIA=[^\n]*\n", "LBU_MEDIA="..config.value.LBU_MEDIA.value.."\n")
+ local newstring = "ENCRYPTION=$DEFAULT_CIPHER\n"
+ if not config.value.ENCRYPTION.value then
+ newstring = "#" .. newstring
+ end
+ content = replacestring(content, "#*ENCRYPTION=[^\n]*\n", newstring)
+ content = replacestring(content, "#*DEFAULT_CIPHER=[^\n]*\n", "DEFAULT_CIPHER="..config.value.DEFAULT_CIPHER.value.."\n")
+ content = replacestring(content, "#*PASSWORD=[^\n]*\n", "PASSWORD="..config.value.PASSWORD.value.."\n")
+ content = string.gsub(content,"\n*$","")
+ -- Write changes to file
+ fs.write_file(configfile,content)
return config
-function lbuincexcl(self,state,value,addremove)
- local incexl = nil
- if (string.lower(addremove or "") == "add") then
- addremove = ""
- elseif (string.lower(addremove or "") == "remove") then
- addremove = "-r"
- else
- return "Function setincexl() - Invalid option! Use add|remove when calling this function!"
- end
- if (string.lower(state) == "include") or (string.lower(state) == "exclude") then
- local f = io.popen("/sbin/lbu " .. string.lower(state) .. " " .. addremove .. " -v " .. value .." 2>&1", "r")
- if not (f) then return incexl end
- incexl = f:read("*a")
- f:close()
- else
- return "Function setincexl() - Invalid command! Use included|excluded when calling this function!"
- end
- return incexl
+function getincluded ()
+ local included = cfe({
+ value=fs.read_file(includefile) or "",
+ label="Included item(s)",
+ type="longtext",
+ descr="List one file/directory per line\nAssumes root directory, no leading '/' necessary",
+ })
+ validatefilelist(included)
+ return included
-function editconfig (self,variable,value)
- local configfilecontent = nil
- local path = configfile
- local cmdoutput = nil
- if not (fs.is_file(path)) then
- fs.write_file(path,"")
- end
- local deactivate = ""
- if not (value) or (value == "") then
- deactivate = "#"
- end
- if (variable == "LBU_MEDIA") then
- local errtxt
- local lbumedias = availablemedias()
- for k,v in pairs(lbumedias) do
- errtxt = ""
- if (value == v) then break end
- errtxt = "Not a valid media!"
- end
- if (#errtxt > 0) then
- return errtxt
- end
+function setincluded (included)
+ validatefilelist(included)
+ if not included.errtxt then
+ fs.write_file(includefile, included.value)
+ return included
- -- Hardcode some parameters (e.g for some checkboxes)
- if (variable == "ENCRYPTION") then value = "DEFAULT_CIPHER" end
- configfilecontent = fs.read_file_as_array(path) or {}
- -- Search if the variable is defined in the file
- for k,v in pairs(configfilecontent) do
- if (string.match(v,"^%s*%#*%s*" .. variable)) then
- cmdoutput = format.search_replace(configfilecontent,"^%s*%#*%s*" .. variable .. ".*$", deactivate .. variable .. "=" .. value)
- break
- end
- end
- --If variable is not changed (didn't exist) then create a new row with this variable
- if not (cmdoutput) then
- cmdoutput = configfilecontent
- table.insert(cmdoutput,deactivate .. variable .. "=" .. (value or ""))
+function getexcluded ()
+ local excluded = cfe({
+ value=fs.read_file(excludefile) or "",
+ label="Excluded item(s)",
+ type="longtext",
+ descr="List one file/directory per line\nAssumes root directory, no leading '/' necessary",
+ })
+ validatefilelist(excluded)
+ return excluded
+function setexcluded (excluded)
+ validatefilelist(excluded)
+ if not excluded.errtxt then
+ fs.write_file(excludefile, excluded.value)
- -- Write changes to file
- fs.write_file(path,table.concat(cmdoutput,"\n"))
- return value
+ return excluded
function get_filedetails()
- local path = configfile
- local file = {}
- local filedetails = {}
- local config = {}
- local filenameerrtxt
- if (fs.is_file(path)) then
- filedetails = fs.stat(path)
- config = getconfig(path)
+ local filename = cfe({ value=configfile, label="File name" })
+ local filecontent = cfe({ type="longtext", label="Config file" })
+ local filesize = cfe({ value="0", label="File size" })
+ local mtime = cfe({ value="---", label="File date" })
+ if fs.is_file(configfile) then
+ local filedetails = fs.stat(configfile)
+ filecontent.value = fs.read_file(configfile)
+ filesize.value = filedetails.size
+ mtime.value = filedetails.mtime
+ validatefilecontent(filecontent)
- config = {}
- config.filename = {}
- config["filename"]["errtxt"]="Config file '".. path .. "' is missing!"
