diff options
authorTed Trask <>2008-10-01 21:01:36 +0000
committerTed Trask <>2008-10-01 21:01:36 +0000
commitf9b953cfd89fc1a24eaccf26884deebc73f3d50c (patch)
parentc22c4c7b4a060929eba8290c27121a75578d80bb (diff)
Modified acfupdate to use cfes. Tried to make it work out-of-the-box without having to check out of svn first. Works except web server must be restarted afterwards. Also has ability to use different svn server, for those like me using port-forwarding.
git-svn-id: svn:// ab2d0c66-481e-0410-8bed-d214d4d58bed
4 files changed, 176 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/acfupdate-controller.lua b/acfupdate-controller.lua
index 4e88f7a..b193e70 100644
--- a/acfupdate-controller.lua
+++ b/acfupdate-controller.lua
@@ -5,32 +5,23 @@ module (..., package.seeall)
default_action = "read"
-function read (self )
- return ({projects = self.model:get(),
- url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller} )
+function read(self)
+ return
-function update (self )
- return ({projects = self.model:get(),
- updates = self.model:update(),
- url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller} )
+function update(self)
+ return self:redirect_to_referrer(self.model.update(clientdata.repository, self.sessiondata))
-function diff (self )
- return ({projects = self.model:get(),
- updates = self.model:diffs(),
- url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller} )
+function diff(self)
+ return self:redirect_to_referrer(self.model.diffs(clientdata.repository))
-function status (self )
- return ({projects = self.model:get(),
- updates = self.model:status(),
- url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller} )
+function status(self)
+ return self:redirect_to_referrer(self.model.status(clientdata.repository))
-function log (self )
- return ({projects = self.model:get(),
- updates = self.model:log(),
- url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller} )
+function log(self)
+ return self:redirect_to_referrer(self.model.log(clientdata.repository))
diff --git a/acfupdate-html.lsp b/acfupdate-html.lsp
index 60e8ceb..967dae7 100644
--- a/acfupdate-html.lsp
+++ b/acfupdate-html.lsp
@@ -1,23 +1,69 @@
-<% local view = ... %>
+<% local data, viewlibrary, page_info, session = ...
-<h1>Fetch ACF updates</h1>
+<H1>System Info</H1>
-<p>Click on the tab <B>update</B> to fetch/update all available projects.</p>
-<p>The 'sandbox' project is not automatically fetched/checked out!<BR>
-But if you have manually checked it out, you will get a update on it by pressing the <B>update</B> tab.</p>
+<% displaycommandresults({"log"}, session) %>
+ local cmdresult = {}
+ for i,cmd in ipairs({"status", "update", "diff"}) do
+ if session[cmd.."result"] then
+ cmdresult[#cmdresult + 1] = session[cmd.."result"]
+ session[cmd.."result"] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if #cmdresult > 0 then
+ for i,result in ipairs(cmdresult) do
+ io.write("<H1>"..result.label.."</H1>\n<DL>\n")
+ for i,value in ipairs(result.value) do
+ if value.updates ~= "" then %>
+<H3><%= %></H3>
+<pre><%= html.html_escape(value.updates) %></pre>
+ <% end
+ end
+ io.write("</DL>\n")
+ end
+ end
-<h2>Available projects</h2>
-<pre><%= view.projects %></pre>
-<% if (view.updates) then %>
- <h2>Summary</h2>
- <% for i = 1, table.maxn(view["updates"]["cmdresult"]) do %>
- <% if (view["updates"]["cmdresult"][i]["updates"] ~= "") then %>
- <h3><%= view["updates"]["cmdresult"][i]["name"] %></h3>
- <pre><%= view["updates"]["cmdresult"][i]["updates"] %></pre>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
- <h3>-- End of updates --</h3>
+<% if not data.value.repository.errtxt then %>
+<DT>View Status</DT>
+<form action="<%= page_info.script .. page_info.prefix .. page_info.controller .. "/status" %>" method="POST">
+<input type=hidden value="<%= data.value.repository.value %>" name="repository">
+<input type=submit class=submit value="View Status">
+<DT>View Diff</DT>
+<form action="<%= page_info.script .. page_info.prefix .. page_info.controller .. "/diff" %>" method="POST">
+<input type=hidden value="<%= data.value.repository.value %>" name="repository">
+<input type=submit class=submit value="View Diff">
+<DT>View Log</DT>
+<form action="<%= page_info.script .. page_info.prefix .. page_info.controller .. "/log" %>" method="POST">
+<input type=hidden value="<%= data.value.repository.value %>" name="repository">
+<input type=submit class=submit value="View Log">
+<form action="<%= page_info.script .. page_info.prefix .. page_info.controller .. "/update" %>" method="POST">
