path: root/testing
diff options
authorOlivier Mauras <olivier@mauras.ch>2016-08-31 16:46:52 +0200
committerCarlo Landmeter <clandmeter@gmail.com>2016-08-31 17:06:37 +0200
commit5bbcf5621821932748027b7499a107741cdd34f6 (patch)
tree7357fec9c159be0cbb5617acd7ae8f364d1c25ed /testing
parent82b5d172b33f1c9d7ac3f4c55b5513511a5db651 (diff)
testing/pdns{-recursor}: Move to community
Diffstat (limited to 'testing')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1070 deletions
diff --git a/testing/pdns-recursor/APKBUILD b/testing/pdns-recursor/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 6247f07b69..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns-recursor/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Contributor: Olivier Mauras <olivier@mauras.ch>
-pkgdesc="PowerDNS Recursive Server"
-makedepends="$depends_dev boost-dev lua-dev openssl-dev"
-install="$pkgname.pre-install $pkgname.post-deinstall"
- pdns-recursor.initd
- recursor.conf
- "
-prepare() {
- local i
- cd "$_builddir"
- for i in $source; do
- case $i in
- *.patch) msg $i; patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/$i || return 1;;
- esac
- done
-build() {
- cd "$_builddir"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/pdns \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --infodir=/usr/share/info \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --libdir=/usr/lib/pdns \
- --disable-static \
- || return 1
- make || return 1
-package() {
- cd "$_builddir"
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1
- rm "$pkgdir"/etc/pdns/recursor.conf-dist || return 1
- install -m755 -D "$srcdir"/$pkgname.initd \
- "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/$pkgname || return 1
- install -m600 -D "$srcdir"/recursor.conf \
- "$pkgdir"/etc/pdns/recursor.conf || return 1
-md5sums="5ef062610de3d193ebe63a615263df7e pdns-recursor-4.0.1.tar.bz2
-35f373bae0503632088956fa14754e4e pdns-recursor.initd
-2950b9932de6baae360f220c7686f520 recursor.conf"
-sha256sums="472db541307c8ca83a846d260ecfc854fd8e879c1bb2ce5683a8df5d21e860b0 pdns-recursor-4.0.1.tar.bz2
-215d916383e3cba184f8418b98cd2ced146500006e21e2efeb0ee5b53f3df049 pdns-recursor.initd
-12bdbf651db0c7fe63ddb01a239a5ddd40825f50811a5d3f4d13cda294bd0344 recursor.conf"
-sha512sums="3e69606bda3d296b0c3fd9212afa2a098ab04637718356d220a9490bc3e2a0ca97210934d398ad740509cea9e8f8d2ab2e16a1ba75d559f6b82bf64a729ad018 pdns-recursor-4.0.1.tar.bz2
-f23cb30d943e0b0aea09371dc57aa43e55b8f91062a3caa3fac17e3565a8e36dfd304f45eba588f625ca2337cd2ade450ea5ae1776872c006204cdaf912f6651 pdns-recursor.initd
-954df537693a202fc195e751011bbfaa605b3f3df42ac386fa82eb809b73c2b987f5e418b5c96bb3b0669497426ce0daa39a719844701e06990b82843a4cf0d4 recursor.conf"
diff --git a/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.initd b/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e851d064..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/pdns/files/pdns,v 1.10 2007/05/07 20:19:18 swegener Exp $
-extra_started_commands="dump reload"
-depend() {
- need net
- after firewall
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting PowerDNS recursor"
- ${daemon}
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping PowerDNS recursor"
- ${recursor_control} quit &>/dev/null
- eend $?
