path: root/awall
diff options
authorKaarle Ritvanen <>2013-02-08 07:19:34 +0000
committerKaarle Ritvanen <>2013-02-08 07:19:34 +0000
commitc609c91fe3b2640f4714360f1d93170b775e2171 (patch)
treec805a791c5b8e401f166f30134498a1e672bd2df /awall
parent8a4a82b055a101ae79cedbdd426d704f81654ab7 (diff)
overhaul of policy file handling
private policies which can be imported but not directly enabled show more information about policies with awall list -a, fixes #1467 override policy file paths using AWALL_PATH_* environment variables
Diffstat (limited to 'awall')
2 files changed, 101 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/awall/policy.lua b/awall/policy.lua
index 8633fb2..f9b023e 100644
--- a/awall/policy.lua
+++ b/awall/policy.lua
@@ -8,15 +8,14 @@ module(..., package.seeall)
require 'json'
require 'lfs'
-require 'lpc'
require 'awall.dependency'
-require 'awall.object'
+local class = require('awall.object').class
local raise = require('awall.uerror').raise
local util = require('awall.util')
-local PolicyConfig = awall.object.class()
+local PolicyConfig = class()
function PolicyConfig:init(data, source, policies) = data
@@ -59,102 +58,115 @@ function PolicyConfig:expand()
+local Policy = class()
-local function open(name, dirs)
- if not string.match(name, '^[%w-]+$') then
- raise('Invalid characters in policy name: '
- end
- for i, dir in ipairs(dirs) do
- local path = dir..'/''.json'
- file =
- if file then return file, path end
- end
+function Policy:init() self.enabled = self.type == 'mandatory' end
-local function find(name, dirs)
- local file, path = open(name, dirs)
- if file then file:close() end
- return path
+function Policy:load()
+ local file =
+ if not file then raise('Unable to read policy file '..self.path) end
-local function list(dirs)
- local allnames = {}
- local res = {}
- for i, dir in ipairs(dirs) do
- local names = {}
- local paths = {}
+ local data = ''
+ for line in file:lines() do data = data..line end
+ file:close()
- for fname in lfs.dir(dir) do
- local si, ei, name = string.find(fname, '^([%w-]+)%.json$')
- if name then
- if util.contains(allnames, name) then
- raise('Duplicate policy name: '
- end
- table.insert(allnames, name)
+ local success, res = pcall(json.decode, data)
+ if success then return res end
+ raise(res..' while parsing '..self.path)
- table.insert(names, name)
- paths[name] = dir..'/'..fname
- end
- end
+function Policy:checkoptional()
+ if self.type ~= 'optional' then raise('Not an optional policy: ' end
- table.sort(names)
- for i, name in ipairs(names) do
- table.insert(res, {name, paths[name]})
- end
- end
+function Policy:enable()
+ self:checkoptional()
+ if self.enabled then raise('Policy already enabled: ' end
+ assert(, self.confdir..'/'..self.fname, true))
- return res
+function Policy:disable()
+ self:checkoptional()
+ if not self.enabled then raise('Policy already disabled: ' end
+ assert(os.remove(self.confdir..'/'..self.fname))
-PolicySet = awall.object.class()
+local defdirs = {
+ mandatory={'/etc/awall', '/usr/share/awall/mandatory'},
+ optional={'/etc/awall/optional', '/usr/share/awall/optional'},
+ private={'/etc/awall/private', '/usr/share/awall/private'}
-function PolicySet:init(confdirs, importdirs)
- self.autodirs = confdirs or {'/usr/share/awall/mandatory', '/etc/awall'}
- self.confdir = self.autodirs[#self.autodirs]
- self.importdirs = importdirs or {'/usr/share/awall/optional',
- '/etc/awall/optional'}
+PolicySet = class()
+function PolicySet:init(dirs)
+ local confdir = (dirs.mandatory or defdirs.mandatory)[1]
+ self.policies = {}
-function PolicySet:loadJSON(name, fname)
- local file
- if fname then
- file =
- else
- file, fname = open(name, self.importdirs)
- end
- if not file then raise('Unable to read policy file '..fname) end
+ for i, cls in ipairs{'private', 'optional', 'mandatory'} do
+ for i, dir in ipairs(dirs[cls] or defdirs[cls]) do
+ for fname in lfs.dir(dir) do
+ local si, ei, name = string.find(fname, '^([%w-]+)%.json$')
