path: root/lib/dbmodelfunctions.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dbmodelfunctions.lua')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dbmodelfunctions.lua b/lib/dbmodelfunctions.lua
index 20b101a..d333548 100644
--- a/lib/dbmodelfunctions.lua
+++ b/lib/dbmodelfunctions.lua
@@ -126,8 +126,14 @@ function mymodule.list_table_entries(dbase, self, clientdata)
if t == retval.value.table.value then
retval.value.table.errtxt = nil
retval.errtxt = nil
+ -- FIXME - in the future, we should be able to do next these three things in one function call to db
retval.value.fields.value = db.listcolumns(t) or {}
retval.value.keyfields.value = db.listkeycolumns(t) or {}
+ -- this will not work for sqlite and the results are database-specific
+ local sql = "SELECT data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '"..db.escape(t).."' ORDER BY ordinal_position"
+ local types = db.getselectresponse(sql)
+ local fieldtypes = {}
+ for i,f in ipairs(types) do fieldtypes[retval.value.fields.value[i]] = f.data_type end
local orderby = {}
local columns = {}
@@ -140,14 +146,20 @@ function mymodule.list_table_entries(dbase, self, clientdata)
local filter = {}
- -- FIXME - not all columns types will allow regex filtering, such as date columns
+ -- FIXME - the following has not been exhaustively tested for all column types and databases
for c,f in pairs(retval.value.filter.value) do
if columns[c] and f ~= "" then
- filter[#filter+1] = columns[c].."~'"..db.escape(f).."'"
+ if string.find(fieldtypes[c]:lower(), "char") or string.find(fieldtypes[c]:lower(), "text") then
+ filter[#filter+1] = columns[c].."~'"..db.escape(f).."'"
+ elseif tonumber(f) then
+ filter[#filter+1] = columns[c].."="..tonumber(f)
+ else
+ filter[#filter+1] = columns[c].."='"..db.escape(f).."'"
+ end
- local sql = " FROM "..db.escape(t)
+ sql = " FROM "..db.escape(t)
if #filter>0 then
sql = sql.." WHERE "..table.concat(filter, " AND ")