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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/modules/Installing/pages/manual.adoc b/modules/Installing/pages/manual.adoc
index f1eb1c3..4d2bc89 100644
--- a/modules/Installing/pages/manual.adoc
+++ b/modules/Installing/pages/manual.adoc
@@ -495,5 +495,4 @@ Bootloader setup, and grub in particular, tends to have issues.
If after rebooting (the next step) you run into issues, feel free to ask for help in any of the support channels mentioned in the xref:ROOT:index.adoc#_where_to_get_help[introduction].
-// TODO: xref to Working section
-You can now reboot and move on to the "Working with Alpine" section.
+You can now reboot and move on to xref:Working:post-install.adoc[Working With Alpine].