path: root/src/libfreeswan/libcrypto/perlasm/x86unix.pl
diff options
authorMartin Willi <martin@strongswan.org>2006-05-10 07:32:34 +0000
committerMartin Willi <martin@strongswan.org>2006-05-10 07:32:34 +0000
commitbc4a07a0adc9e31af75576477fbed488c31edaa4 (patch)
tree82a8ba5612c448b8db585b437fbbe38ef243a0ba /src/libfreeswan/libcrypto/perlasm/x86unix.pl
parent37a2b616e28649b6db7c87e96b375ba1176b52cc (diff)
- started to rebuild source layout
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libfreeswan/libcrypto/perlasm/x86unix.pl')
1 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libfreeswan/libcrypto/perlasm/x86unix.pl b/src/libfreeswan/libcrypto/perlasm/x86unix.pl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f804b91c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libfreeswan/libcrypto/perlasm/x86unix.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+package x86unix;
+sub main::asm_init_output { @out=(); }
+sub main::asm_get_output { return(@out); }
+sub main::get_labels { return(@labels); }
+sub main::external_label { push(@labels,@_); }
+if ($main::cpp)
+ {
+ $align="ALIGN";
+ $under="";
+ $com_start='/*';
+ $com_end='*/';
+ }
+%lb=( 'eax', '%al',
+ 'ebx', '%bl',
+ 'ecx', '%cl',
+ 'edx', '%dl',
+ 'ax', '%al',
+ 'bx', '%bl',
+ 'cx', '%cl',
+ 'dx', '%dl',
+ );
+%hb=( 'eax', '%ah',
+ 'ebx', '%bh',
+ 'ecx', '%ch',
+ 'edx', '%dh',
+ 'ax', '%ah',
+ 'bx', '%bh',
+ 'cx', '%ch',
+ 'dx', '%dh',
+ );
+%regs=( 'eax', '%eax',
+ 'ebx', '%ebx',
+ 'ecx', '%ecx',
+ 'edx', '%edx',
+ 'esi', '%esi',
+ 'edi', '%edi',
+ 'ebp', '%ebp',
+ 'esp', '%esp',
+ 'mm0', '%mm0',
+ 'mm1', '%mm1',
+ );
+ 'eax', 0x00,
+ 'ebx', 0x03,
+ 'ecx', 0x01,
+ 'edx', 0x02,
+ 'esi', 0x06,
+ 'edi', 0x07,
+ 'ebp', 0x05,
+ 'esp', 0x04,
+ );
+sub main::LB
+ {
+ (defined($lb{$_[0]})) || die "$_[0] does not have a 'low byte'\n";
+ return($lb{$_[0]});
+ }
+sub main::HB
+ {
+ (defined($hb{$_[0]})) || die "$_[0] does not have a 'high byte'\n";
+ return($hb{$_[0]});
+ }
+sub main::DWP
+ {
+ local($addr,$reg1,$reg2,$idx)=@_;
+ $ret="";
+ $addr =~ s/(^|[+ \t])([A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]+)($|[+ \t])/$1$under$2$3/;
+ $reg1="$regs{$reg1}" if defined($regs{$reg1});
+ $reg2="$regs{$reg2}" if defined($regs{$reg2});
+ $ret.=$addr if ($addr ne "") && ($addr ne 0);
+ if ($reg2 ne "")
+ {
+ if($idx ne "")
+ { $ret.="($reg1,$reg2,$idx)"; }
+ else
+ { $ret.="($reg1,$reg2)"; }
+ }
+ else
+ { $ret.="($reg1)" }
+ return($ret);
+ }
+sub main::BP
+ {
+ return(&main::DWP(@_));
+ }
+sub main::BC
+ {
+ return @_;
+ }
+sub main::DWC
+ {
+ return @_;
+ }
+#sub main::BP
+# {
+# local($addr,$reg1,$reg2,$idx)=@_;
+# $ret="";
+# $addr =~ s/(^|[+ \t])([A-Za-z_]+)($|[+ \t])/$1$under$2$3/;
+# $reg1="$regs{$reg1}" if defined($regs{$reg1});
+# $reg2="$regs{$reg2}" if defined($regs{$reg2});
+# $ret.=$addr if ($addr ne "") && ($addr ne 0);
+# if ($reg2 ne "")
+# { $ret.="($reg1,$reg2,$idx)"; }
+# else
+# { $ret.="($reg1)" }
+# return($ret);
+# }
+sub main::mov { &out2("movl",@_); }
+sub main::movb { &out2("movb",@_); }
+sub main::and { &out2("andl",@_); }
+sub main::or { &out2("orl",@_); }
+sub main::shl { &out2("sall",@_); }
+sub main::shr { &out2("shrl",@_); }
+sub main::xor { &out2("xorl",@_); }
+sub main::xorb { &out2("xorb",@_); }