diff --git a/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.post-deinstall b/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.post-deinstall
deleted file mode 100644
index a7604db3ff..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.post-deinstall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-deluser recursor 2>/dev/null
-exit 0
diff --git a/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.pre-install b/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.pre-install
deleted file mode 100644
index ece3a78472..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns-recursor/pdns-recursor.pre-install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-addgroup -S recursor 2>/dev/null
-adduser -S -D -H -h /var/empty -s /bin/false -G recursor -g recursor recursor 2>/dev/null
-exit 0
diff --git a/testing/pdns-recursor/recursor.conf b/testing/pdns-recursor/recursor.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1db31276c4..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns-recursor/recursor.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-# Autogenerated configuration file template
-# allow-from If set, only allow these comma separated netmasks to recurse
-# allow-from=,,,,,, ::1/128, fc00::/7, fe80::/10
-# allow-from-file If set, load allowed netmasks from this file
-# allow-from-file=
-# any-to-tcp Answer ANY queries with tc=1, shunting to TCP
-# any-to-tcp=no
-# api-config-dir Directory where REST API stores config and zones
-# api-config-dir=
-# api-key Static pre-shared authentication key for access to the REST API
-# api-key=
-# api-logfile Location of the server logfile (used by the REST API)
-# api-logfile=/var/log/pdns.log
-# api-readonly Disallow data modification through the REST API when set
-# api-readonly=no
-# auth-zones Zones for which we have authoritative data, comma separated domain=file pairs
-# auth-zones=
-# carbon-interval Number of seconds between carbon (graphite) updates
-# carbon-interval=30
-# carbon-ourname If set, overrides our reported hostname for carbon stats
-# carbon-ourname=
-# carbon-server If set, send metrics in carbon (graphite) format to this server
-# carbon-server=
-# chroot switch to chroot jail
-# chroot=
-# client-tcp-timeout Timeout in seconds when talking to TCP clients
-# client-tcp-timeout=2
-# config-dir Location of configuration directory (recursor.conf)
-# config-dir=/etc
-# config-name Name of this virtual configuration - will rename the binary image
-# config-name=
-# daemon Operate as a daemon
-# delegation-only Which domains we only accept delegations from
-# delegation-only=
-# disable-packetcache Disable packetcache
-# disable-packetcache=no
-# disable-syslog Disable logging to syslog, useful when running inside a supervisor that logs stdout
-# disable-syslog=no
-# dnssec DNSSEC mode: off/process-no-validate (default)/process/log-fail/validate
-# dnssec=process-no-validate
-# dnssec-log-bogus Log DNSSEC bogus validations
-# dnssec-log-bogus=no
-# dont-query If set, do not query these netmasks for DNS data
-# dont-query=,,,,,, ::1/128, fc00::/7, fe80::/10,,,,,,, ::/96, ::ffff:0:0/96, 100::/64, 2001:db8::/32
-# edns-outgoing-bufsize Outgoing EDNS buffer size
-# edns-outgoing-bufsize=1680
-# edns-subnet-whitelist List of netmasks and domains that we should enable EDNS subnet for
-# edns-subnet-whitelist=
-# entropy-source If set, read entropy from this file
-# entropy-source=/dev/urandom
-# etc-hosts-file Path to 'hosts' file
-# etc-hosts-file=/etc/hosts
-# export-etc-hosts If we should serve up contents from /etc/hosts
-# export-etc-hosts=off
-# export-etc-hosts-search-suffix Also serve up the contents of /etc/hosts with this suffix
-# export-etc-hosts-search-suffix=
-# forward-zones Zones for which we forward queries, comma separated domain=ip pairs
-# forward-zones=
-# forward-zones-file File with (+)domain=ip pairs for forwarding
-# forward-zones-file=
-# forward-zones-recurse Zones for which we forward queries with recursion bit, comma separated domain=ip pairs
-# forward-zones-recurse=
-# hint-file If set, load root hints from this file
-# hint-file=
-# include-dir Include *.conf files from this directory
-# include-dir=
-# latency-statistic-size Number of latency values to calculate the qa-latency average
-# latency-statistic-size=10000
-# local-address IP addresses to listen on, separated by spaces or commas. Also accepts ports.
