diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 331 deletions
diff --git a/openldap-model.lua.orig b/openldap-model.lua.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b0d830..0000000
--- a/openldap-model.lua.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-local mymodule = {}
-modelfunctions = require("modelfunctions")
-posix = require("posix")
-format = require("acf.format")
-fs = require("acf.fs")
-processinfo = require("acf.processinfo")
-validator = require("acf.validator")
-date = require("")
-local processname = "slapd"
-local packagename = "openldap"
-local configfile = "/etc/openldap/slapd.conf"
-local baseurl = "/etc/openldap/"
-function mymodule.set_processname(p)
- processname = p
- configfile = "/etc/openldap/"..processname..".conf"
--- ################################################################################
-local function config_content( f )
- local config = {}
- local lines = format.parse_linesandwords(fs.read_file(f) or "", "[#;]")
- -- there can be multiple entries
- for i,linetable in ipairs(lines) do
- if config[linetable[1]] then
- config[linetable[1]] = config[linetable[1]] .. "\n" .. (table.concat(linetable, " ", 2) or "")
- else
- config[linetable[1]] = table.concat(linetable, " ", 2) or ""
- end
- end
- = f
- if config.remote then
- config.remoteport = string.match ( config.remote, "^%S+%s+(%S*)" )
- end
- if not ( config.log ) then
- config.log = config["log-append"]
- end
- if not ( config["max-clients"] ) then
- config["max-clients"] = "Unlimited"
- end
- if not ( config["local"] ) then
- config["local"] = ""
- end
- return config
-local function check_valid_config (config)
- config.errtxt = nil
- if not (config.client) or not ( or not (config.cert) or not (config.key) or not ( or not (config.proto) or not (config.remote) then
- config.errtxt = ""
- if not ( then
- config.errtxt = config.errtxt .. "Check CA; "
- end
- if not (config.cert) then
- config.errtxt = config.errtxt .. "Check CERT; "
- end
- if not (config.key) then
- config.errtxt = config.errtxt .. "Check KEY; "
- end
- if not ( then
- config.errtxt = config.errtxt .. "Check DEV; "
- end
- if not (config.proto) then
- config.errtxt = config.errtxt .. "Check PROTO; "
- end
- if (config.client) or not ( or not (config.cert) or not (config.key) or not ( or not (config.proto) or not (config.port) then
- config.type = nil
- else
- config.type = "server"
- config.errtxt = nil
- end
- else
- config.type = "client"
- config.errtxt = nil
- end
- if not (config.type) then config.type = "unknown" end
- return config.type, config.errtxt
-local function clientlist( statusfile )
- local clientlist = {}
- local routinglist = {}
- local datechange = {}
- local list = {}
- if (statusfile) then
- local f = fs.read_file_as_array( statusfile )
- local clientlst = false
- local routinglst = false
- if ( f ) then
- for k,v in ipairs(f) do
- local col = format.string_to_table(v, ",")
- if ( col[1] == "ROUTING TABLE" ) or ( col[1] == "GLOBAL STATS" ) then
- clientlst = false
- routinglst = false
- end
- if ( clientlst ) then
- table.insert(clientlist, { CN=col[1],
- REALADDR=col[2],
- BYTESRCV=col[3],
- BYTESSND=col[4],
- CONN=col[5] } )
- end
- if ( routinglst ) then
- table.insert(routinglist, { VIRTADDR=col[1],
- CN=col[2],
- REALADDR=col[3],
- LAST=col[4] } )
- if (col[4]) then
- local month,day,hour,min,sec,year = string.match(col[4],"^%S+%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)%s+(%S+)")
- table.insert(datechange, { year=year,
- month=date.abr_month_num(month),
- day=day,
- hour=hour,
- min=min,
- sec=sec } )
- end
- end
- if ( col[1] == "Virtual Address" ) then
- routinglst = true
- end
- if ( col[1] == "Common Name" ) then
- clientlst = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for k,v in ipairs(clientlist) do
- for kk,vv in ipairs(routinglist) do
- if ( v.CN == vv.CN ) then
- end
- end
- end
- local lastdatechangetxt, lastdatechangediff
- if ((#clientlist > 0) and (#datechange > 0)) then
- local lastdatechange = date.date_to_seconds(datechange)
- lastdatechangetxt ="%c", lastdatechange[#lastdatechange])
- lastdatechangediff = os.time() -[#lastdatechange])
- if (lastdatechangediff > 60) then
- lastdatechangediff = math.modf(lastdatechangediff / 60) .. " min"
- else
- lastdatechangediff = lastdatechangediff .. " sec"
- end
- end
- return list, #clientlist, lastdatechangetxt, lastdatechangediff
--- ################################################################################
-function mymodule.getstatus()
- return modelfunctions.getstatus(processname, packagename, "OpenLDAP Status")
-function mymodule.get_startstop(self, clientdata)
- return modelfunctions.get_startstop(processname)
-function mymodule.startstop_service(self, startstop, action)
- return modelfunctions.startstop_service(startstop, action)
-function mymodule.getclientinfo()
- local config = config_content(configfile)
- return cfe({ type="structure", value=clientlist(config.status), label="Client info" })
-function mymodule.get_config()
- local config = config_content(configfile)
- check_valid_config(config)
- if config.type == "server" then
- local clientlist, client_count, client_lastupdate, client_lastdatechangediff = clientlist(config.status)
- config["client_lastupdate"] = client_lastupdate or "?"
