path: root/fetchmail-model.lua
diff options
authorMika Havela <>2008-02-04 13:57:48 +0000
committerMika Havela <>2008-02-04 13:57:48 +0000
commit2eb595dbab74f76c42f44193945eba48144873ba (patch)
tree0e0ff913b22a2c5548f41cf16bb8bb373b7d4e80 /fetchmail-model.lua
parent1b6596778e5fd901eab6f7f9650610a24add2176 (diff)
Status-info: Works and shows some information (not sure enabled/disabled should be there).v0.1
Config-tab: Only graphical layout is taking shape. No real data is shown. Data can't be changed. Expert-tab: Works as it should (probably all done). git-svn-id: svn:// ab2d0c66-481e-0410-8bed-d214d4d58bed
Diffstat (limited to 'fetchmail-model.lua')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fetchmail-model.lua b/fetchmail-model.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2be471b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fetchmail-model.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+module(..., package.seeall)
+local processname = "fetchmail"
+local configfile = "/root/.fetchmailrc"
+local config = {}
+local function get_version()
+ local cmd = "/usr/bin/fetchmail --version 2>/dev/null"
+ local f = io.popen( cmd )
+ local cmd_output_result = f:read("*l")
+ f:close()
+ return cmd_output_result
+local function getloglevels()
+ local loglevels = {}
+ for i=1,8 do
+ table.insert(loglevels,i)
+ end
+ return loglevels
+local function getmethods()
+ local methods = {"pop3","imap","pop3domain", }
+ return methods
+local function getmailboxes()
+ local mailboxes = {}
+ for i=1,2 do
+ local objects = cfe({})
+ objects.label = "Mailbox_" .. tostring(i)
+ objects.method = cfe({
+ name="method",
+ label = "Method",
+ type = "select",
+ value = "",
+ option = getmethods(),
+ })
+ objects.disabled = cfe({
+ name="disabled",
+ type="checkbox",
+ label = "Disabled",
+ checked = "yes",
+ })
+ objects.remotehost = cfe({
+ name="remotehost",
+ label = "RemoteHost",
+ value = "xxx_RemoteHost",
+ })
+ objects.remotemailbox = cfe({
+ name="remotemailbox",
+ label = "Mailbox",
+ value = "xxx_RemoteMailbox",
+ })
+ objects.remotepassword = cfe({
+ name="remotepassword",
+ label = "Password",
+ type = "text",
+ value = "xxx_password",
+ })
+ objects.localhost = cfe({
+ name="localhost",
+ label = "LocalHost",
+ value = "xxx_LocalHost",
+ })
+ objects.localmailbox = cfe({
+ name="localmailbox",
+ label = "LocalMailbox",
+ value = "xxx_LocalMailbox",
+ })
+ objects.localdomain = cfe({
+ name="localdomain",
+ label = "LocalDomain",
+ value = "xxx_LocalDomain",
+ })
+ table.insert(mailboxes, objects)
+ end
+ return mailboxes
+-- ################################################################################
+-- action should be a CFE
+function startstop_service ( self, action )
+ local cmd = action.value
+ local cmdresult,cmdmessage,cmderror,cmdaction = daemoncontrol.daemoncontrol(processname, cmd)
+ action.descr=cmdmessage
+ action.errtxt=cmderror
+ -- Reporting back (true|false, the original acition)
+ return cmdresult,action
+function getstatus()
+ local opts = getconfig()
+ local status = {}
+ status.version = cfe({ name = "version",
+ label="Program version",
+ value=get_version(),
+ })
+ status.status = cfe({ name="status",
+ label="Program status",
+ value=procps.pidof(processname),
+ })
+ status.configfile = cfe({ name="configfile",
+ label="Config file",
+ value=configfile,
+ })
+ if (opts["remotelogging"]) and not ((opts["remotelogging"]["value"] ~= "") and not (opts["localandnetworklog"]["value"])) then
+ status.logfile = cfe({ name="logfile",
+ label="Locally logging to",
+ value=opts["logfile"]["value"],
+ })
+ end
+ if (opts["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]) and (opts["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-R"]) and (opts["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-R"] ~= "") then
+ status.remote = cfe({ name="remotelogging",
+ label="Remote logging to",
+ value=opts["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-R"],
+ })
+ end
+ return status
+function get_filedetails()
+ local path = configfile
+ local file = {}
+ local filedetails = {}
+ local config = {}
+ local filenameerrtxt
+ if (fs.is_file(path)) then
+ configcontent = getopts.getoptsfromfile(path) or config
+ filedetails = fs.stat(path)
+ config = getconfig(path)
+ else
+ config = {}
+ config.filename = {}
+ config["filename"]["errtxt"]="Config file '".. path .. "' is missing!"
+ end
+ file["filename"] = cfe({
+ name="filename",
+ label="File name",
+ value=path,
+ errtxt=filenameerrtxt
+ })
+ file["filesize"] = cfe({
+ name="filesize",
+ label="File size",
+ value=filedetails.size or 0,
+ })
+ file["mtime"] = cfe({
+ name="mtime",
+ label="File date",
+ value=filedetails.mtime or "---",
+ })
+ file["filecontent"] = cfe({
+ type="longtext",
+ name="filecontent",
+ label="File content",
+ value=fs.read_file(path),
+ })
+ -- Sum all errors into one cfe
+ local sumerrors = ""
+ for k,v in pairs(config) do
+ if (config[k]["errtxt"] ~= "") then
+ sumerrors = sumerrors .. config[k]["errtxt"] .. "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if (sumerrors ~= "") then
+ file["sumerrors"] = cfe ({
+ name="sumerrors",
+ label = "Configuration errors",
+ errtxt = string.match(sumerrors, "(.-)\n$"),
+ })
+ end
+ return file
+function getconfig()
+ local config = {}
+ if (fs.is_file(configfile)) then
+ configcontent = getopts.getoptsfromfile(configfile) or config
+ else
+ config["configfile"] = "Config file '".. configfile .. "' is missing!"