-# local-address=
-# local-port port to listen on
-# log-common-errors If we should log rather common errors
-# log-common-errors=no
-# logging-facility Facility to log messages as. 0 corresponds to local0
-# logging-facility=
-# loglevel Amount of logging. Higher is more. Do not set below 3
-# loglevel=4
-# lowercase-outgoing Force outgoing questions to lowercase
-# lowercase-outgoing=no
-# lua-config-file More powerful configuration options
-# lua-config-file=
-# lua-dns-script Filename containing an optional 'lua' script that will be used to modify dns answers
-# lua-dns-script=
-# max-cache-entries If set, maximum number of entries in the main cache
-# max-cache-entries=1000000
-# max-cache-ttl maximum number of seconds to keep a cached entry in memory
-# max-cache-ttl=86400
-# max-mthreads Maximum number of simultaneous Mtasker threads
-# max-mthreads=2048
-# max-negative-ttl maximum number of seconds to keep a negative cached entry in memory
-# max-negative-ttl=3600
-# max-packetcache-entries maximum number of entries to keep in the packetcache
-# max-packetcache-entries=500000
-# max-qperq Maximum outgoing queries per query
-# max-qperq=50
-# max-tcp-clients Maximum number of simultaneous TCP clients
-# max-tcp-clients=128
-# max-tcp-per-client If set, maximum number of TCP sessions per client (IP address)
-# max-tcp-per-client=0
-# max-total-msec Maximum total wall-clock time per query in milliseconds, 0 for unlimited
-# max-total-msec=7000
-# minimum-ttl-override Set under adverse conditions, a minimum TTL
-# minimum-ttl-override=0
-# network-timeout Wait this nummer of milliseconds for network i/o
-# network-timeout=1500
-# no-shuffle Don't change
-# no-shuffle=off
-# non-local-bind Enable binding to non-local addresses by using FREEBIND / BINDANY socket options
-# non-local-bind=no
-# packetcache-servfail-ttl maximum number of seconds to keep a cached servfail entry in packetcache
-# packetcache-servfail-ttl=60
-# packetcache-ttl maximum number of seconds to keep a cached entry in packetcache
-# packetcache-ttl=3600
-# pdns-distributes-queries If PowerDNS itself should distribute queries over threads
-# pdns-distributes-queries=
-# processes Launch this number of processes (EXPERIMENTAL, DO NOT CHANGE)
-# processes=1
-# query-local-address Source IP address for sending queries
-# query-local-address=
-# query-local-address6 Source IPv6 address for sending queries. IF UNSET, IPv6 WILL NOT BE USED FOR OUTGOING QUERIES
-# query-local-address6=
-# quiet Suppress logging of questions and answers
-# quiet=
-# reuseport Enable SO_REUSEPORT allowing multiple recursors processes to listen to 1 address
-# reuseport=no
-# root-nx-trust If set, believe that an NXDOMAIN from the root means the TLD does not exist
-# root-nx-trust=yes
-# security-poll-suffix Domain name from which to query security update notifications
-# security-poll-suffix=secpoll.powerdns.com.
-# serve-rfc1918 If we should be authoritative for RFC 1918 private IP space
-# serve-rfc1918=
-# server-down-max-fails Maximum number of consecutive timeouts (and unreachables) to mark a server as down ( 0 => disabled )
-# server-down-max-fails=64
-# server-down-throttle-time Number of seconds to throttle all queries to a server after being marked as down
-# server-down-throttle-time=60
-# server-id Returned when queried for 'server.id' TXT or NSID, defaults to hostname
-# server-id=
-# setgid If set, change group id to this gid for more security
-# setuid If set, change user id to this uid for more security
-# single-socket If set, only use a single socket for outgoing queries
-# single-socket=off
-# soa-minimum-ttl Don't change
-# soa-minimum-ttl=0
-# socket-dir Where the controlsocket will live, /var/run when unset and not chrooted
-# socket-dir=
-# socket-group Group of socket
-# socket-group=
-# socket-mode Permissions for socket
-# socket-mode=
-# socket-owner Owner of socket
-# socket-owner=
-# spoof-nearmiss-max If non-zero, assume spoofing after this many near misses
