path: root/src/libstrongswan/threading
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1 files changed, 551 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libstrongswan/threading/mutex.c b/src/libstrongswan/threading/mutex.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..336340233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libstrongswan/threading/mutex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Tobias Brunner
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi
+ * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version. See <http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.txt>.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <threading.h>
+#include <library.h>
+#include <debug.h>
+typedef struct private_mutex_t private_mutex_t;
+typedef struct private_r_mutex_t private_r_mutex_t;
+typedef struct private_condvar_t private_condvar_t;
+typedef struct private_rwlock_t private_rwlock_t;
+ * Do not report mutexes with an overall waiting time smaller than this (in us)
+ */
+ * Do not report mutexes with an overall lock count smaller than this
+ */
+#include <utils/backtrace.h>
+typedef struct lock_profile_t lock_profile_t;
+struct lock_profile_t {
+ /**
+ * how long threads have waited for the lock in this mutex so far
+ */
+ timeval_t waited;
+ /**
+ * How many times the lock has been invoked
+ */
+ u_int locked;
+ /**
+ * backtrace where mutex has been created
+ */
+ backtrace_t *backtrace;
+ * Print and cleanup mutex profiler
+ */
+static void profiler_cleanup(lock_profile_t *profile)
+ if (profile->waited.tv_sec > 0 ||
+ profile->waited.tv_usec > PROFILE_WAIT_TRESHHOLD ||
+ profile->locked > PROFILE_LOCK_TRESHHOLD)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d.%03ds / %d times in lock created at:",
+ profile->waited.tv_sec, profile->waited.tv_usec, profile->locked);
+ profile->backtrace->log(profile->backtrace, stderr);
+ }
+ profile->backtrace->destroy(profile->backtrace);
+ * Initialize mutex profiler
+ */
+static void profiler_init(lock_profile_t *profile)
+ profile->backtrace = backtrace_create(2);
+ timerclear(&profile->waited);
+ profile->locked = 0;
+#define profiler_start(profile) { \
+ struct timeval _start, _end, _diff; \
+ (profile)->locked++; \
+ time_monotonic(&_start);
+#define profiler_end(profile) \
+ time_monotonic(&_end); \
+ timersub(&_end, &_start, &_diff); \
+ timeradd(&(profile)->waited, &_diff, &(profile)->waited); }
+#else /* !LOCK_PROFILER */
+#define lock_profile_t struct {}
+#define profiler_cleanup(...) {}
+#define profiler_init(...) {}
+#define profiler_start(...) {}
+#define profiler_end(...) {}
+#endif /* LOCK_PROFILER */
+ * private data of mutex
+ */
+struct private_mutex_t {
+ /**
+ * public functions
+ */
+ mutex_t public;
+ /**
+ * wrapped pthread mutex
+ */
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+ /**
+ * is this a recursiv emutex, implementing private_r_mutex_t?
+ */
+ bool recursive;
+ /**
+ * profiling info, if enabled
+ */
+ lock_profile_t profile;
+ * private data of mutex, extended by recursive locking information
+ */
+struct private_r_mutex_t {
+ /**
+ * Extends private_mutex_t
+ */
+ private_mutex_t generic;
+ /**
+ * thread which currently owns mutex
+ */
+ pthread_t thread;
+ /**
+ * times we have locked the lock, stored per thread
+ */
+ pthread_key_t times;
+ * private data of condvar
+ */
+struct private_condvar_t {
+ /**
+ * public functions
+ */
+ condvar_t public;
+ /**
+ * wrapped pthread condvar
+ */
+ pthread_cond_t condvar;
+ * private data of rwlock
+ */
+struct private_rwlock_t {
+ /**
+ * public functions
+ */
+ rwlock_t public;
+ /**
+ * wrapped pthread rwlock
+ */
+ pthread_rwlock_t rwlock;
+ /**
+ * profiling info, if enabled
+ */
+ lock_profile_t profile;
+ * Implementation of mutex_t.lock.
+ */
+static void lock(private_mutex_t *this)
+ int err;
+ profiler_start(&this->profile);
+ err = pthread_mutex_lock(&this->mutex);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ DBG1("!!! MUTEX LOCK ERROR: %s !!!", strerror(err));
+ }
+ profiler_end(&this->profile);
+ * Implementation of mutex_t.unlock.
