Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* frontpage: don't cut text on small screensHEADmasterNatanael Copa2014-12-042-13/+6
* refactor css for header to look better on small screensNatanael Copa2014-12-042-23/+15
| | | | | | | | - use default font size for header - increase size for logo accordingly - adjust margins This should make it look at bit better on 320p wide screens.
* frontpage: use git icon for latest developmentNatanael Copa2014-12-041-1/+1
* fonts: add more iconsNatanael Copa2014-12-041-6/+45
* style: move sites navigation links up when screen gets narrowNatanael Copa2014-12-031-1/+6
* frontpage: move sitenav stying to css fileNatanael Copa2014-12-032-1/+6
* community: add twitterAlan Lacerda2014-12-031-0/+4
* fix forum links againNatanael Copa2014-11-282-2/+2
| | | | the certificate uses so point users to that for https
* template: make logo clickableNatanael Copa2014-11-272-1/+5
* template: use https for forumsNatanael Copa2014-11-271-1/+1
* style: dont wrap datesNatanael Copa2014-11-271-0/+4
* news: new website and logoNatanael Copa2014-11-271-0/+13
* add faviconNatanael Copa2014-11-272-0/+2
* add another logo pngNatanael Copa2014-11-271-0/+0
* add logo imagesNatanael Copa2014-11-272-0/+167
* frontpage: remove "under development"Natanael Copa2014-11-271-2/+0
* style: fix visited link colorsNatanael Copa2014-11-271-7/+5
* style: fix commentsNatanael Copa2014-11-271-22/+24
* downloads: add flavor title and descriptionNatanael Copa2014-11-262-20/+28
| | | | We embed the definitions in the lua code for now
* downloads: add flavor name to each flavor iso groupNatanael Copa2014-11-261-0/+1
* downloads: group by flavorNatanael Copa2014-11-262-7/+8
* make: clean up git-commits.yaml generationNatanael Copa2014-11-262-55/+1
* make: regenerate releaes.yaml when script is updatedNatanael Copa2014-11-261-2/+2
* downloads: avoid repetitive blocksNatanael Copa2014-11-262-52/+7
| | | | | Use a single loop to iterate over the isos so we avoid having 4 identical blocks for each flavor.
* downloads: improve download listNatanael Copa2014-11-262-6/+13
| | | | | - change background to grey when hover a row - indent iso
* template: make footer always appear at bottomNatanael Copa2014-11-262-5/+20
* Revert "align git logs"Natanael Copa2014-11-261-1/+1
| | | | | | it does not fix the problem completely This reverts commit e9c179cb908955d464dfb3f3f0194e0e47e491e5.
* downloads: group isos by flavorNatanael Copa2014-11-251-0/+17
* downloads: use url from yamlNatanael Copa2014-11-251-12/+12
* download: better formattingNatanael Copa2014-11-252-15/+32
* style: top-align table cellsNatanael Copa2014-11-251-0/+1
| | | | make git log look slightly less ugly
* align git logsA. Klein2014-11-251-1/+1
* downloads: add link to old releasesNatanael Copa2014-11-251-0/+5
* downloads: make table 100% widthNatanael Copa2014-11-252-1/+6
* template: move sitenav linksNatanael Copa2014-11-251-8/+8
| | | | | we move the links before the nav bar that way it look slightly nicer when screen is smaller.
* downloads: make date string look nicerNatanael Copa2014-11-252-1/+4
* community: fix typo in forums urlNatanael Copa2014-11-251-1/+1
* template: add viewport settingNatanael Copa2014-11-251-0/+1
* privacy-policy: remove dateNatanael Copa2014-11-251-2/+0
| | | | it is added from template
* community: add user forumsNatanael Copa2014-11-251-0/+6
* add a pubdate over the heading when it is setNatanael Copa2014-11-252-0/+8
* template: add initial privacy policyNatanael Copa2014-11-252-1/+12
* about: fix another typoNatanael Copa2014-11-251-1/+1
* frontpage: add link to git logNatanael Copa2014-11-251-0/+1
* about: fix typosNatanael Copa2014-11-251-4/+4
* frontpage: use nicer date format on git commitsNatanael Copa2014-11-251-3/+3
* make: use a lua script to generate git-commits.yamlNatanael Copa2014-11-252-1/+14
| | | | | | this allows us to add a date tring in a format we want requires lua-feedparser
* style: add comment how to make nav tabs not stick outNatanael Copa2014-11-251-0/+1
| | | | in case we want that in future
* style: make the navigation tabs go over the horizontal barNatanael Copa2014-11-251-0/+2
| | | | thanks to ^7heo
* Revert "style: fix navigation tabs so the dont go beyond blue line"Natanael Copa2014-11-251-1/+1
| | | | This reverts commit 61fa9a1f6ebcb3f4695d3a5b623a3339d99f49d9.