-# spoof-nearmiss-max=20
-# stack-size stack size per mthread
-# stack-size=200000
-# stats-ringbuffer-entries maximum number of packets to store statistics for
-# stats-ringbuffer-entries=10000
-# threads Launch this number of threads
-# threads=2
-# trace if we should output heaps of logging. set to 'fail' to only log failing domains
-# trace=off
-# udp-truncation-threshold Maximum UDP response size before we truncate
-# udp-truncation-threshold=1680
-# version-string string reported on version.pdns or version.bind
-# version-string=PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.1 (built Aug 15 2016 11:06:59 by coredumb@alpine-dev.internal)
-# webserver Start a webserver (for REST API)
-# webserver=no
-# webserver-address IP Address of webserver to listen on
-# webserver-address=
-# webserver-allow-from Webserver access is only allowed from these subnets
-# webserver-allow-from=,::/0
-# webserver-password Password required for accessing the webserver
-# webserver-password=
-# webserver-port Port of webserver to listen on
-# webserver-port=8082
-# write-pid Write a PID file
-# write-pid=yes
diff --git a/testing/pdns/APKBUILD b/testing/pdns/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6fd9986e..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Contributor: Ɓukasz Jendrysik <scadu@yandex.com>
-# Contributor: Matt Smith <mcs@darkregion.net>
-# Contributor: Olivier Mauras <olivier@mauras.ch>
-# Maintainer: Matt Smith <mcs@darkregion.net>
-pkgdesc="PowerDNS Authoritative Server"
-makedepends="$depends_dev boost-dev lua-dev openldap-dev mariadb-dev
- postgresql-dev sqlite-dev"
-install="$pkgname.pre-install $pkgname.post-deinstall"
- $pkgname-backend-bind:backend_bind
- $pkgname-backend-ldap:backend_ldap
- $pkgname-backend-mysql:backend_mysql
- $pkgname-backend-pgsql:backend_pgsql
- $pkgname-backend-pipe:backend_pipe
- $pkgname-backend-sqlite3:backend_sqlite3
- "
- pdns.initd
- pdns.conf
- "
-prepare() {
- local i
- cd "$_builddir"
- for i in $source; do
- case $i in
- *.patch) msg $i; patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/$i || return 1;;
- esac
- done
-build() {
- cd "$_builddir"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/$pkgname \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --infodir=/usr/share/info \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --libdir=/usr/lib/pdns \
- --with-modules="" \
- --with-dynmodules="bind ldap gmysql gpgsql pipe gsqlite3" \
- --disable-static \
- || return 1
- make || return 1
-package() {
- cd "$_builddir"
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1
- install -m755 -D "$srcdir"/$pkgname.initd \
- "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/$pkgname || return 1
- rm "$pkgdir"/etc/$pkgname/$pkgname.conf-dist
- install -m600 -D "$srcdir"/$pkgname.conf \
- "$pkgdir"/etc/$pkgname/$pkgname.conf || return 1
- chown pdns:pdns "$pkgdir"/etc/$pkgname/$pkgname.conf || return 1
-backend_bind() { _mv_backend bind; }
-backend_ldap() { _mv_backend ldap openldap; }
-backend_mysql() { _mv_backend gmysql mysql; }
-backend_pgsql() { _mv_backend gpgsql postgresql; }
-backend_pipe() { _mv_backend pipe; }
-backend_sqlite3() { _mv_backend gsqlite3 sqlite; }
-_mv_backend() {
- local backend=$1
- pkgdesc="${backend} backend module for PowerDNS"
- depends="$pkgname"
- # backend dependencies
- if [ -n "${2-}" ]; then
- depends="${2-}"
- fi
- depends="${depends} ${pkgname}"
- mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/pdns/pdns || return 1
- mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/pdns/pdns/lib${backend}backend.so \
- "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/pdns/pdns/ || return 1
-md5sums="d34a390672aa043f8a287e5bb2284f4a pdns-4.0.1.tar.bz2
-db11dfe72474858f706155c817f2ded5 pdns.initd
-351bac7f784a1a40e768466d9e6f1a79 pdns.conf"
-sha256sums="d191eed4a6664430e85969f49835c59e810ecbb7b3eb506e64c6b2734091edd7 pdns-4.0.1.tar.bz2
