path: root/testing/scripts/build-baseimage
diff options
authorReto Buerki <reet@codelabs.ch>2012-11-19 10:43:42 +0100
committerTobias Brunner <tobias@strongswan.org>2012-12-18 16:00:21 +0100
commitaa5803e0e3368172d7674ff760983c568118df16 (patch)
tree000b01af72c7a8599c066224c7c819540124f428 /testing/scripts/build-baseimage
parent0080daa78789bb7012bc0f80dd6b4ff0d47e41a3 (diff)
testing: Switch to Debian based guest images
Instead of extracting a downloaded Gentoo filesystem tree into a file containing a reiserfs filesystem, create an ext3 filesystem inside a sparse file, mount it and debootstrap an up-to-date Debian system. Use this image as base for all UML guest images. Also, drop support for the various consoles and use xterm unconditionally.
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/scripts/build-baseimage')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/scripts/build-baseimage b/testing/scripts/build-baseimage
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bf6780f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/scripts/build-baseimage
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+if [ `id -u` != 0 ];
+ echo "! you must be root to run $0"
+ exit
+DIR=`dirname $0`
+. $DIR/function.sh
+[ -f $DIR/../testing.conf ] || die "!! Configuration file 'testing.conf' not found"
+. $DIR/../testing.conf
+ cmd=${1}
+ echo $cmd >>$LOGFILE
+ $cmd >>$LOGFILE 2>&1
+ status=$?
+ if [ $status != 0 ]; then
+ echo "! command $cmd failed, exiting (status $status)"
+ echo "! check why here $LOGFILE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# additional packages
+SERVICES="isc-dhcp-server apache2 slapd"
+mkdir -p $LOOPDIR
+mkdir -p $BUILDDIR
+mkdir -p $CACHEDIR
+rm -f $ROOTFS
+echo "`date`, building $ROOTFS" >>$LOGFILE
+echo " * Creating sparse image $ROOTFS ..."
+execute "dd if=/dev/null of=$ROOTFS bs=1M seek=$ROOTFSSIZE count=1"
+echo " * Creating ext3 filesystem ..."
+execute "mkfs.ext3 -F $ROOTFS"
+execute "mount -o loop $ROOTFS $LOOPDIR"
+mkdir -p $APTCACHE
+execute "mount -o bind $CACHEDIR $APTCACHE"
+echo " * Running debootstrap ..."
+execute "debootstrap --arch=$ROOTFSARCH --include=$PACKAGES $ROOTFSSUITE $LOOPDIR $ROOTFSMIRROR"
+echo " * Setting root password to '$ROOTFSPW' ..."
+echo root:$ROOTFSPW | chroot $LOOPDIR chpasswd
+echo " * Disabling services ..."
+for service in $SERVICES
+ echo -n " - $service ... "
+ execute "chroot $LOOPDIR /etc/init.d/$service stop"
+ execute "chroot $LOOPDIR update-rc.d -f $service remove"
+ echo "done"
+execute "umount -l $APTCACHE"
+execute "umount -l $LOOPDIR"