diff options
authorTed Trask <>2010-04-12 09:31:55 +0000
committerTed Trask <>2010-04-12 09:31:55 +0000
commit4474a7aba82746c3d8c7bf433aa57bb4617e1605 (patch)
parent38b5920e8a6b8137209f23385b315f7cf614a9d3 (diff)
Moved pagination into model and greatly sped up DID listing.
3 files changed, 97 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/did-controller.lua b/did-controller.lua
index 1d243e4..79d9a6d 100644
--- a/did-controller.lua
+++ b/did-controller.lua
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ default_action = "viewrecords"
function listuseddefinitions(self)
return self.model.getuseddefinitionlist(self.clientdata.did, self.clientdata.extension,
- self.clientdata.identification, self.clientdata.description, self.clientdata.department)
+ self.clientdata.identification, self.clientdata.description, self.clientdata.department,
function listunuseddefinitions(self)
return self.model.getunuseddefinitionlist(self.clientdata.did, self.clientdata.identification,
- self.clientdata.description, self.clientdata.department)
+ self.clientdata.description, self.clientdata.department,
function listdefinitions(self)
return self.model.getdefinitionlist(self.clientdata.did, self.clientdata.extension,
- self.clientdata.identification, self.clientdata.description, self.clientdata.department)
+ self.clientdata.identification, self.clientdata.description, self.clientdata.department,
function searchdefinitionlist(self)
diff --git a/did-html.lsp b/did-html.lsp
index 31f8155..c94d023 100644
--- a/did-html.lsp
+++ b/did-html.lsp
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
-<% local subdata, pagedata = paginate(data.value.definitions.value, page_info.clientdata, 15) %>
+<% -- local subdata, pagedata = paginate(data.value.definitions.value, page_info.clientdata, 15) %>
+<% local subdata = data.value.definitions.value %>
+<% local pagedata = data.value.pagedata.value %>
<script type="text/javascript">
function newPopup(url) {
diff --git a/did-model.lua b/did-model.lua
index c18e376..121fbf5 100644
--- a/did-model.lua
+++ b/did-model.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ require("luasql.postgres")
-- "SELECT extension FROM pubdid WHERE did='$1' AND 'now'>=starttime AND 'now'<endtime ORDER BY stale LIMIT 1"
-- To update pubdid each night at midnight, use cron and the didpublish script
+local pagesize = 15
local DatabaseName = "did"
local DatabaseOwner = "didowner"
local DatabaseUser = "diduser"
@@ -204,7 +206,14 @@ local generatewhereclause = function(did, extension, identification, description
if #where > 0 then
sql = " " .. (clause or "WHERE") .. " " .. table.concat(where, " AND ")
+ return sql
+local generatelimitclause = function(page)
+ local sql = ""
+ if page and tonumber(page) and tonumber(page) > 0 then
+ sql = " LIMIT "..pagesize.." OFFSET "..((page-1)*pagesize)
+ end
return sql
@@ -221,28 +230,70 @@ local getdefinitionentries = function(sql)
return entries
-local listunuseddefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department)
+local listunuseddefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department, page)
local where = generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, "AND")
- local sql = "SELECT * FROM definition WHERE did NOT IN (SELECT did FROM rule)"..where.." ORDER BY did"
+ local sql = "SELECT * FROM definition WHERE did NOT IN (SELECT did FROM rule)"..where.." ORDER BY did"..generatelimitclause(page)
return getdefinitionentries(sql)
+local countunuseddefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department)
+ local where = generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, "AND")
+ local sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM definition WHERE did NOT IN (SELECT did FROM rule)"..where
+ cur = assert (con:execute(sql))
+ local count = cur:fetch()
+ cur:close()
+ return count
-- Lists only the definitions that have rules, this also allows us to select based upon extension
-local listuseddefinitions = function(did, extension, identification, description, department)
+local listuseddefinitions = function(did, extension, identification, description, department, page)
local where = string.gsub(generatewhereclause(did, extension, identification, description, department, "HAVING"), "extension", "array_to_string(array_accum(rule.extension), ', ')")
-- Combine with rules to get extensions, this will drop all dids that don't have rules
-- Relies on this custom aggregate function being defined
-- local sql = "CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum(anyelement)(sfunc = array_append, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}')"
local sql = "SELECT definition.did, identification, department, description, array_to_string(array_accum(rule.extension), ', ') AS extension FROM definition,rule WHERE definition.did=rule.did"
- sql = sql.." GROUP BY definition.did, identification, department, description"..where.." ORDER BY definition.did"
+ sql = sql.." GROUP BY definition.did, identification, department, description"..where.." ORDER BY definition.did"..generatelimitclause(page)
+ return getdefinitionentries(sql)
+-- Counts only the definitions that have rules, this also allows us to select based upon extension
+local countuseddefinitions = function(did, extension, identification, description, department)
+ local where = string.gsub(generatewhereclause(did, extension, identification, description, department, "HAVING"), "extension", "array_to_string(array_accum(rule.extension), ', ')")
+ -- Combine with rules to get extensions, this will drop all dids that don't have rules
+ -- Relies on this custom aggregate function being defined
+ -- local sql = "CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum(anyelement)(sfunc = array_append, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}')"
+ local sql = "SELECT definition.did FROM definition,rule WHERE definition.did=rule.did"
+ sql = sql.." GROUP BY definition.did"..where
+ sql = "SELECT count(*) from ("..sql..") AS temp"
+ cur = assert (con:execute(sql))
+ local count = cur:fetch()
+ cur:close()
+ return count
+local listdefinitionsandextensions = function(did, identification, description, department, page)
+ local where = generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, "HAVING")