-081835f812e419b153a9cc716ad55b9cb22c6c185b748e0aafc40430fa5e8b5e pdns.initd
-5fdf423f829dca0b50bc81bab773d7ec4ee6627e35f861124d8c2ccd79a2f50c pdns.conf"
-sha512sums="77fce9963a05198afeb569f92fbb0f6a1cb3426c28dd77b0921128189c80d9a72ebdbfc249dfc0b5b89cc7a65a83887a0388d6cc3461453b1e3096e563afdd1e pdns-4.0.1.tar.bz2
-71257be925fe57b15ebf29a7810cd70581cb867416ab9562300a1bbc3eb94fcb92ea2eb95f15e3ee3bd409468911077c50f90a2501801b0c8c49ed979f41f3a4 pdns.initd
-9913551bb4d685aaced806134b1037d85ce759e7d9e780e256e67651d9d346aad5e608b4a45a4933f0ba879605b69d06e579c38b7f917f7a9be37c7797c5953b pdns.conf"
diff --git a/testing/pdns/pdns.conf b/testing/pdns/pdns.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e0238c0acb..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns/pdns.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-# Autogenerated configuration file template
-# allow-axfr-ips Allow zonetransfers only to these subnets
-# allow-axfr-ips=
-# allow-recursion List of subnets that are allowed to recurse
-# allow-recursion=
-# allow-recursion-override Set this so that local data fully overrides the recursor
-# allow-recursion-override=no
-# cache-ttl Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache
-# chroot If set, chroot to this directory for more security
-# config-dir Location of configuration directory (pdns.conf)
-# config-name Name of this virtual configuration - will rename the binary image
-# config-name=
-# control-console Debugging switch - don't use
-# control-console=no
-# daemon Operate as a daemon
-# default-soa-name name to insert in the SOA record if none set in the backend
-# default-soa-name=a.misconfigured.powerdns.server
-# default-ttl Seconds a result is valid if not set otherwise
-# default-ttl=3600
-# disable-axfr Disable zonetransfers but do allow TCP queries
-# disable-axfr=no
-# disable-tcp Do not listen to TCP queries
-# disable-tcp=no
-# distributor-threads Default number of Distributor (backend) threads to start
-# do-ipv6-additional-processing Do AAAA additional processing
-# do-ipv6-additional-processing=no
-# fancy-records Process URL and MBOXFW records
-# fancy-records=no
-# guardian Run within a guardian process
-# launch Which backends to launch and order to query them in
-# launch=
-# lazy-recursion Only recurse if question cannot be answered locally
-# lazy-recursion=yes
-# load-modules Load this module - supply absolute or relative path
-# load-modules=
-# local-address Local IP addresses to which we bind
-# local-address=
-# local-ipv6 Local IP address to which we bind
-# local-ipv6=
-# local-port The port on which we listen
-# log-dns-details If PDNS should log DNS non-erroneous details
-# log-dns-details=
-# log-failed-updates If PDNS should log failed update requests
-# log-failed-updates=
-# logfile Logfile to use (Windows only)
-# logfile=pdns.log
-# logging-facility Log under a specific facility
-# logging-facility=
-# loglevel Amount of logging. Higher is more. Do not set below 3
-# master Act as a master
-# master=no
-# max-queue-length Maximum queuelength before considering situation lost
-# max-queue-length=5000
-# max-tcp-connections Maximum number of TCP connections
-# max-tcp-connections=10
-# module-dir Default directory for modules
-# negquery-cache-ttl Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache
-# no-shuffle Set this to prevent random shuffling of answers - for regression testing
-# no-shuffle=off
-# out-of-zone-additional-processing Do out of zone additional processing
-# out-of-zone-additional-processing=yes
-# pipebackend-abi-version Version of the pipe backend ABI
-# pipebackend-abi-version=1
-# query-cache-ttl Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache
-# query-cache-ttl=20
-# query-local-address Source IP address for sending queries
-# query-local-address=
-# query-logging Hint backends that queries should be logged
-# query-logging=no
-# queue-limit Maximum number of milliseconds to queue a query
-# queue-limit=1500
