path: root/provisioning-model.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'provisioning-model.lua')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/provisioning-model.lua b/provisioning-model.lua
index 47f9017..c46e058 100644
--- a/provisioning-model.lua
+++ b/provisioning-model.lua
@@ -35,6 +35,26 @@ local functions
-- ################################################################################
+local logme = function(message)
+ local userid = "-"
+ if mymodule.sessiondata and mymodule.sessiondata.userinfo and mymodule.sessiondata.userinfo.userid then
+ userid = tostring(mymodule.sessiondata.userinfo.userid)
+ end
+ if provdb.isconnected() then
+ local sql = string.format("INSERT INTO dbhistlog VALUES ('now', '%s', '%s')", provdb.escape(message), provdb.escape(userid))
+ provdb.runsqlcommand(sql, true)
+ end
+-- Delete history log information from more than a month ago
+local groomdbhistlog = function()
+ if provdb.isconnected() then
+ local sql = "DELETE FROM dbhistlog WHERE logdatetime < (now() - INTERVAL '1 month')"
+ provdb.runsqlcommand(sql, true)
+ logme("removed " .. res .. " old dbhistlog lines")
+ end
local function logcall(fn)
if mymodule.sessiondata and mymodule.sessiondata.userinfo and mymodule.sessiondata.userinfo.userid then
mymodule.logevent("acf-provisioning: "..tostring(fn).." by "..tostring(mymodule.sessiondata.userinfo.userid))
@@ -2686,4 +2706,73 @@ mymodule.bulk_dump_raw_devices = function(self, dumprequest)
return dump_devices(self, dumprequest, false)
+mymodule.getactivitylog = function(self, clientdata)
+ local connected
+ local retval = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="Provisioning Activity Log" })
+ = cfe({ value=0, label="Page Number", descr="0 indicates ALL", key=true })
+ retval.value.pagesize = cfe({ value=10, label="Page Size", key=true })
+ retval.value.rowcount = cfe({ value=0, label="Row Count" })
+ -- orderby must be an array of tables with column name and direction
+ retval.value.orderby = cfe({ type="structure", value={{column="logdatetime", direction="desc"}}, label="Order By", key=true })
+ -- filter is a table with a string filter for each column
+ retval.value.filter = cfe({ type="structure", value={}, label="Filter", key=true })
+ self.handle_clientdata(retval, clientdata)
+ retval.value.result = cfe({ type="structure", value={}, label="Log Entries" })
+ -- Process the incoming page data
+ local page = tonumber( or 0
+ = page
+ local pagesize = tonumber(retval.value.pagesize.value) or 10
+ retval.value.pagesize.value = pagesize
+ local orderby = {}
+ local columns = {logdatetime="logdatetime", msgtext="msgtext", userid="userid"}
+ local directions = {asc="ASC", desc="DESC", ASC="ASC", DESC="DESC"}
+ for i,o in ipairs(retval.value.orderby.value) do
+ if columns[o.column] and directions[o.direction] then
+ orderby[#orderby+1] = columns[o.column].." "..directions[o.direction]
+ end
+ end
+ if #orderby == 0 then
+ orderby[#orderby+1] = "logdatetime DESC"
+ end
+ local res, err = pcall(function()
+ connected = databaseconnect(true)
+ local filter = {}
+ columns.logdatetime = nil -- Cannot regex filter based on logdatetime because of the timestamp type
+ for c,f in pairs(retval.value.filter.value) do
+ if columns[c] and f ~= "" then
+ filter[#filter+1] = columns[c].."~'"..provdb.escape(f).."'"
+ end
+ end
+ local sql = " FROM dbhistlog"
+ if #filter>0 then
+ sql = sql.." WHERE "..table.concat(filter, " AND ")
+ end
+ if page > 0 then
+ local count = getselectresponse("SELECT count(*)"..sql)
+ retval.value.rowcount.value = count[1].count
+ end
+ sql = sql.." ORDER BY "..table.concat(orderby, ", ")
+ if page > 0 then
+ sql = sql.." LIMIT "..pagesize.." OFFSET "..(page - 1)*pagesize
+ end
+ retval.value.result.value = getselectresponse("SELECT *"..sql) or {}
+ if page <= 0 then
+ retval.value.rowcount.value = #retval.value.result.value
+ end
+ if connected then databasedisconnect() end
+ end)
+ if not res and err then
+ handlesqlexception(connected, err)
+ retval.errtxt = err
+ end
+ return retval
return mymodule