+ */
+static void unlock(private_mutex_t *this)
+ int err;
+ err = pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->mutex);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ DBG1("!!! MUTEX UNLOCK ERROR: %s !!!", strerror(err));
+ }
+ * Implementation of mutex_t.lock.
+ */
+static void lock_r(private_r_mutex_t *this)
+ pthread_t self = pthread_self();
+ if (this->thread == self)
+ {
+ uintptr_t times;
+ /* times++ */
+ times = (uintptr_t)pthread_getspecific(this->times);
+ pthread_setspecific(this->times, (void*)times + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lock(&this->generic);
+ this->thread = self;
+ /* times = 1 */
+ pthread_setspecific(this->times, (void*)1);
+ }
+ * Implementation of mutex_t.unlock.
+ */
+static void unlock_r(private_r_mutex_t *this)
+ uintptr_t times;
+ /* times-- */
+ times = (uintptr_t)pthread_getspecific(this->times);
+ pthread_setspecific(this->times, (void*)--times);
+ if (times == 0)
+ {
+ this->thread = 0;
+ unlock(&this->generic);
+ }
+ * Implementation of mutex_t.destroy
+ */
+static void mutex_destroy(private_mutex_t *this)
+ profiler_cleanup(&this->profile);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&this->mutex);
+ free(this);
+ * Implementation of mutex_t.destroy for recursive mutex'
+ */
+static void mutex_destroy_r(private_r_mutex_t *this)
+ profiler_cleanup(&this->generic.profile);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&this->generic.mutex);
+ pthread_key_delete(this->times);
+ free(this);
+ * see header file
+ */
+mutex_t *mutex_create(mutex_type_t type)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ {
+ private_r_mutex_t *this = malloc_thing(private_r_mutex_t);
+ this->generic.public.lock = (void(*)(mutex_t*))lock_r;
+ this->generic.public.unlock = (void(*)(mutex_t*))unlock_r;
+ this->generic.public.destroy = (void(*)(mutex_t*))mutex_destroy_r;
+ pthread_mutex_init(&this->generic.mutex, NULL);
+ pthread_key_create(&this->times, NULL);
+ this->generic.recursive = TRUE;
+ profiler_init(&this->generic.profile);
+ this->thread = 0;
+ return &this->generic.public;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ private_mutex_t *this = malloc_thing(private_mutex_t);
+ this->public.lock = (void(*)(mutex_t*))lock;
+ this->public.unlock = (void(*)(mutex_t*))unlock;
+ this->public.destroy = (void(*)(mutex_t*))mutex_destroy;
+ pthread_mutex_init(&this->mutex, NULL);
+ this->recursive = FALSE;
+ profiler_init(&this->profile);
+ return &this->public;
+ }
+ }
+ * Implementation of condvar_t.wait.
+ */
+static void _wait(private_condvar_t *this, private_mutex_t *mutex)
+ if (mutex->recursive)
+ {
+ private_r_mutex_t* recursive = (private_r_mutex_t*)mutex;
+ /* mutex owner gets cleared during condvar wait */
+ recursive->thread = 0;
+ pthread_cond_wait(&this->condvar, &mutex->mutex);
+ recursive->thread = pthread_self();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pthread_cond_wait(&this->condvar, &mutex->mutex);
+ }
+ * Implementation of condvar_t.timed_wait_abs.
+ */
+static bool timed_wait_abs(private_condvar_t *this, private_mutex_t *mutex,
+ timeval_t time)
+ struct timespec ts;
+ bool timed_out;
+ ts.tv_sec = time.tv_sec;
+ ts.tv_nsec = time.tv_usec * 1000;
+ if (mutex->recursive)
+ {
+ private_r_mutex_t* recursive = (private_r_mutex_t*)mutex;
+ recursive->thread = 0;
+ timed_out = pthread_cond_timedwait(&this->condvar, &mutex->mutex,
+ &ts) == ETIMEDOUT;
+ recursive->thread = pthread_self();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timed_out = pthread_cond_timedwait(&this->condvar, &mutex->mutex,
+ &ts) == ETIMEDOUT;
+ }
+ return timed_out;
+ * Implementation of condvar_t.timed_wait.