+<input type=hidden value="<%= data.value.repository.value %>" name="repository">
+<input type=submit class=submit value="Update">
<% end %>
diff --git a/acfupdate-model.lua b/acfupdate-model.lua
index 99e7451..be4f3ef 100644
--- a/acfupdate-model.lua
+++ b/acfupdate-model.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ module (..., package.seeall)
-- Load libraries
+local packagename = "subversion"
+local svnurl = "svn://"
-- ################################################################################
@@ -13,103 +17,123 @@ local function querycmd ( cmdline )
return cmd_result
+local function svndir(archive)
+ local retval = "/usr/share/acf/"
+ if archive == "skins/" then
+ retval = retval.."www/skins/"
+ elseif archive and archive ~= "core/" then
+ retval = retval.."app/"..archive
+ end
+ return retval
+local function determinerepository(repository)
+ if not repository then
+ -- try to determine the archive from svn
+ local cmdresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn info "..svndir())
+ if string.find(cmdresult, "Repository Root:") then
+ repository = string.match(cmdresult, "Repository Root:%s+(%S+)")
+ -- or if not defined, use the default
+ else
+ repository = svnurl
+ end
+ end
+ return repository
-- ################################################################################
+function read(repository)
+ repository = determinerepository(repository)
+ local status = {}
-function get (self)
- local svnurl = "svn://"
- return querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list -v " .. svnurl )
+ local value, errtxt = processinfo.package_version(packagename)
+ status.version = cfe({
+ label="Program version",
+ value=value,
+ errtxt=errtxt,
+ })
+ status.repository = cfe({ value=repository, label="SVN Repository" })
+ if "" == querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list "..repository) then
+ status.repository.errtxt = "Repository cannot be reached"
+ end
+ return cfe({ type="group", value=status, descr="ACF Update Info" })
-function update (self)
- local svnurl = "svn://"
- local updates = {}
+function update(repository, sessiondata)
+ repository = determinerepository(repository)
local cmdresult = {}
- updates.svnurl = svnurl
- for list in string.gmatch((querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list " .. svnurl )), "%S+") do
- local updateresult = ""
- if (list == "core/") then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn up /usr/share/acf/ 2>&1")
- elseif (list == "skins/") and ( fs.is_dir("/usr/share/acf/www/" .. list)) then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn up /usr/share/acf/www/skins 2>&1")
- elseif (list == "skins/") and not ( fs.is_dir("/usr/share/acf/www/" .. list)) then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn co " .. svnurl .. list .."trunk/ /usr/share/acf/www/" .. list .. " 2>&1")
- elseif (list == "skins/") then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn up /usr/share/acf/www/skins 2>&1")
- elseif ( fs.is_dir("/usr/share/acf/app/" .. list)) then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn up /usr/share/acf/app/" .. list .. " 2>&1")
- elseif (list ~= "sandbox/") then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn co " .. svnurl .. list .."trunk/ /usr/share/acf/app/" .. list .. " 2>&1")
+ local mustrestart
+ function work(list)
+ local dir = svndir(list)
+ -- If we have the directory already, but not from archive, delete it
+ if posix.stat(dir) and not posix.stat(dir..".svn") then
+ querycmd("rm -r "..dir)
+ if list == "core/" then
+ -- We have to restart the web server because we've just deleted the
+ mustrestart = true
+ end
+ local updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn co "..repository.."/"..list.."trunk "..dir.." 2>&1")
-- Hide projects without updates
- if (string.match(updateresult, "^At revision.*")) then updateresult = "" end
+ if (string.match(updateresult, "^Checked out revision.*")) then updateresult = "" end
table.insert(cmdresult, {name=list, updates=updateresult})
- updates.cmdresult = cmdresult
- return updates
-function diffs (self)
- local svnurl = "svn://"
- local updates = {}
- local cmdresult = {}
- updates.svnurl = svnurl
- table.insert(cmdresult, {name="INFORMATION", updates="<p class=attention>Important information.</p><p>In the following output all html-brackets < and > are replaced to [ and ].<BR>This is to be able to display the diffs in text (perhibit the browser to display the diff as graphics).</p>"})
- for list in string.gmatch((querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list " .. svnurl )), "%S+") do
