path: root/lib/format.lua
diff options
authorTed Trask <>2008-09-29 18:01:28 +0000
committerTed Trask <>2008-09-29 18:01:28 +0000
commit6653bf15788592e34d1e5acce850142c15e52b46 (patch)
tree2303fae9e2fca3c9ee7c25cd2100b5b93a61e5c1 /lib/format.lua
parentc9c32cd98c25b9cf23c906f0c6a1f7f54527bcd8 (diff)
Removed getopts library and added functionality to format library as opts_to_table, table_to_opts, parse_configfile2, update_configfile2, get_section, and set_section. New functions work on strings, not files. Modified all code using getopts to use format instead. Fixed nil string bugs in TCPProxy. Fixed forward only bug in DNSCache.
git-svn-id: svn:// ab2d0c66-481e-0410-8bed-d214d4d58bed
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/format.lua')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/format.lua b/lib/format.lua
index 6de19c4..057bc03 100644
--- a/lib/format.lua
+++ b/lib/format.lua
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ end
-- Takes a str and expands any ${...} constructs with the Lua variable
-- ex: a="foo"; print(expand_bash_syntax_vars("a=${a}) - > "a=foo"
-expand_bash_syntax_vars = function ( str )
+function expand_bash_syntax_vars ( str )
local deref = function ( f)
local v = _G
for w in string.gfind(f, "[%w_]+") do
@@ -250,3 +250,245 @@ function get_line(str, linenum)
return line
+-- Search the option string for separate options (-x or --xyz) and put them in a table
+function opts_to_table ( optstring, filter )
+ local optsparams
+ if optstring then
+ local optstr = optstring .. " "
+ for o in string.gmatch(optstr, "%-%-?%a+%s+[^-%s]*") do
+ local option = string.match(o, "%-%-?%a+")
+ if not filter or filter == option then
+ if not optsparams then optsparams = {} end
+ optsparams[option] = string.match(o, "%S*$")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return optsparams
+-- Go through an options table and create the option string
+function table_to_opts ( optsparams )
+ local optstring = {}
+ for opt,val in pairs(optsparams) do
+ optstring[#optstring + 1] = opt
+ if val ~= "" then
+ optstring[#optstring + 1] = val
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(optstring, " ")
+-- Set a name=value pair in a string
+-- If search_section is undefined or "", goes in the default section
+-- If value is defined we put "search_name=value" into search_section
+-- If value is undefined, we clear search_name out of search section
+-- Try not to touch anything but the value we're interested in (although will combine multi-line into one)
+-- If the search_section is not found, we'll add it at the end of the string
+-- If the search_name is not found, we'll add it at the end of the section
+function update_configfile2 (file, search_section, search_name, value)
+ if not file or not search_name or search_name == "" then
+ return file, false
+ end
+ search_section = search_section or ""
+ local new_conf_file = {}
+ local section = ""
+ local done = false
+ local skip_lines = {}
+ for l in string.gmatch(file, "([^\n]*)\n?") do
+ if done == false then
+ if string.find ( l, "\\%s*$" ) then
+ skip_lines[#skip_lines+1] = string.match(l, "^(.*)\\%s*$")
+ l = nil
+ else
+ if #skip_lines then
+ skip_lines[#skip_lines+1] = l
+ l = table.concat(skip_lines, " ")
+ end
+ -- check if comment line
+ if not string.find ( l, "^%s*#" ) then
+ -- find section name
+ local a = string.match ( l, "^%s*%[%s*(%S+)%s*%]" )
+ if a then
+ -- we reached a new section, if we were in the one we wanted
+ -- we have to add in the name:value pair now
+ if (search_section == section) then
+ new_conf_file[#new_conf_file + 1] = search_name.."="..value
+ done = true
+ end
+ section = a
+ elseif (search_section == section) then
+ -- find name
+ a = string.match ( l, "^%s*(%S+)%s*=" )
+ if a and (search_name == a) then
+ -- We found the name, change the value, keep any comment
+ local comment = string.match(l, " #.*$") or ""
+ l = search_name.."="..value..comment
+ skip_lines = {} -- replacing line
+ done = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #skip_lines > 0 then
+ for i,line in ipairs(skip_lines) do
+ new_conf_file[#new_conf_file + 1] = line
+ end
+ skip_lines = {}