+ if name then
+ local pol = self.policies[name]
- local data = ''
- for line in file:lines() do data = data..line end
- file:close()
+ local path = dir..'/'..fname
+ if string.sub(path, 1, 1) ~= '/' then
+ path = lfs.currentdir()..'/'..path
+ end
- local success, res = pcall(json.decode, data)
- if success then return res end
- raise(res..' while parsing '..fname)
+ local attrs = lfs.attributes(path)
+ local loc =':'..attrs.ino
+ if pol then
+ if pol.loc ~= loc then
+ raise('Duplicate policy name: '
+ end
+ if dir == confdir and pol.type == 'optional' then
+ pol.enabled = true
+ else pol.type = cls end
+ else
+ self.policies[name] = Policy.morph{
+ name=name,
+ type=cls,
+ path=path,
+ fname=fname,
+ loc=loc,
+ confdir=confdir
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
function PolicySet:load()
- local policies = {}
- local function require(name, fname)
- if policies[name] then return end
+ local imported = {}
+ local function require(policy)
+ if imported[] then return end
- local policy = self:loadJSON(name, fname)
- policies[name] = policy
+ local data = policy:load()
+ imported[] = data
- if not policy.after then policy.after = policy.import end
- for i, iname in util.listpairs(policy.import) do require(iname) end
+ if not data.after then data.after = data.import end
+ for i, name in util.listpairs(data.import) do
+ require(self.policies[name])
+ end
- for i, pol in ipairs(list(self.autodirs)) do require(unpack(pol)) end
+ for name, policy in pairs(self.policies) do
+ if policy.enabled then require(policy) end
+ end
- local order = awall.dependency.order(policies)
+ local order = awall.dependency.order(imported)
if type(order) ~= 'table' then
raise('Circular ordering directives: '..order)
@@ -164,7 +176,7 @@ function PolicySet:load()
local source = {}
for i, name in ipairs(order) do
- for cls, objs in pairs(policies[name]) do
+ for cls, objs in pairs(imported[name]) do
if not util.contains({'description', 'import', 'after', 'before'},
cls) then
if not source[cls] then source[cls] = {} end
@@ -188,55 +200,5 @@ function PolicySet:load()
- return, source, util.keys(policies))
-function PolicySet:findsymlink(name)
- local symlink = find(name, {self.confdir})
- if symlink and lfs.symlinkattributes(symlink).mode ~= 'link' then
- raise('Not an optional policy: '
- end
- return symlink
-function PolicySet:enable(name)
- if self:findsymlink(name) then raise('Policy already enabled: '
- else
- local target = find(name, self.importdirs)
- if not target then raise('Policy not found: ' end
- if string.sub(target, 1, 1) ~= '/' then
- target = lfs.currentdir()..'/'
- end
- local pid, stdin, stdout ='ln', '-s', target, self.confdir)
- stdin:close()
- stdout:close()
- assert(lpc.wait(pid) == 0)
- end
-function PolicySet:disable(name)
- local symlink = self:findsymlink(name)
- if not symlink then raise('Policy not enabled: ' end
- assert(os.remove(symlink))
-function PolicySet:list()
- local imported = self:load().policies
- local res = {}
- for i, pol in ipairs(list(self.importdirs)) do
- local name = pol[1]
- local status
- if self:findsymlink(name) then status = 'enabled'
- elseif util.contains(imported, name) then status = 'required'
- else status = 'disabled' end
- table.insert(res,
- {name, status, self:loadJSON(name, pol[2]).description})
- end
- return res
+ return, source, util.keys(imported))
diff --git a/awall/util.lua b/awall/util.lua
index 5676f1d..4360198 100644
--- a/awall/util.lua
+++ b/awall/util.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,20 @@ See LICENSE file for license details
module(..., package.seeall)
+function split(s, sep)
+ if s == '' then return {} end
+ local res = {}
+ while true do
+ local si, ei = string.find(s, sep, 1, true)
+ if not si then
+ table.insert(res, s)
+ return res
+ end
+ table.insert(res, string.sub(s, 1, si - 1))
+ s = string.sub(s, ei + 1, -1)
+ end
function list(var)
if not var then return {} end
if type(var) ~= 'table' then return {var} end