- config["client_lastdatechangediff"] = client_lastdatechangediff or "? min"
- config["client_count"] = client_count or 0
- end
- return cfe({ type="structure", value=config, label="OpenVPN Config" })
-function mymodule.get_logfile(f)
- local config = config_content(configfile)
- return cfe({ value=config.log or "", label="Log file" })
-function mymodule.get_filecontent()
- --FIXME validate
- return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(configfile)
-function mymodule.update_filecontent(self, filedetails)
- --FIXME validate
- return modelfunctions.setfiledetails(self, filedetails, {configfile})
-function mymodule.list_certs()
- local list = {}
- for file in fs.find(".*%.pem", certurl) do
- list[#list+1] = file
- end
- return cfe({ type="list", value=list, label="OpenVPN Certificates" })
-function mymodule.get_delete_cert(self, clientdata)
- local retval = {}
- retval.cert = cfe({ value=clientdata.cert or "", label="Certificate Local Name" })
- return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Delete Certificate" })
-function mymodule.delete_cert(self, delcert)
- local list = mymodule.list_certs()
- delcert.value.cert.errtxt = "Invalid cert name"
- delcert.errtxt = "Failed to delete certificate"
- for i,cert in ipairs(list.value) do
- if cert == delcert.value.cert.value then
- os.remove(cert)
- delcert.value.cert.errtxt = nil
- delcert.errtxt = nil
- break
- end
- end
- return delcert
-function mymodule.new_upload_cert()
- local value = {}
- value.cert = cfe({ type="raw", value=0, label="Certificate", descr='File must be a password protected ".pfx" file' })
- value.password = cfe({ label="Certificate Password" })
- = cfe({ label="Certificate Local Name" })
- return cfe({ type="group", value=value })
-function mymodule.upload_cert(self, newcert)
- local success = true
- -- Trying to upload a cert/key
- -- The way haserl works, cert contains the temporary file name
- -- First, get the cert
- local cmd, f, cmdresult, errtxt
- if validator.is_valid_filename(newcert.value.cert.value, "/tmp/") and fs.is_file(newcert.value.cert.value) then
- cmdresult, errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "pkcs12", "-in", newcert.value.cert.value, "-out", newcert.value.cert.value.."cert.pem", "-password", "pass:"..newcert.value.password.value, "-nokeys", "-clcerts"}, true)
- local filestats = posix.stat(newcert.value.cert.value.."cert.pem")
- if not filestats or filestats.size == 0 then
- newcert.value.cert.errtxt = "Could not open certificate\n"..(errtxt or cmdresult)
- success = false
- end
- else
- newcert.value.cert.errtxt = "Invalid certificate"
- success = false
- end
- -- Now, get the key and the ca certs
- if success then
- cmdresult, errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "pkcs12", "-in", newcert.value.cert.value, "-out", newcert.value.cert.value.."key.pem", "-password", "pass:"..newcert.value.password.value, "-nocerts", "-nodes"}, true)
- filestats = posix.stat(newcert.value.cert.value.."key.pem")
- if not filestats or filestats.size == 0 then
- newcert.value.cert.errtxt = "Could not find key\n"..(errtxt or cmdresult)
- success = false
- end
- cmdresult, errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "pkcs12", "-in", newcert.value.cert.value, "-out", newcert.value.cert.value.."ca.pem", "-password", "pass:"..newcert.value.password.value, "-nokeys", "-cacerts"}, true)
- filestats = posix.stat(newcert.value.cert.value.."ca.pem")
- if not filestats or filestats.size == 0 then
- newcert.value.cert.errtxt = "Could not find CA certs\n"..(errtxt or cmdresult)
- success = false
- end
- end
- if == "" then
- = "Cannot be blank"
- success = false
- elseif posix.stat("-cert.pem") or posix.stat("-key.pem") or posix.stat("-ca.pem") then
- = "Certificate of this name already exists"
- success = false
- end
- if success then
- if not posix.stat(certurl) then
- fs.create_directory(certurl)
- end
- -- copy the keys
- fs.move_file(newcert.value.cert.value.."cert.pem","-cert.pem")
- fs.move_file(newcert.value.cert.value.."key.pem","-key.pem")
- fs.move_file(newcert.value.cert.value.."ca.pem","-ca.pem")
- posix.chmod("-key.pem", "rw-------")
- else
- newcert.errtxt = "Failed to upload certificate"
- end
- -- Delete the temporary files
- if validator.is_valid_filename(newcert.value.cert.value, "/tmp/") and fs.is_file(newcert.value.cert.value) then
- os.remove(newcert.value.cert.value.."cert.pem")
- os.remove(newcert.value.cert.value.."key.pem")
- os.remove(newcert.value.cert.value.."ca.pem")
- end
- return newcert
-mymodule.view_cert = function(certname)
- local cmdresult = "Invalid cert name"
- local errtxt
- if not string.find(certname, "/") then
- certname = certurl..certname
- end
- if validator.is_valid_filename(certname, certurl) or validator.is_valid_filename(certname, baseurl) then
- cmdresult, errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "x509", "-in", certname, "-noout", "-text"})
- cmdresult = cmdresult .. "Content:\n" .. (fs.read_file(certname) or "")
- end
- return cfe({ type="table", value={name=certname, value=cmdresult}, label="Certificate", errtxt=errtxt })
-mymodule.get_generate_dh_params = function(self, clientdata)
- local retval = {}
- return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Generate Diffie Hellman parameters" })
-mymodule.generate_dh_params = function(self, gen)
- if not posix.stat(certurl) then
- fs.create_directory(certurl)
- end
- gen.descr, gen.errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "dhparam", "-out", certurl.."dh1024.pem", "1024"}, true)
- return gen
-return mymodule