+ */
+static bool timed_wait(private_condvar_t *this, private_mutex_t *mutex,
+ u_int timeout)
+ timeval_t tv;
+ u_int s, ms;
+ time_monotonic(&tv);
+ s = timeout / 1000;
+ ms = timeout % 1000;
+ tv.tv_sec += s;
+ tv.tv_usec += ms * 1000;
+ if (tv.tv_usec > 1000000 /* 1s */)
+ {
+ tv.tv_usec -= 1000000;
+ tv.tv_sec++;
+ }
+ return timed_wait_abs(this, mutex, tv);
+ * Implementation of condvar_t.signal.
+ */
+static void _signal(private_condvar_t *this)
+ pthread_cond_signal(&this->condvar);
+ * Implementation of condvar_t.broadcast.
+ */
+static void broadcast(private_condvar_t *this)
+ pthread_cond_broadcast(&this->condvar);
+ * Implementation of condvar_t.destroy
+ */
+static void condvar_destroy(private_condvar_t *this)
+ pthread_cond_destroy(&this->condvar);
+ free(this);
+ * see header file
+ */
+condvar_t *condvar_create(condvar_type_t type)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ default:
+ {
+ pthread_condattr_t condattr;
+ private_condvar_t *this = malloc_thing(private_condvar_t);
+ this->public.wait = (void(*)(condvar_t*, mutex_t *mutex))_wait;
+ this->public.timed_wait = (bool(*)(condvar_t*, mutex_t *mutex, u_int timeout))timed_wait;
+ this->public.timed_wait_abs = (bool(*)(condvar_t*, mutex_t *mutex, timeval_t time))timed_wait_abs;
+ this->public.signal = (void(*)(condvar_t*))_signal;
+ this->public.broadcast = (void(*)(condvar_t*))broadcast;
+ this->public.destroy = (void(*)(condvar_t*))condvar_destroy;
+ pthread_condattr_init(&condattr);
+ pthread_condattr_setclock(&condattr, CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
+ pthread_cond_init(&this->condvar, &condattr);
+ pthread_condattr_destroy(&condattr);
+ return &this->public;
+ }
+ }
+ * Implementation of rwlock_t.read_lock
+ */
+static void read_lock(private_rwlock_t *this)
+ int err;
+ profiler_start(&this->profile);
+ err = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&this->rwlock);
+ if (err != 0)
+ {
+ DBG1("!!! RWLOCK READ LOCK ERROR: %s !!!", strerror(err));
+ }
+ profiler_end(&this->profile);
+ * Implementation of rwlock_t.write_lock
+ */
+static void write_lock(private_rwlock_t *this)
+ int err;
+ profiler_start(&this->profile);
+ err = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&this->rwlock);
+ if (err != 0)
+ {
+ DBG1("!!! RWLOCK WRITE LOCK ERROR: %s !!!", strerror(err));
+ }
+ profiler_end(&this->profile);
+ * Implementation of rwlock_t.try_write_lock
+ */
+static bool try_write_lock(private_rwlock_t *this)
+ return pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&this->rwlock) == 0;
+ * Implementation of rwlock_t.unlock
+ */
+static void rw_unlock(private_rwlock_t *this)
+ int err;
+ err = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&this->rwlock);
+ if (err != 0)
+ {
+ DBG1("!!! RWLOCK UNLOCK ERROR: %s !!!", strerror(err));
+ }
+ * Implementation of rwlock_t.destroy
+ */
+static void rw_destroy(private_rwlock_t *this)
+ pthread_rwlock_destroy(&this->rwlock);
+ profiler_cleanup(&this->profile);
+ free(this);
+ * see header file
+ */
+rwlock_t *rwlock_create(rwlock_type_t type)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ default:
+ {
+ private_rwlock_t *this = malloc_thing(private_rwlock_t);
+ this->public.read_lock = (void(*)(rwlock_t*))read_lock;
+ this->public.write_lock = (void(*)(rwlock_t*))write_lock;
+ this->public.try_write_lock = (bool(*)(rwlock_t*))try_write_lock;
+ this->public.unlock = (void(*)(rwlock_t*))rw_unlock;
+ this->public.destroy = (void(*)(rwlock_t*))rw_destroy;
+ pthread_rwlock_init(&this->rwlock, NULL);
+ profiler_init(&this->profile);
+ return &this->public;
+ }
+ }