+sub main::add { &out2("addl",@_); }
+sub main::adc { &out2("adcl",@_); }
+sub main::sub { &out2("subl",@_); }
+sub main::rotl { &out2("roll",@_); }
+sub main::rotr { &out2("rorl",@_); }
+sub main::exch { &out2("xchg",@_); }
+sub main::cmp { &out2("cmpl",@_); }
+sub main::lea { &out2("leal",@_); }
+sub main::mul { &out1("mull",@_); }
+sub main::div { &out1("divl",@_); }
+sub main::jmp { &out1("jmp",@_); }
+sub main::jmp_ptr { &out1p("jmp",@_); }
+sub main::je { &out1("je",@_); }
+sub main::jle { &out1("jle",@_); }
+sub main::jne { &out1("jne",@_); }
+sub main::jnz { &out1("jnz",@_); }
+sub main::jz { &out1("jz",@_); }
+sub main::jge { &out1("jge",@_); }
+sub main::jl { &out1("jl",@_); }
+sub main::jb { &out1("jb",@_); }
+sub main::jc { &out1("jc",@_); }
+sub main::jnc { &out1("jnc",@_); }
+sub main::jno { &out1("jno",@_); }
+sub main::dec { &out1("decl",@_); }
+sub main::inc { &out1("incl",@_); }
+sub main::push { &out1("pushl",@_); $stack+=4; }
+sub main::pop { &out1("popl",@_); $stack-=4; }
+sub main::not { &out1("notl",@_); }
+sub main::call { &out1("call",$under.$_[0]); }
+sub main::ret { &out0("ret"); }
+sub main::nop { &out0("nop"); }
+# The bswapl instruction is new for the 486. Emulate if i386.
+sub main::bswap
+ {
+ if ($main::i386)
+ {
+ &main::comment("bswapl @_");
+ &main::exch(main::HB(@_),main::LB(@_));
+ &main::rotr(@_,16);
+ &main::exch(main::HB(@_),main::LB(@_));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &out1("bswapl",@_);
+ }
+ }
+sub out2
+ {
+ local($name,$p1,$p2)=@_;
+ local($l,$ll,$t);
+ local(%special)=( "roll",0xD1C0,"rorl",0xD1C8,
+ "rcll",0xD1D0,"rcrl",0xD1D8,
+ "shll",0xD1E0,"shrl",0xD1E8,
+ "sarl",0xD1F8);
+ if ((defined($special{$name})) && defined($regs{$p1}) && ($p2 == 1))
+ {
+ $op=$special{$name}|$reg_val{$p1};
+ $tmp1=sprintf(".byte %d\n",($op>>8)&0xff);
+ $tmp2=sprintf(".byte %d\t",$op &0xff);
+ push(@out,$tmp1);
+ push(@out,$tmp2);
+ $p2=&conv($p2);
+ $p1=&conv($p1);
+ &main::comment("$name $p2 $p1");
+ return;
+ }
+ push(@out,"\t$name\t");
+ $t=&conv($p2).",";
+ $l=length($t);
+ push(@out,$t);
+ $ll=4-($l+9)/8;
+ $tmp1=sprintf("\t" x $ll);
+ push(@out,$tmp1);
+ push(@out,&conv($p1)."\n");
+ }
+sub out1
+ {
+ local($name,$p1)=@_;
+ local($l,$t);
+ local(%special)=("bswapl",0x0FC8);
+ if ((defined($special{$name})) && defined($regs{$p1}))
+ {
+ $op=$special{$name}|$reg_val{$p1};
+ $tmp1=sprintf(".byte %d\n",($op>>8)&0xff);
+ $tmp2=sprintf(".byte %d\t",$op &0xff);
+ push(@out,$tmp1);
+ push(@out,$tmp2);
+ $p2=&conv($p2);
+ $p1=&conv($p1);
+ &main::comment("$name $p2 $p1");
+ return;
+ }
+ push(@out,"\t$name\t".&conv($p1)."\n");
+ }
+sub out1p
+ {
+ local($name,$p1)=@_;
+ local($l,$t);
+ push(@out,"\t$name\t*".&conv($p1)."\n");
+ }
+sub out0
+ {
+ push(@out,"\t$_[0]\n");
+ }
+sub conv
+ {
+ local($p)=@_;
+# $p =~ s/0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/0$1h/;
+ $p=$regs{$p} if (defined($regs{$p}));
+ $p =~ s/^(-{0,1}[0-9A-Fa-f]+)$/\$$1/;
+ $p =~ s/^(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)$/\$$1/;
+ return $p;
+ }
+sub main::file
+ {
+ local($file)=@_;
+ local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
+ .file "$file.s"
+ .version "01.01"
+# Removed the next line from previous infile
+ push(@out,$tmp);
+ }
+sub main::function_begin
+ {