+ l = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ new_conf_file[#new_conf_file + 1] = l
+ end
+ if done == false then
+ -- we didn't find the section:name, add it now
+ if section ~= search_section then
+ new_conf_file[#new_conf_file + 1] = '[' .. search_section .. ']'
+ end
+ new_conf_file[#new_conf_file + 1] = search_name.."="..value
+ end
+ file = table.concat(new_conf_file, '\n')
+ return file, true
+-- Parse string for name=value pairs, returned in a table
+-- If search_section is defined, only report values in matching section
+-- If search_name is defined, only report matching name (possibly in multiple sections)
+function parse_configfile2 (file, search_section, search_name)
+ if not file or file == "" then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local opts = nil
+ local section = ""
+ local skip_lines = {}
+ for l in string.gmatch(file, "([^\n]*)\n?") do
+ if string.find ( l, "\\%s*$" ) then
+ skip_lines[#skip_lines+1] = string.match(l, "^(.*)\\%s*$")
+ else
+ if #skip_lines then
+ skip_lines[#skip_lines+1] = l
+ l = table.concat(skip_lines, " ")
+ skip_lines = {}
+ end
+ -- check if comment line
+ if not string.find ( l, "^%s*#" ) then
+ -- find section name
+ local a = string.match ( l, "^%s*%[%s*(%S+)%s*%]" )
+ if a then
+ if (search_section == section) then break end
+ section = a
+ elseif not (search_section) or (search_section == section) then
+ -- find name
+ a = string.match ( l, "^%s*(%S+)%s*=" )
+ if a and (not (search_name) or (search_name == a)) then
+ -- Figure out the value
+ local b = string.match ( l, '^%s*%S+%s*%=%s*(.*)$' ) or ""
+ -- remove comments from end of line
+ if string.find ( b, '#' ) then
+ b = string.match ( b, '^(.*)#.*$' ) or ""
+ end
+ -- remove spaces from front and back
+ b = string.match ( b, '^%s*(.*%S)%s*$' ) or ""
+ if not (opts) then opts = {} end
+ if not (opts[section]) then opts[section] = {} end
+ opts[section][a] = b
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if opts and search_section and search_name then
+ return opts[search_section][search_name]
+ elseif opts and search_section then
+ return opts[search_section]
+ end
+ return opts
+function get_section (file, search_section)
+ if not file or file == "" or not search_section then
+ return nil
+ end
+ search_section = search_section or ""
+ local conf_file = {}
+ if (fs.is_file(file)) then
+ conf_file = fs.read_file_as_array ( file )
+ else
+ for line in string.gmatch(file, "([^\n]*)\n") do
+ conf_file[#conf_file + 1] = line
+ end
+ local extra = string.match(file,"([^\n]*)$")
+ if extra ~= "" then
+ conf_file[#conf_file + 1] = extra
+ end
+ end
+ local sectionlines = {}
+ local section = ""
+ for l in string.gmatch(file, "([^\n]*)\n?") do
+ -- find section name
+ local a = string.match ( l, "^%s*%[%s*(%S+)%s*%]" )
+ if a then
+ if (search_section == section) then break end
+ section = a
+ elseif (search_section == section) then
+ sectionlines[#sectionlines + 1] = l
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(sectionlines, "\n")
+function set_section (file, search_section, section_content)
+ if not file or not search_section then
+ return file, false
+ end
+ search_section = search_section or ""
+ local conf_file = {}
+ if (fs.is_file(file)) then
+ conf_file = fs.read_file_as_array ( file )
+ else
+ for line in string.gmatch(file, "([^\n]*)\n") do
+ conf_file[#conf_file + 1] = line
+ end
+ local extra = string.match(file,"([^\n]*)$")
+ if extra ~= "" then
+ conf_file[#conf_file + 1] = extra
+ end
+ end
+ local new_conf_file = {}
+ local done = false
+ local section = ""
+ for l in string.gmatch(file, "([^\n]*)\n?") do
+ -- find section name
+ if not done then
+ local a = string.match ( l, "^%s*%[%s*(%S+)%s*%]" )
+ if a then
+ if (search_section == section) then
+ done = true
+ else
+ section = a
+ if (search_section == section) then
+ l = l .. "\n" .. (section_content or "")
+ end
+ end
+ elseif (search_section == section) then
+ l = nil
+ end
+ end
+ new_conf_file[#new_conf_file + 1] = l
+ end
+ if not done then
+ -- we didn't find the section, add it now
+ new_conf_file[#new_conf_file + 1] = '[' .. search_section .. ']\n' .. (section_content or "")
+ end
+ file = table.concat(new_conf_file, '\n')
+ return file, true