+ -- Combine with rules to get extensions, use LEFT JOIN to not drop all dids that don't have rules
+ -- Relies on this custom aggregate function being defined
+ -- local sql = "CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum(anyelement)(sfunc = array_append, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}')"
+ local sql = "SELECT definition.did, identification, department, description, array_to_string(array_accum(rule.extension), ', ') AS extension FROM definition LEFT JOIN rule ON definition.did=rule.did"
+ sql = sql.." GROUP BY definition.did, identification, department, description"..where.." ORDER BY definition.did"..generatelimitclause(page)
return getdefinitionentries(sql)
-local listdefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department)
- local sql = "SELECT * FROM definition"..generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department).." ORDER BY did"
+local listdefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department, page)
+ local sql = "SELECT * FROM definition"..generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department).." ORDER BY did"..generatelimitclause(page)
return getdefinitionentries(sql)
+local countdefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department)
+ local sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM definition"..generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department)
+ cur = assert (con:execute(sql))
+ local count = cur:fetch()
+ cur:close()
+ return count
local listdefs = function(did, identification, description, department)
local sql = "SELECT did FROM definition"..generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department).." ORDER BY did"
local entries = {}
@@ -632,6 +683,7 @@ local function createdefinitionlist(did, extension, identification, description,
retval.identification = cfe({ value=identification or "", label="Identification search string" })
retval.description = cfe({ value=description or "", label="Description search string" })
retval.department = cfe({ value=department or "", label="Department search string" })
+ retval.pagedata = cfe({ type="table", value={numpages=1, page=1, pagesize=pagesize, num=0}, label="Pagination Data"})
return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="DID Number List" })
@@ -690,15 +742,34 @@ local describeruleschange = function(oldrules, newrules)
+local determinepagedata = function(count, page)
+ count = tonumber(count) or 0
+ local page_data = { numpages=1, page=1, pagesize=pagesize, num=count }
+ if count > pagesize then
+ page_data.numpages = math.floor((count + pagesize -1)/pagesize)
+ if page and tonumber(page) then
+ = tonumber(page)
+ end
+ if > page_data.numpages then
+ = page_data.numpages
+ elseif < 0 then
+ = 0
+ end
+ end
+ return page_data
-- ################################################################################
-function getuseddefinitionlist(did, extension, identification, description, department)
+function getuseddefinitionlist(did, extension, identification, description, department, page)
local def = createdefinitionlist(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department)
def.label = "Used "..def.label
local res, err = pcall(function()
local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser)
- def.value.definitions.value = listuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department)
+ local count = countuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department)
+ def.value.pagedata.value = determinepagedata(count, page)
+ def.value.definitions.value = listuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department,
if connected then databasedisconnect() end
if not res then
@@ -710,13 +781,15 @@ function getuseddefinitionlist(did, extension, identification, description, depa
return def
-function getunuseddefinitionlist(did, identification, description, department)
+function getunuseddefinitionlist(did, identification, description, department, page)
local def = createdefinitionlist(stripdash(did), nil, identification, description, department)
def.value.extension = nil
def.label = "Unused "..def.label
local res, err = pcall(function()
local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser)
- def.value.definitions.value = listunuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department)
+ local count = countunuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department)
+ def.value.pagedata.value = determinepagedata(count, page)
+ def.value.definitions.value = listunuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department,
if connected then databasedisconnect() end
if not res then
@@ -728,22 +801,19 @@ function getunuseddefinitionlist(did, identification, description, department)
return def
-function getdefinitionlist(did, extension, identification, description, department)
+function getdefinitionlist(did, extension, identification, description, department, page)
local def = createdefinitionlist(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department)
--def.value.extension = nil
local res, err = pcall(function()
local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser)
if def.value.extension.value == "" then
- def.value.definitions.value = listdefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department)
+ local count = countdefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department)
+ def.value.pagedata.value = determinepagedata(count, page)
+ def.value.definitions.value = listdefinitionsandextensions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department,
- def.value.definitions.value = listuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department)
---[[ local tmp = listunuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department)
- for i,val in ipairs(tmp) do
- val.extension = ""
- table.insert(def.value.definitions.value, val)
- end
- table.sort(def.value.definitions.value, function (a,b) return (a.did < b.did) end )
+ local count = countuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department)
+ def.value.pagedata.value = determinepagedata(count, page)
+ def.value.definitions.value = listuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department,
if connected then databasedisconnect() end