+ local($func)=@_;
+ &main::external_label($func);
+ $func=$under.$func;
+ local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
+ .align $align
+.globl $func
+ push(@out,$tmp);
+ if ($main::cpp)
+ { $tmp=push(@out,"\tTYPE($func,\@function)\n"); }
+ elsif ($main::gaswin)
+ { $tmp=push(@out,"\t.def\t$func;\t.scl\t2;\t.type\t32;\t.endef\n"); }
+ else { $tmp=push(@out,"\t.type\t$func,\@function\n"); }
+ push(@out,"$func:\n");
+ $tmp=<<"EOF";
+ pushl %ebp
+ pushl %ebx
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %edi
+ push(@out,$tmp);
+ $stack=20;
+ }
+sub main::function_begin_B
+ {
+ local($func,$extra)=@_;
+ &main::external_label($func);
+ $func=$under.$func;
+ local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
+ .align $align
+.globl $func
+ push(@out,$tmp);
+ if ($main::cpp)
+ { push(@out,"\tTYPE($func,\@function)\n"); }
+ elsif ($main::gaswin)
+ { $tmp=push(@out,"\t.def\t$func;\t.scl\t2;\t.type\t32;\t.endef\n"); }
+ else { push(@out,"\t.type $func,\@function\n"); }
+ push(@out,"$func:\n");
+ $stack=4;
+ }
+sub main::function_end
+ {
+ local($func)=@_;
+ $func=$under.$func;
+ local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %ebp
+ ret
+ push(@out,$tmp);
+ if ($main::cpp)
+ { push(@out,"\tSIZE($func,.${func}_end-$func)\n"); }
+ elsif ($main::gaswin)
+ { $tmp=push(@out,"\t.align 4\n"); }
+ else { push(@out,"\t.size\t$func,.${func}_end-$func\n"); }
+ push(@out,".ident \"$func\"\n");
+ $stack=0;
+ %label=();
+ }
+sub main::function_end_A
+ {
+ local($func)=@_;
+ local($tmp)=<<"EOF";
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %ebp
+ ret
+ push(@out,$tmp);
+ }
+sub main::function_end_B
+ {
+ local($func)=@_;
+ $func=$under.$func;
+ push(@out,".L_${func}_end:\n");
+ if ($main::cpp)
+ { push(@out,"\tSIZE($func,.L_${func}_end-$func)\n"); }
+ elsif ($main::gaswin)
+ { push(@out,"\t.align 4\n"); }
+ else { push(@out,"\t.size\t$func,.L_${func}_end-$func\n"); }
+ push(@out,".ident \"desasm.pl\"\n");
+ $stack=0;
+ %label=();
+ }
+sub main::wparam
+ {
+ local($num)=@_;
+ return(&main::DWP($stack+$num*4,"esp","",0));
+ }
+sub main::stack_push
+ {
+ local($num)=@_;
+ $stack+=$num*4;
+ &main::sub("esp",$num*4);
+ }
+sub main::stack_pop
+ {
+ local($num)=@_;
+ $stack-=$num*4;
+ &main::add("esp",$num*4);
+ }
+sub main::swtmp
+ {
+ return(&main::DWP($_[0]*4,"esp","",0));
+ }
+# Should use swtmp, which is above esp. Linix can trash the stack above esp
+#sub main::wtmp
+# {
+# local($num)=@_;
+# return(&main::DWP(-($num+1)*4,"esp","",0));
+# }
+sub main::comment
+ {
+ foreach (@_)
+ {
+ if (/^\s*$/)
+ { push(@out,"\n"); }
+ else
+ { push(@out,"\t$com_start $_ $com_end\n"); }
+ }
+ }
+sub main::label
+ {
+ if (!defined($label{$_[0]}))
+ {
+ $label{$_[0]}=".${label}${_[0]}";
+ $label++;
+ }
+ return($label{$_[0]});
+ }
+sub main::set_label
+ {
+ if (!defined($label{$_[0]}))
+ {
+ $label{$_[0]}=".${label}${_[0]}";
+ $label++;
+ }
+ push(@out,".align $align\n") if ($_[1] != 0);
+ push(@out,"$label{$_[0]}:\n");
+ }
+sub main::file_end
+ {
+ }
+sub main::data_word
+ {
+ push(@out,"\t.long $_[0]\n");
+ }
+## Additional functions required for MMX and other ops
+sub main::testb { &out2('testb', @_) }
+sub main::movzx { &out2('movzx', @_) }
+sub main::movd { &out2('movd', @_) }
+sub main::emms { &out0('emms', @_) }