path: root/www/cgi-bin/mvc.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'www/cgi-bin/mvc.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 357 deletions
diff --git a/www/cgi-bin/mvc.lua b/www/cgi-bin/mvc.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 41aa9db..0000000
--- a/www/cgi-bin/mvc.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
---[[ Basic MVC framework
- Written for Alpine Configuration Framework (ACF)
- see for more information
- Copyright (C) 2007 Nathan Angelacos
- Licensed under the terms of GPL2
- ]]--
-module(..., package.seeall)
-mvc = {}
--- the constructor
---[[ Builds a new MVC object. If "module" is given, then tries to load
- self.conf.appdir .. module "-controller.lua" in c.worker and
- self.conf.appdir .. module "-model.lua" in c.model
- The returned .conf table is guaranteed to have the following
- appdir - where the application lives
- confdir - where the configuration file is
- sessiondir - where session data and other temporary stuff goes
- appname - the name of the application
- ]]
-new = function (self, modname)
- local model_loaded = true
- local worker_loaded = true
- local c = {}
- c.worker = {}
- c.model = {}
- -- make defaults if the parent doesn't have them
- if self.conf == nil then
- c.conf = { appdir = "", confdir = "",
- tempdir = "", appname = "" }
- end
- -- If no clientdata, then clientdata is a null table
- if self.clientdata == nil then
- c.clientdata = {}
- end
- -- If we don't have an application name, use the modname
- if (self.conf == nil ) or (self.conf.appname == nil) then
- c.conf.appname = modname
- end
- -- load the module code here
- if (modname) then
- c.worker = self:soft_require( modname .. "-controller")
- if c.worker == nil then
- c.worker = {}
- worker_loaded = false
- end
- c.model = self:soft_require( modname .. "-model" )
- if c.model == nil then
- c.model = {}
- model_loaded = false
- end
- end
- -- The magic that makes all the metatables point in the correct
- -- direction. c.model -> c.worker -> parent -> parent.worker ->
- -- grandparent -> grandparent -> worker (and so on)
- -- The model looks in worker for missing
- setmetatable (c.model, c.model )
- c.model.__index = c.worker
- -- the worker looks in the parent table for missing
- setmetatable (c.worker, c.worker)
- c.worker.__index = self
- -- the table looks in the worker for missing
- setmetatable (c, c)
- c.__index = c.worker
- -- ensure an "mvc" table exists, even if empty
- if (type(rawget(c.worker, "mvc")) ~= "table") then
- c.worker.mvc = {}
- end
- setmetatable (c.worker.mvc, c.worker.mvc)
- -- If creating a new parent container, then
- -- we are the top of the chain.
- if (modname) then
- c.worker.mvc.__index = self.worker.mvc
- else
- c.worker.mvc.__index = self.mvc
- end
- -- run the worker on_load code
- if type(rawget(c.worker.mvc, "on_load")) == "function" then
- c.worker.mvc.on_load(c, self)
- c.worker.mvc.on_load = nil
- end
- -- save the new self on the SELF stack
- if not SELF then SELF = {} end
- SELF[#SELF + 1] = c
- return c, worker_loaded, model_loaded
-destroy = function (self)
- if type(rawget(self.worker.mvc, "on_unload")) == "function" then
- self.worker.mvc.on_unload(self)
- self.worker.mvc.on_unload = nil
- end
- -- remove the self from the SELF stack (should be at the end, but just in case)
- if SELF then
- for i,s in ipairs(SELF) do
- if s == self then
- table.remove(SELF, i)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- -- remove packages from package.loaded
- if self["_NAME"] then package.loaded[self["_NAME"]] = nil end
- if self.model and self.model["_NAME"] then package.loaded[self.model["_NAME"]] = nil end
--- This is a sample front controller/dispatch.
-dispatch = function (self, userprefix, userctlr, useraction)
- local controller = nil
- local success, err = xpcall ( function ()
- if userprefix == nil then
- self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller, self.conf.action =
- parse_path_info(ENV["PATH_INFO"])
- else
- self.conf.prefix = userprefix
- self.conf.controller = userctlr or ""
- self.conf.action = useraction or ""
- end
- -- If they didn't provide a controller, and a default was specified
- -- use it
- if self.conf.controller == "" and self.conf.default_controller then
- self.conf.controller = self.conf.default_controller
- self.conf.prefix = self.conf.default_prefix or "/"
- end
- local worker_loaded
- controller, worker_loaded = self:new(self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller)
- if not worker_loaded then
- self.conf.type = "dispatch"
- error(self.conf)
- end
- if controller.conf.action == "" then
- controller.conf.action = rawget(controller.worker, "default_action") or ""
- end
- local action = controller.conf.action
- -- Because of the inheritance, normally the
- -- controller.worker.action will flow up, so that all children have
- -- actions of all parents. We use rawget to make sure that only
- -- controller defined actions are used on dispatch
- -- If the action is missing, raise an error
- if ( type(rawget(controller.worker, action)) ~= "function") then
- self.conf.type = "dispatch"
- error (self.conf)
- end
- -- run the (first found) pre_exec code, starting at the controller
- -- and moving up the parents
- if type(controller.worker.mvc.pre_exec) == "function" then
- controller.worker.mvc.pre_exec ( controller )
- end
- -- run the action
- local viewtable = controller.worker[action](controller)
- -- run the post_exec code
- if type(controller.worker.mvc.post_exec) == "function" then
- controller.worker.mvc.post_exec ( controller )
- end
- local viewfunc = controller:view_resolver()
- -- we're done with the controller, destroy it
- controller:destroy()
- controller = nil
- viewfunc (viewtable)
- end,
- self:soft_traceback(message)
- )
- if not success then
- local handler
- if controller then
- handler = controller.worker or controller
- if handler then handler:exception_handler(err) end
- controller:destroy()
- controller = nil
- end
- if nil == handler then
- handler = self.worker or mvc
- handler:exception_handler(err)
- end
- end
--- Tries to see if name exists in the self.conf.appdir, and if so, it loads it.