- local updateresult = ""
- if (list == "core/") then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn -rHEAD diff /usr/share/acf/ 2>&1")
- elseif ( fs.is_dir("/usr/share/acf/app/" .. list)) then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn -rHEAD diff /usr/share/acf/app/" .. list .. " 2>&1")
+ if "" ~= querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list "..repository) then
+ work("core/")
+ for list in string.gmatch((querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list " .. repository )), "%S+") do
+ if list~="core/" and list~="sandbox/" then
+ work(list)
+ end
- updateresult = string.gsub(updateresult,"<","[")
- updateresult = string.gsub(updateresult,">","]")
- table.insert(cmdresult, {name=list, updates=updateresult})
- updates.cmdresult = cmdresult
- return updates
+ -- Destroy the menu and permissions session data so it's recalculated
+ if sessiondata then = nil end
+ if sessiondata then sessiondata.permissions = nil end
+ if mustrestart then
+ -- FIXME
+ --processinfo.daemoncontrol("mini_httpd", "restart")
+ end
+ return cfe({ type="structure", value=cmdresult, label="SVN update Result"})
-function status (self)
- local svnurl = "svn://"
- local updates = {}
+function diffs(repository)
+ repository = determinerepository(repository)
local cmdresult = {}
- updates.svnurl = svnurl
- for list in string.gmatch((querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list " .. svnurl )), "%S+") do
- local updateresult = ""
- if (list == "core/") then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn st -u /usr/share/acf/ 2>&1")
- elseif ( fs.is_dir("/usr/share/acf/app/" .. list)) then
- updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn st -u /usr/share/acf/app/" .. list .. " 2>&1")
+ for list in string.gmatch((querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list " .. repository )), "%S+") do
+ if (list ~= "sandbox/") then
+ local updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn diff "..svndir(list).." 2>&1")
+ if updateresult ~= "" then
+ table.insert(cmdresult, {name=list, updates=updateresult})
+ end
- -- Hide projects without diffs
- if (string.match(updateresult, "^Status against revision.*")) then updateresult = "" end
- table.insert(cmdresult, {name=list, updates=updateresult})
- updates.cmdresult = cmdresult
- return updates
+ return cfe({ type="structure", value=cmdresult, label="SVN diff Result" })
-function log (self)
- local svnurl = "svn://"
- local updates = {}
+function status(repository)
+ repository = determinerepository(repository)
local cmdresult = {}
- local enddate = tostring("%Y-%m-%d", (os.time() - (3600 * 24) * 7)))
- local svnresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn log -v -rHEAD:{".. enddate .. "} " .. svnurl )
- local svnheader ="%Y-%m-%d")
- local svnupdates = ""
- table.insert(cmdresult, {name="INFORMATION", updates="<p>This is the result of svn log 1 week back in time.</p><p> svn log -v -rHEAD:{".. enddate .. "} " .. svnurl .. "</p>"})
- for v in string.gmatch(svnresult,"(.-\n)") do
- local svnheader_tmp = string.match(v, "r%d+%s+.-(%d+%-%d+%-%d+)")
- if (svnheader_tmp) and (svnheader_tmp ~= svnheader) then
- table.insert(cmdresult,{
- ["updates"] = svnupdates,
- ["name"] = svnheader, })
- svnheader = svnheader_tmp
- svnupdates = ""
+ for list in string.gmatch((querycmd("/usr/bin/svn list " .. repository )), "%S+") do
+ if (list ~= "sandbox/") then
+ local updateresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn st -u "..svndir(list).." 2>&1")
+ -- Hide projects without diffs
+ if (string.match(updateresult, "^Status against revision.*")) then updateresult = "" end
+ table.insert(cmdresult, {name=list, updates=updateresult})
- svnupdates = svnupdates .. v
- updates.cmdresult = cmdresult
- return updates
+ return cfe({ type="structure", value=cmdresult, label="SVN status Result" })
+function log (repository)
+ repository = determinerepository(repository)
+ local enddate = tostring("%Y-%m-%d", (os.time() - (3600 * 24) * 7)))
+ local svnresult = querycmd("/usr/bin/svn log -v -rHEAD:{".. enddate .. "} " .. repository )
+ return cfe({ type="longtext", value=svnresult, label="SVN log Result" })
diff --git a/ b/
index 32ef476..a24c7b1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
99DevTools 98SVN_status_(for_ACF) Info read
-99DevTools 98SVN_status_(for_ACF) Update update
-99DevTools 98SVN_status_(for_ACF) Diff diff
-99DevTools 98SVN_status_(for_ACF) Status status
-99DevTools 98SVN_status_(for_ACF) Log log