path: root/community/ghc/APKBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'community/ghc/APKBUILD')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/community/ghc/APKBUILD b/community/ghc/APKBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b922eb4ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/ghc/APKBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Maintainer: Mitch Tishmack <mitch.tishmack@gmail.com>
+pkgdesc="The Glasgow Haskell Compiler"
+arch="x86_64 armhf"
+# Note ghc's license is basically BSD-3. If you'd like to know more visit:
+# * https://www.haskell.org/ghc/license
+# * https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Licensing
+# Note that ghc is sensitive to the version of llvm used,
+# hence the llvm3.7 package.
+# Ref: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Status/GHC-8.0.1
+# https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/ImprovedLLVMBackend
+depends="gmp-dev perl gcc>=6.2.1 llvm3.7 libffi-dev"
+makedepends_build="$pkgname autoconf cpio binutils-gold paxmark libffi-dev ncurses-dev"
+makedepends_host="linux-headers musl-dev zlib-dev gmp-dev binutils-dev libffi-dev ncurses-dev"
+makedepends="$makedepends_build $makedepends_host"
+ haskell-cabal=
+ haskell-bytestring=
+ haskell-containers=
+ haskell-deepseq=
+ haskell-directory=
+ haskell-filepath=
+ haskell-ghc=8.0.2
+ haskell-ghc-boot=8.0.2
+ haskell-ghc-boot-th=8.0.2
+ haskell-ghc-prim=
+ haskell-ghci=8.0.2
+ haskell-haskeline=
+ haskell-hoopl=
+ haskell-hpc=
+ haskell-integer-gmp=
+ haskell-pretty=
+ haskell-process=
+ haskell-rts=1.0
+ haskell-template-haskell=
+ haskell-terminfo=
+ haskell-time=
+ haskell-transformers=
+ haskell-unix=
+ haskell-xhtml=3000.2.1
+ "
+subpackages="$pkgname-doc $pkgname-dev"
+options="!strip" # we strip it manually in build()
+ http://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/$pkgver/ghc-$pkgver-testsuite.tar.xz
+ 0000-alpine.patch
+ 0000-bootstrap.patch
+ 0001-rm-ghc-pwd.patch
+ 0002-Correct-issue-with-libffi-and-glibc.patch
+ 0003-do-not-use-SHELL.patch
+ 0004-reproducible-tmp-names.patch
+ 0005-buildpath-abi-stability.patch
+ 0006-fix-madvise.patch
+ 0007-build-hp2ps-twice.patch
+ 0008-build-unlit-twice.patch
+ "
+prepare() {
+ default_prepare
+ cp mk/build.mk.sample mk/build.mk
+ cat >> mk/build.mk <<-EOF
+ BuildFlavour = perf-llvm
+ INTEGER_LIBRARY = integer-gmp
+ BeConservative = YES
+ V = 0
+ GhcStage3HcOpts += -O3
+ SplitSections = YES
+ if [ "$CBUILD" != "$CTARGET" ]; then
+ # cross-build
+ cat >> mk/build.mk <<-EOF
+ fi
+ # Due to patches to the configure script
+ autoreconf
+build() {
+ cd "$builddir"
+ local ffi_inc=$(pkg-config libffi --cflags-only-I); ffi_inc="${ffi_inc%% }"
+ local ffi_lib=$(pkg-config libffi --libs-only-L); ffi_lib="${ffi_lib%% }"
+ # NOTE: ghc build system requires host == build, and it ends up
+ # compiling the cross-compiler (stage1) and cross-compiling with
+ # that the native compiler (stage2)
+ ./configure \
+ --build=$CBUILD \
+ --host=$CBUILD \
+ --target=$CTARGET \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --with-system-libffi \
+ ${ffi_inc:+--with-ffi-includes="${ffi_inc#-I}"} \
+ ${ffi_lib:+--with-ffi-libraries="${ffi_lib#-L}"} \
+ --with-ar=${CROSS_COMPILE}ar \
+ --with-nm=${CROSS_COMPILE}nm \
+ --with-ranlib=${CROSS_COMPILE}ranlib \
+ --with-objdump=${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump \
+ --with-ld=${CROSS_COMPILE}ld.gold \
+ --with-ld.gold=${CROSS_COMPILE}ld.gold
+ make
+check() {
+ cd "$builddir/testsuite"
+ make fast THREADS=$JOBS
+doc() {
+ default_doc
+ install -Dm644 "$builddir/LICENSE" \
+ "$subpkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$subpkgname/LICENSE"
+package() {
+ local ghclib="usr/lib/ghc-$pkgver"
+ local newpath path target
+ cd "$builddir"
+ make -j1 DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ cd "$pkgdir"
+ # Fixup install tree if needed.
+ if [ -d usr/lib/$CTARGET-ghc-$pkgver ]; then
+ # different location
+ ghclib="usr/lib/$CTARGET-ghc-$pkgver"
+ # Rename binaries and fix links.