--- otherwise, returns nil, but no error
-soft_require = function (self, name )
- local filename, file
- for p in string.gmatch(self.conf.appdir, "[^,]+") do
- filename = p .. name .. ".lua"
- file =
- if file then
- file:close()
- local PATH=package.path
- -- FIXME - this should really try to open the lua file,
- -- and if it doesnt exist silently fail.
- -- This version allows things from /usr/local/lua/5.1 to
- -- be loaded
- package.path = p .. "/?.lua;" .. package.path
- local t
- if posix.dirname(name) == "." then
- t = require(posix.basename(name))
- else
- t = require(posix.basename(posix.dirname(name)).."."..posix.basename(name))
- end
- package.path = PATH
- return t
- end
- end
- return nil
--- look in various places for a config file, and store it in self.conf
-read_config = function( self, appname )
- appname = appname or self.conf.appname
- self.conf.appname = self.conf.appname or appname
- local confs = { (ENV["HOME"] or ENV["PWD"] or "") .. "/." ..
- appname .. "/" .. appname .. ".conf",
- ( ENV["HOME"] or ENV["PWD"] or "") .. "/" ..
- appname .. ".conf",
- ENV["ROOT"] or "" .. "/etc/" .. appname .. "/" ..
- appname .. ".conf",
- ENV["ROOT"] or "" .. "/etc/" .. appname .. ".conf"
- }
- for i, filename in ipairs (confs) do
- local file = (filename)
- if (file) then
- self.conf.confdir = posix.dirname(filename) .. "/"
- self.conf.conffile = filename
- for line in file:lines() do
- key, value = string.match(line, "^%s*([^[=%s#]*)%s*=%s*(.*)")
- if key then
- self.conf[key] = value
- end
- end
- file:close()
- break
- end
- end
- if (#self.conf.confdir) then -- check for an appname-hooks.lua file
- self.conf.app_hooks = {}
- setmetatable (self.conf.app_hooks, {__index = _G})
- -- loadfile loads into the global environment
- -- so we set env 0, not env 1
- setfenv (0, self.conf.app_hooks)
- local f = loadfile(self.conf.confdir .. "/" .. appname.. "-hooks.lua")
- if (f) then f() end
- setfenv (0, _G)
- -- setmetatable (self.conf.app_hooks, {})
- end
--- parse a "URI" like string into a prefix, controller and action
--- return them (or blank strings)
-parse_path_info = function( str )
- str = str or ""
- local words = {}
- str = string.gsub(str, "/+$", "")
- for x=1,3 do
- words[#words+1] = string.match(str, "[^/]+$")
- str = string.gsub(str, "/+[^/]*$", "")
- end
- prefix = "/"..(words[#words] or "").."/"
- if prefix == "//" then prefix = "/" end
- controller = words[#words-1] or ""
- action = words[#words-2] or ""
- return prefix, controller, action
--- The view resolver of last resort.
-view_resolver = function(self)
- return function()
- io.write ("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")
- end
- io.write ("Your controller and application did not specify a view resolver.\n")
- io.write ("The MVC framework has no view available. sorry.\n")
- return
- end
--- Generates a debug.traceback if called with no arguments
-soft_traceback = function (self, message )
- if message then
- return message
- else
- return debug.traceback
- end
--- The exception hander of last resort
-exception_handler = function (self, message )
- print ("Content-Type: text/plain\n\n")
- end
- print ("The following unhandled application error occured:\n\n")
- if (type(message) == "table" ) then
- if (message.type == "dispatch") then
- print ('controller: "' .. message.controller .. '" does not have a "' ..
- message.action .. '" action.')
- else
- print ("An error of type: '" .. (tostring(message.type) or "nil") .. "' was raised." )
- end
- else
- print (tostring(message))
- end
--- create a Configuration Framework Entity (cfe)
--- returns a table with at least "value", "type", and "label"
-cfe = function ( optiontable )
- optiontable = optiontable or {}
- me = { value="",
- type="text",
- label="" }
- for key,value in pairs(optiontable) do
- me[key] = value
- end
- return me
-_G.cfe = cfe
-logevent = function ( ... )
- os.execute ( "logger \"ACF: " .. (... or "") .. "\"" )