diff options
authorAndreas Steffen <andreas.steffen@strongswan.org>2013-03-30 08:11:10 +0100
committerAndreas Steffen <andreas.steffen@strongswan.org>2013-03-30 08:11:10 +0100
commitb02bdc1e06ab9c584bebd40a55876ad93f96febd (patch)
parent14bf3cc1bd6dd6b175ebe7667769d3a24e01d346 (diff)
implemented publish_device_ip method
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/libcharon/plugins/tnc_ifmap2/tnc_ifmap2_soap.c b/src/libcharon/plugins/tnc_ifmap2/tnc_ifmap2_soap.c
index 4c9334dbd..da6dc6aa2 100644
--- a/src/libcharon/plugins/tnc_ifmap2/tnc_ifmap2_soap.c
+++ b/src/libcharon/plugins/tnc_ifmap2/tnc_ifmap2_soap.c
@@ -48,12 +48,22 @@ struct private_tnc_ifmap2_soap_t {
* SOAP Session ID
- char *session_id;
+ xmlChar *session_id;
* IF-MAP Publisher ID
- char *ifmap_publisher_id;
+ xmlChar *ifmap_publisher_id;
+ /**
+ * IF-MAP namespace
+ */
+ xmlNsPtr ns;
+ /**
+ * IF-MAP metadata namespace
+ */
+ xmlNsPtr ns_meta;
* PEP and PDP device name
@@ -87,12 +97,11 @@ METHOD(tnc_ifmap2_soap_t, newSession, bool,
tnc_ifmap2_soap_msg_t *soap_msg;
xmlNodePtr request, result;
- xmlNsPtr ns;
/*build newSession request */
request = xmlNewNode(NULL, "newSession");
- ns = xmlNewNs(request, IFMAP_NS, "ifmap");
- xmlSetNs(request, ns);
+ this->ns = xmlNewNs(request, IFMAP_NS, "ifmap");
+ xmlSetNs(request, this->ns);
soap_msg = tnc_ifmap2_soap_msg_create(this->tls);
if (!soap_msg->post(soap_msg, "newSession", request,
@@ -124,13 +133,12 @@ METHOD(tnc_ifmap2_soap_t, purgePublisher, bool,
tnc_ifmap2_soap_msg_t *soap_msg;
xmlNodePtr request;
- xmlNsPtr ns;
bool success;
/* build purgePublisher request */
request = xmlNewNode(NULL, "purgePublisher");
- ns = xmlNewNs(request, IFMAP_NS, "ifmap");
- xmlSetNs(request, ns);
+ this->ns = xmlNewNs(request, IFMAP_NS, "ifmap");
+ xmlSetNs(request, this->ns);
xmlNewProp(request, "session-id", this->session_id);
xmlNewProp(request, "ifmap-publisher-id", this->ifmap_publisher_id);
@@ -142,6 +150,100 @@ METHOD(tnc_ifmap2_soap_t, purgePublisher, bool,
return success;
+ * Create a publish request
+ */
+static xmlNodePtr create_publish_request(private_tnc_ifmap2_soap_t *this)
+ xmlNodePtr request;
+ request = xmlNewNode(NULL, "publish");
+ this->ns = xmlNewNs(request, IFMAP_NS, "ifmap");
+ xmlSetNs(request, this->ns);
+ this->ns_meta = xmlNewNs(request, IFMAP_META_NS, "meta");
+ xmlNewProp(request, "session-id", this->session_id);
+ return request;
+ * Create a device
+ */
+static xmlNodePtr create_device(private_tnc_ifmap2_soap_t *this)
+ xmlNodePtr node, node2;
+ node = xmlNewNode(NULL, "device");
+ node2 = xmlNewNode(NULL, "name");
+ xmlAddChild(node, node2);
+ xmlNodeAddContent(node2, this->device_name);
+ return node;
+ * Create an ip-address
+ */
+static xmlNodePtr create_ip_address(private_tnc_ifmap2_soap_t *this,
+ host_t *host)
+ xmlNodePtr node;
+ char buf[BUF_LEN];
+ node = xmlNewNode(NULL, "ip-address");
+ if (host->get_family(host) == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ chunk_t address;
+ int len, written, i;
+ char *pos;
+ bool first = TRUE;
+ /* output IPv6 address in canonical IF-MAP 2.0 format */
+ address = host->get_address(host);
+ pos = buf;
+ len = sizeof(buf);
+ for (i = 0; i < address.len; i = i + 2)
+ {
+ written = snprintf(pos, len, "%s%x", first ? "" : ":",
+ 256*address.ptr[i] + address.ptr[i+1]);
+ if (written < 0 || written >= len)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ pos += written;
+ len -= written;
+ first = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ snprintf(buf, BUF_LEN, "%H", host);
+ }
+ xmlSetProp(node, "value", buf);
+ xmlSetProp(node, "type", host->get_family(host) == AF_INET ? "IPv4" : "IPv6");
+ return node;
+ * Create metadata
+ */
+static xmlNodePtr create_metadata(private_tnc_ifmap2_soap_t *this,
+ xmlChar *metadata)
+ xmlNodePtr node, node2;
+ node = xmlNewNode(NULL, "metadata");
+ node2 = xmlNewNode(this->ns_meta, metadata);
+ xmlAddChild(node, node2);
+ xmlSetProp(node2, "ifmap-cardinality", "singleValue");
+ return node;
METHOD(tnc_ifmap2_soap_t, publish_ike_sa, bool,
private_tnc_ifmap2_soap_t *this, ike_sa_t *ike_sa, bool up)
@@ -153,9 +255,26 @@ METHOD(tnc_ifmap2_soap_t, publish_ike_sa, bool,
METHOD(tnc_ifmap2_soap_t, publish_device_ip, bool,
private_tnc_ifmap2_soap_t *this, host_t *host)
- /* send publish request and receive publishReceived */
- /* return send_receive(this, "publish", request, "publishReceived", NULL); */
- return FALSE;
+ tnc_ifmap2_soap_msg_t *soap_msg;
+ xmlNodePtr request, update;
+ bool success;
+ /* build publish update request */
+ request = create_publish_request(this);
+ update = xmlNewNode(NULL, "update");
+ xmlAddChild(request, update);
+ /* add device, ip-address and metadata */
+ xmlAddChild(update, create_device(this));
+ xmlAddChild(update, create_ip_address(this, host));
+ xmlAddChild(update, create_metadata(this, "device-ip"));
+ soap_msg = tnc_ifmap2_soap_msg_create(this->tls);
+ success = soap_msg->post(soap_msg, "publish", request,
+ "publishReceived", NULL);
+ soap_msg->destroy(soap_msg);
+ return success;
METHOD(tnc_ifmap2_soap_t, publish_enforcement_report, bool,
@@ -180,8 +299,8 @@ METHOD(tnc_ifmap2_soap_t, destroy, void,
if (this->session_id)
- free(this->session_id);
- free(this->ifmap_publisher_id);
+ xmlFree(this->session_id);
+ xmlFree(this->ifmap_publisher_id);