path: root/awall
diff options
authorKaarle Ritvanen <>2013-02-08 07:00:33 +0000
committerKaarle Ritvanen <>2013-02-08 07:00:33 +0000
commit8a4a82b055a101ae79cedbdd426d704f81654ab7 (patch)
tree01eacb410a40fba9d54b15a36d3b6315f04da1ed /awall
parentb9ebf814656849f6d8b0ba96a0d24dc09597d4aa (diff)
packet logging without filtering
Diffstat (limited to 'awall')
2 files changed, 100 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/awall/modules/filter.lua b/awall/modules/filter.lua
index e49ea06..fdf851d 100644
--- a/awall/modules/filter.lua
+++ b/awall/modules/filter.lua
@@ -17,57 +17,6 @@ local extend = util.extend
-local Log = model.class(model.ConfigObject)
-function Log:optfrag()
- local optmap = {
- log={level='level', prefix='prefix'},
- nflog={
- group='group',
- prefix='prefix',
- range='range',
- threshold='threshold'
- },
- ulog={
- group='nlgroup',
- prefix='prefix',
- range='cprange',
- threshold='qthreshold'
- }
- }
- local mode = self.mode or 'log'
- if not optmap[mode] then self:error('Invalid logging mode: '..mode) end
- local selector, opts
- for i, sel in ipairs{'every', 'limit', 'probability'} do
- local value = self[sel]
- if value then
- if selector then
- self:error('Cannot combine '..sel..' with '..selector)
- end
- selector = sel
- if sel == 'every' then
- opts = '-m statistic --mode nth --every '..value..' --packet 0'
- elseif sel == 'limit' then
- opts = '-m limit --limit '..value..'/second'
- elseif sel == 'probability' then
- opts = '-m statistic --mode random --probability '..value
- else assert(false) end
- end
- end
- local target = string.upper(mode)
- for s, t in pairs(optmap[mode]) do
- if self[s] then target = target..' --'..mode..'-'..t..' '..self[s] end
- end
- return {opts=opts, target=target}
local Filter = model.class(model.Rule)
function Filter:init(...)
@@ -79,21 +28,15 @@ function Filter:init(...)
self.action = string.sub(self.action, 4, -1)
- local function log(spec, default)
- if spec == nil then spec = default end
- if spec == false then return end
- if spec == true then spec = '_default' end
- return self.root.log[spec] or self:error('Invalid log: '..spec)
- end
- self.log = log(self.log, self.action ~= 'accept')
+ local log = require('awall').loadclass('log').get
+ self.log = log(self, self.log, self.action ~= 'accept')
local limit = self:limit()
if limit then
if type(self[limit]) ~= 'table' then
self[limit] = {count=self[limit]}
- self[limit].log = log(self[limit].log, true)
+ self[limit].log = log(self, self[limit].log, true)
@@ -301,7 +244,6 @@ icmprules(icmp6, 'icmpv6-type', {1, 2, 3, 4})
export = {
filter={class=Filter, before={'dnat', 'no-track'}},
- log={class=Log},
policy={class=Policy, after='%filter-after'},
['%filter-before']={rules=dar, before='filter'},
['%filter-after']={rules=ir, after='filter'}
diff --git a/awall/modules/log.lua b/awall/modules/log.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a183b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awall/modules/log.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Packet logging module for Alpine Wall
+Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Kaarle Ritvanen
+See LICENSE file for license details
+module(..., package.seeall)
+local model = require('awall.model')
+local Rule = model.Rule
+local combinations = require('awall.optfrag').combinations
+local Log = model.class(model.ConfigObject)
+function Log:matchopts()
+ local selector, opts
+ for i, sel in ipairs{'every', 'limit', 'probability'} do
+ local value = self[sel]
+ if value then
+ if selector then
+ self:error('Cannot combine '..sel..' with '..selector)
+ end
+ selector = sel
+ if sel == 'every' then
+ opts = '-m statistic --mode nth --every '..value..' --packet 0'
+ elseif sel == 'limit' then
+ opts = '-m limit --limit '..value..'/second'
+ elseif sel == 'probability' then
+ opts = '-m statistic --mode random --probability '..value
+ else assert(false) end
+ end
+ end
+ return opts
+function Log:target()
+ local optmap = {
+ log={level='level', prefix='prefix'},
+ nflog={
+ group='group',
+ prefix='prefix',
+ range='range',
+ threshold='threshold'
+ },
+ ulog={
+ group='nlgroup',
+ prefix='prefix',
+ range='cprange',
+ threshold='qthreshold'
+ }
+ }
+ local mode = self.mode or 'log'
+ if not optmap[mode] then self:error('Invalid logging mode: '..mode) end
+ local res = string.upper(mode)
+ for s, t in pairs(optmap[mode]) do
+ if self[s] then res = res..' --'..mode..'-'..t..' '..self[s] end
+ end
+ return res
+function Log:optfrag() return {opts=self:matchopts(), target=self:target()} end
+function Log.get(rule, spec, default)
+ if spec == nil then spec = default end
+ if spec == false then return end
+ if spec == true then spec = '_default' end
+ return rule.root.log[spec] or rule:error('Invalid log: '..spec)
+local LogRule = model.class(Rule)
+function LogRule:init(...)
+ Rule.init(self, unpack(arg))
+ self.log = Log.get(self, self.log, true)
+function LogRule:position() return 'prepend' end
+function LogRule:servoptfrags()
+ return combinations(Rule.servoptfrags(self), {{opts=self.log:matchopts()}})
+function LogRule:target() return self.log:target() end
+export = {
+ log={class=Log},
+ ['packet-log']={class=LogRule, after='%filter-after'}