+ filename.errtxt = "File not found"
- file["filename"] = cfe({
- name="filename",
- label="File name",
- value=path,
- errtxt=filenameerrtxt
- })
- file["filesize"] = cfe({
- name="filesize",
- label="File size",
- value=filedetails.size or 0,
- })
- file["mtime"] = cfe({
- name="mtime",
- label="File date",
- value=filedetails.mtime or "---",
- })
- file["filecontent"] = cfe({
- type="longtext",
- name="filecontent",
- label="File content",
- value=fs.read_file(path),
- })
+ return cfe({ type="group", value={filename=filename, filecontent=filecontent, filesize=filesize, mtime=mtime}, label="Config file details" })
- -- Sum all errors into one cfe
- local sumerrors = ""
- for k,v in pairs(config) do
- if (config[k]) and (config[k]["errtxt"]) and (config[k]["errtxt"] ~= "") then
- sumerrors = sumerrors .. config[k]["errtxt"] .. "\n"
- end
- end
- if (sumerrors ~= "") then
- file["sumerrors"] = cfe ({
- name="sumerrors",
- label = "Configuration errors",
- errtxt = string.match(sumerrors, "(.-)\n$"),
- })
+function set_filecontent (filecontent)
+ filecontent.value = format.dostounix(filecontent.value)
+ validatefilecontent(filecontent)
+ if not filecontent.errtxt then
+ fs.write_file(configfile, filecontent.value)
- return file
+ return filecontent
-function update_filecontent (self, modifications)
- local path = configfile
- local file_result,err = fs.write_file(path, format.dostounix(modifications))
- return file_result, err
+function getcommit()
+ local simulate = cfe({ type="boolean", value=false, label="Simulate a commit" })
+ local delete = cfe({ type="boolean", value=false, label="Remove existing overlays on commit" })
+ return cfe({ type="group", value={simulate=simulate, delete=delete}, label="Commit changes" })
+function commit(input)
+ if input.value.simulate.value and input.value.delete.value then
+ input.errtxt = "Cannot delete overlays when simulating"
+ else
+ local flag = "-v"
+ if input.value.simulate.value then flag=flag.." -n" end
+ if input.value.delete.value then flag=flag.." -d" end
+ input.descr = getLbuCommit(flag)
+ end
+ return input
diff --git a/lbu-status-html.lsp b/lbu-status-html.lsp
index eb1997b..afe0164 100644
--- a/lbu-status-html.lsp
+++ b/lbu-status-html.lsp
@@ -1,33 +1,31 @@
-<? local form = ...
+<? local view, viewlibrary, pageinfo, session = ...
io.write("<H1>DEBUGGING</H1><span style='color:red'><H2>DEBUG INFO: CFE</H2>")
-local myform = form.status
-local tags = { "status", "version", }
-local tags = { "LBU_MEDIA","ENCRYPTION", }
+<? if viewlibrary and viewlibrary.dispatch_component then
+ viewlibrary.dispatch_component("basicstatus")
+ if session.permissions.lbu.commit then
+ viewlibrary.dispatch_component("commit")
+ end
+end ?>
+<H1>Changes Since Last Commit</H1>
<dt>Files changed since last commit</dt>
- <dd><pre><? for i = 1, table.maxn(form.lbustatus) do io.write(form.lbustatus[i]["status"] .. "\t" .. form.lbustatus[i]["name"] .. "\n") end ?><? if (#form.lbustatus == 0) then io.write("None") end ?></pre></DD>
+ <dd><pre><?
+ if (#view.value == 0) then
+ io.write("None")
+ else
+ for i,file in pairs(view.value) do
+ io.write(file.status .. "\t" .. .. "\n")
+ end
+ end
+ ?></pre></DD>
diff --git a/ b/
index 2c8704f..497821f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
System 99Local_backups Status status
-System 99Local_backups Commit commit
System 99Local_backups Config config
System 99Local_backups Expert expert
diff --git a/lbu.roles b/lbu.roles
index 5f14f1e..cc87af1 100644
--- a/lbu.roles
+++ b/lbu.roles
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@