path: root/provisioning-model.lua
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Added support for select type and provisioning options.Ted Trask2010-12-091-6/+115
* Modified search to return and display the group, parameter, and value that ma...Ted Trask2010-12-031-13/+18
* Broke up get_device_values into two functions, one by name, one by device_id.Ted Trask2010-11-261-17/+37
* Adjusted search to include != and regular expressions comparisons.Ted Trask2010-11-261-14/+13
* Fixed writing of template to remove dos formatting.Ted Trask2010-11-261-1/+1
* Fixed search to handle multiple responses and correctly check parameter values.Ted Trask2010-11-231-35/+6
* Display groups by name, not by label.Ted Trask2010-11-161-0/+1
* Fixed bug in search sql statementTed Trask2010-11-161-1/+1
* Added ability to search for device by name, label, and template.Ted Trask2010-11-151-11/+23
* Added searchdevices action and fixed getdeviceparams to be proper structure, ...Ted Trask2010-11-101-4/+56
* Cleaned up some things with ordering and with transaction rollback.Ted Trask2010-11-081-12/+15
* Added getdevicevalues with templated viewtype to load template with haserl.Ted Trask2010-11-041-2/+4
* Allowed blanks for device classes and class groups.Ted Trask2010-10-281-8/+10
* Modified get/update device/class to device up classes/groups by name to make ...Ted Trask2010-10-281-15/+37
* Starting to develop provisioning application.Ted Trask2010-10-281-0/+1240