+ local path; for path in usr/bin/"$CTARGET"-*; do
+ newpath="${path//$CTARGET-/}"
+ if [ -h "$path" ]; then
+ target="$(readlink $path)"
+ ln -sf "${target//$CTARGET-/}" "$newpath"
+ rm "$path"
+ else
+ mv "$path" "$newpath"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Remove triplet prefix from settings -- the intention is
+ # that the native compiler will use native gcc/ld on the target.
+ sed -i "s|$CTARGET-||g" usr/lib/$CTARGET-ghc-$pkgver/settings
+ fi
+ # Can't do a full strip on archives.
+ find . -type f \( -name "*.so" -o -name "*.a" \) \
+ -exec ${CROSS_COMPILE}strip --strip-unneeded {} \;
+ find $ghclib/bin -type f -exec ${CROSS_COMPILE}strip {} \;
+ paxmark -m \
+ $ghclib/bin/ghc \
+ $ghclib/bin/ghc-iserv \
+ $ghclib/bin/ghc-iserv-dyn \
+ $ghclib/bin/ghc-iserv-prof
+# Like debian, we split apart the profiled archives/etc...
+# This drastically reduces the install size of the ghc pkg.
+dev() {
+ pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (development files)"
+ depends="$pkgname=$pkgver-r$pkgrel"
+ cd "$pkgdir"
+ install -dm755 "$subpkgdir"
+ local pfiles=$(find . \( -type f -o -type l \) \( -name "*.p_*" -o -name "lib*_p.a" \))
+ echo "$pfiles" | cpio -pamVd "$subpkgdir"
+ echo "$pfiles" | xargs rm -fr
+sha512sums="58ea3853cd93b556ecdc4abd0be079b2621171b8491f59004ea4e036a4cba4470aaafe6591b942e0a50a64bdc47540e01fe6900212a1ef7087850112d9bfc5ef ghc-8.0.2-src.tar.xz
+1b35fc6a5f482dc1e33f21ddf4c4fe17591990f16a4105c787225980a5f4dbaa42205204faf547f8e1b53f6356aefde9d3ff50cc416c9bf1a9ac08feadd74a99 ghc-8.0.2-testsuite.tar.xz
+23a52467fe83322e7b1d5f3e17a9defd08969666acb5a40e40ad93aa4f3feec028389448d4620edbe3ee8b246b3b6e338b267dce09cb14bdd0949b98e75d7562 0000-alpine.patch
+82cecce9e42c12cc3c8d484331b76ac5c6d2529887cd73181d4798f95057883be47489919379e6ebf7daba95b7c25b5d9d689b30ed8d01b13dda20a3b921ce3d 0000-bootstrap.patch
+128eece1b103f286b915a1563a628b638f03509d18cdb2e6510957d26eb56a4ae66e33c946c0e6c2aac2f947b9646dc88c1f390c69ea21f9dc64e0bef4de4e97 0001-rm-ghc-pwd.patch
+6f90b0de1e34c286e54ef14514ffabe17f9012fbc5448b4aacb3687aac065942e0a3a2c1c57b6338121140369a8870b4ce2a6b355c83c43344d4de8909a253a4 0002-Correct-issue-with-libffi-and-glibc.patch
+59194e6994c8344c579ec16c3adf3e0cdc7c356b524b12f8b10ec940191463d686782e525537c94ffa8e1bf9efcc36a2b3da3004183586ab0e354ab0a7036e0a 0003-do-not-use-SHELL.patch
+b5a5e73a2f01c0cabc96a49776d0d0f3d1d7a10759bb0b2982e7c7f6dc525d0559c0183ee779feb77ec6f2cec3bac17c1a5ba4c3bc0c6f780dfc1ed3dcf6c80e 0004-reproducible-tmp-names.patch
+e1c2cef06d307eda4b35521204e95eb54ace5dbcd22de659e95356f884b4424d6304365e4ab45c5116192cba4c095e2e91114bc7cb73d7c7173a7035287d0854 0005-buildpath-abi-stability.patch
+478f9c9990ee01b70e88daf97138f853816d862731a02e9286ad787845dcb40c1443a30520598d805d0ff7cea8c3d604ed5d9033dbe8e572e8a85911ee739ff7 0006-fix-madvise.patch
+a1032b800515908eae1602454c03bd80c92e39faa4004b52dba698d84166abea1bb4ce4afc2b69aad4a25a4e9acb2d12704453e512ab2b2ceae02c6df180bd76 0007-build-hp2ps-twice.patch
+0a53264a2066869379cbcb3a6175b93d4461d9a9fe6d2594bf0c9438daa176fbccf033832fa61bd482a23335c4528d8087301e3bdc08d08160acb789befbe005 0008-build-unlit-twice.patch"