-# recursive-cache-ttl Seconds to store packets in the PacketCache
-# recursive-cache-ttl=10
-# recursor If recursion is desired, IP address of a recursing nameserver
-# recursor=no
-# send-root-referral Send out old-fashioned root-referral instead of ServFail in case of no authority
-# send-root-referral=no
-# setgid If set, change group id to this gid for more security
-# setuid If set, change user id to this uid for more security
-# skip-cname Do not perform CNAME indirection for each query
-# skip-cname=no
-# slave Act as a slave
-# slave=no
-# slave-cycle-interval Reschedule failed SOA serial checks once every .. seconds
-# slave-cycle-interval=60
-# smtpredirector Our smtpredir MX host
-# smtpredirector=a.misconfigured.powerdns.smtp.server
-# soa-expire-default Default SOA expire
-# soa-expire-default=604800
-# soa-minimum-ttl Default SOA mininum ttl
-# soa-minimum-ttl=3600
-# soa-refresh-default Default SOA refresh
-# soa-refresh-default=10800
-# soa-retry-default Default SOA retry
-# soa-retry-default=3600
-# soa-serial-offset Make sure that no SOA serial is less than this number
-# soa-serial-offset=0
-# socket-dir Where the controlsocket will live
-# strict-rfc-axfrs Perform strictly rfc compliant axfrs (very slow)
-# strict-rfc-axfrs=no
-# trusted-notification-proxy IP address of incoming notification proxy
-# trusted-notification-proxy=
-# urlredirector Where we send hosts to that need to be url redirected
-# urlredirector=
-# use-logfile Use a log file (Windows only)
-# version-string PowerDNS version in packets - full, anonymous, powerdns or custom
-# version-string=full
-# webserver Start a webserver for monitoring
-# webserver-address IP Address of webserver to listen on
-# webserver-address=
-# webserver-password Password required for accessing the webserver
-# webserver-password=
-# webserver-port Port of webserver to listen on
-# webserver-port=8081
-# webserver-print-arguments If the webserver should print arguments
-# webserver-print-arguments=no
-# wildcard-url Process URL and MBOXFW records
-# wildcard-url=no
-# wildcards Honor wildcards in the database
diff --git a/testing/pdns/pdns.initd b/testing/pdns/pdns.initd
deleted file mode 100644
index b6429bf858..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns/pdns.initd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/pdns/files/pdns,v 1.10 2007/05/07 20:19:18 swegener Exp $
-extra_started_commands="dump reload"
-if [ -n "${PDNS_INSTANCE}" ] && [ "${PDNS_INSTANCE}" != "pdns" ]
- PDNS_CONFIG="--config-name=${PDNS_INSTANCE}"
- PDNS_INSTANCE="default"
-depend() {
- need net
- after firewall
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting PowerDNS (${PDNS_INSTANCE})"
- ${daemon} \
- --daemon=yes \
- --guardian=yes
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping PowerDNS (${PDNS_INSTANCE})"
- ${pdns_control} ${PDNS_CONFIG} quit &>/dev/null
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Reloading PowerDNS (${PDNS_INSTANCE})"
- ${pdns_control} ${PDNS_CONFIG} cycle &>/dev/null
- eend $?
-dump() {
- ebegin "Dumping PowerDNS (${PDNS_INSTANCE}) variables"
- ${pdns_control} ${PDNS_CONFIG} list
- eend $?
-monitor() {
- ebegin "Starting PowerDNS (${PDNS_INSTANCE}) in monitor mode"
- ${daemon} \
- --daemon=no \
- --guardian=no \
- --control-console=yes \
- --loglevel=9 \
- --log-dns-details=yes \
- --query-logging=yes
- eend $?
diff --git a/testing/pdns/pdns.post-deinstall b/testing/pdns/pdns.post-deinstall
deleted file mode 100644
index f1efa16090..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns/pdns.post-deinstall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-deluser pdns 2>/dev/null
-exit 0
diff --git a/testing/pdns/pdns.pre-install b/testing/pdns/pdns.pre-install
deleted file mode 100644
index 021b1e7e9c..0000000000
--- a/testing/pdns/pdns.pre-install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-addgroup -S pdns 2>/dev/null
-adduser -S -D -H -h /var/empty -s /bin/false -G pdns -g pdns pdns 2>/dev/null
-exit 0