+ end
+ -- Next section selects which configurations we should show to the user
+ config["freq"] = cfe({
+ name="freq",
+ label = "Check mail once every",
+ type = "select",
+ value = "123",
+ option = {"15min", "hour","day",},
+ })
+ config["mailboxes"] = cfe({
+ name="mailboxes",
+ label = "Mailboxes",
+ value = getmailboxes(),
+ })
+ config["postmaster"] = cfe({
+ name="postmaster",
+ label = "Postmaster",
+ value = "xxx@xxx.xx",
+ })
+ config["etrnremote"] = cfe({
+ name="etrnremote",
+ label = "Remote server",
+ value = "xxx",
+ })
+ config["etrnquedomain"] = cfe({
+ name="etrnquedomain",
+ label = "Queued domain",
+ value = "xxx",
+ })
+ -- Next section is to print errormessages when configs are wrong
+ if (configcontent["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-l"]) and
+ ((tonumber(configcontent["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-l"]) == nil) or (tonumber(configcontent["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-l"]) > 8)) then
+ config["loglevel"]["errtxt"] = "Log value is out of range!\nCurrent value in config is '" ..
+ configcontent["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-l"] ..
+ "' - This is invalid!\nPlease select one of the above and save your changes."
+ table.insert(config["loglevel"]["option"], tonumber(configcontent["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-l"]))
+ end
+ if (configcontent["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-L"] ~= nil) and ((configcontent["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-R"] == nil) or (configcontent["SYSLOGD_OPTS"]["-R"] == "")) then
+ config["localandnetworklog"]["errtxt"] = "Logging to local and network (-L) is not possible unless you define a host (-R) for remote logging or remove this option."
+ end
+ -- Sum all errors into one cfe
+ local sumerrors = ""
+ for k,v in pairs(config) do
+ if (config[k]["errtxt"] ~= "") then
+ sumerrors = sumerrors .. config[k]["errtxt"] .. "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if (sumerrors ~= "") then
+ config["sumerrors"] = cfe ({
+ name="sumerrors",
+ label = "Configuration errors",
+ errtxt = sumerrors,
+ })
+ end
+ return config
+-- IMPORTANT! This function is a exception! It's not fed with CFE's
+-- Parameter should be one of the ones defined in the variable 'variabletranslator'.
+-- value should be whatever the new value should be.
+function setconfigs(self,parameter,value)
+ -- Set variables
+ local variable = "SYSLOGD_OPTS"
+ local variabletranslator = ({
+ logfile = "-O",
+ loglevel = "-l",
+ smallerlogs = "-S",
+ maxsize = "-s",
+ numrotate = "-b",
+ localandnetworklog = "-L",
+ remotelogging = "-R",
+ })
+ cmdparameter = variabletranslator[parameter]
+ -- Report a error if someone tryes to use a invalid parameter
+ if not (cmdparameter) then
+ local availablevariables = ""
+ for k,v in pairs(variabletranslator) do
+ availablevariables = k .. ", " .. availablevariables
+ end
+ parameter = parameter or ""
+ return false, cfe({
+ name="syslog.model.setconfigs()",
+ errtxt="'" .. parameter .. "' is not a valid parameter!\nValid options are: " .. availablevariables,
+ })
+ end
+ --TODO: Validate so that user cant add values with '-' (could cause major breakage next time you do getopts)
+ -- This config-file only accepts one type of parameters (report error if someone uses wrong parameter)
+ if not (string.find(cmdparameter, "-%a$")) then
+ return false, cfe({
+ name="syslog.model.setconfigs()",
+ errtxt="Parameter must be formated '-a' (where a is one upper/lowercase letter [a-z])",
+ })
+ end
+ -- Validate userinput (if valid path/filename)
+ if (value) and (cmdparameter == "-O") then
+ local cmdresult, cmdmessage = validator.is_valid_filename(value, "/var/log" )
+ if not (cmdresult) then
+ return false, cfe({
+ name="syslog.model.setconfigs()",
+ errtxt=cmdmessage,
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ -- Validate userinput (Has the user entered a valid hostname and/or port)
+ if (value) and (cmdparameter == "-R") then
+ local hostport = format.string_to_table(value, ":")
+ local host = hostport[1]
+ local port = hostport[2]
+ if (port) and not (validator.is_port(port)) then
+ return false, cfe({
+ name="syslog.model.setconfigs.getopts.setoptsinfile()",
+ errtxt="You entered '" .. tostring(port) .. "' as port - This is not valid!",
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ -- Set/Unset checkbox variables
+ if (value) and ((cmdparameter == "-S") or (cmdparameter == "-L")) then value = "" end
+ local cmdresult, cmdmessage, cmderror = getopts.setoptsinfile(configfile,variable,cmdparameter,value)
+ if (cmderror) then
+ return false, cfe({
+ name="syslog.model.setconfigs.getopts.setoptsinfile()",
+ errtxt=cmderror,
+ })
+ end
+ return true, cfe({
+ name="syslog.model.setconfigs()",
+ value=cmdmessage,
+ })
+-- modifications should be a CFE
+function update_filecontent (self, modifications)
+ local path = configfile
+ local file_result,err = fs.write_file(path, format.dostounix(modifications))
+ return file_result, err